Chapter 261 Destroying the New Murloc Pirates

“A group of frogs at the bottom of the well, it is estimated that the Four Emperors have never heard of anything.” Altaïr sneered.

With a slight wave of his right hand, a thousand long swords shot down from the air.

Pusao slams through a thousand people, the mutineers, the murlocs.

All fell to the ground and wailed and screamed, and half of them died without even the action of thrusting.

The eldest prince Wang Xing did not dare to speak, he was too strong and was shocked.

Tsunade steps forward and sings — Armament Haki wraps her arms again, the blue Armament Haki, plus Conqueror’s twist, and her Chakra power.

There are so many Conqueror’s in the whole group that the exposure makes the whole world speechless.

Carlo has Conqueror’s Haki, Medusa has it, Altaïr has it, Tsunade has it, and Darius has Conqueror’s.

But when Rayleigh directed their use of Conqueror’s, Medusa and Altaïr were still in their second stage, and Darius was still in their first stage.

But Tsunade Conqueror’s employs the genius, and has been able to use Conqueror’s, Conqueror’s winding in the fourth stage, just like Carlo.

Tsunade punched again to the left, and the cadre Dharma turned into a shooting star.

Erina and the others watched.

“Sister Tsunade’s power is unscientific.” Mikasa was shocked.

Women “have always been underpowered, Tsunade sister is a hundred times stronger.” Kuina praised.

“Just like Tsunade’s body, it explodes.”

“What about this?” Black-bellied Robin asked.

“Progress, seven kilometers.” Medusa counted.

“That’s a double bang.” Tsunade wrapped Haki with both hands at the same time, and Doss and Ou Shuangsu flew together!

The two of them sprayed blood and flew out five kilometers.

The four cadres of Hody Jones’ new fish-man pirate group have all become sky-high guns.

All that was left were the thousands of trash fish shivering in place, and their boss, Hody Jones.

Altair waved the long knives densely packed in the sky.

“Devil! Devil!”

Run “Ah! Run! That woman is the devil!”

On the top floor of the cafe, Mrs. Shyarly looked over while smoking a cigarette: “What a lunatic, dare to provoke the Carlo Pirates, is Hordy Jones courting death?”

Hody Jones was still standing in the same place: “You… what’s your situation as a human? Look at recruiting fishman karate and hitting water!

Hody Jones is a real frog in the bottom of the well. He was arrogant on The fish men island because the Sun Pirates were not there. His combat effectiveness was only equivalent to the pirates who offered a reward of 200 million.

With a blow of anger, the water jet slammed into Tsunade.

The back of his hand gently patted to the side, the water column turned 90 degrees, and it was easily blocked. Tsunade was wrapped around his feet this time by Conqueror’s: “Fantastic power, super painful feet!”

Tsunade’s power is too terrifying, this is the result of her recent practice.

Tsunade’s training moves have the effect of imitating Shock Fruit, and incorporates Tsunade’s own characteristics.

The difference is that Shock Fruit can cover a large area and has a large wavelength.

Tsunade’s move is basically a single-click break, the smaller the range, the more prominent the power, and the distance in the air cannot exceed 300 meters.

The current maximum blasting range is 30 meters.

In the farmland, the new murlocs were still in the group of trash fish seeing the earth, and the earth shook with huge shock waves of rock formations.

You – the explosion of sand waves, the 500-meter ground sags into a 30-meter crater.

The members of the new fish-man pirates around Hody Jones have all become fish patties.

“Sister Tsunade, stop hitting the surrounding buildings.”

“You’re the only one left.” Tsunade really cleaned up, and it was estimated that after a series of fifty punches, the whole The fish men island was gone first.

Hody Jones looked behind him, the four cadres were gone, the two hundred core younger brothers were gone, and all the thousands of fish’s men were killed by Altair.

“Damn it, even if it’s just me, I’m going to dominate…

Tsunade stepped on his feet, and his figure flickered away.

Afraid of destroying the surrounding commercial streets.

Hody Jones still wanted to resist, but couldn’t keep up with Tsunade.

The power of the storm lifted him up.

Tsunade stands below: “Serial punch!”

Twelve punches in one second.

All hit all the bones and joints out of Hody Jones’ body.

The bones of Hody Jones were shattered, spinning 3600 degrees in the sky, hitting the ground, turning into a pool of ooze, and screaming in pain as the bones shattered.

[Tsunade, Comprehensive Combat Strength Assessment: 9771]

With the continuous practice and learning of new moves, Tsunade is not far from Wanzhan.

When Jinbei arrived with the Sun Pirates, Prince Shark had already tied up all the rebellious murlocs and cleaned the surrounding Bloodline.

“To mess with the Carlo Pirates is completely out of our control.

The terminally disabled Hody Jones was handed over to Jinbei. Now his activities are more painful than death. In addition to being able to speak and think, he can only wait for his internal organs to quickly collapse and die. The wounds are all prepared, and they are all broken inside.

Tsunade is very experienced, and deliberately left Hody Jones a breath, this kind of villain, probably knows something, and keeps it useful for interrogation.

And Tsunade has heard Carlo say this name, regardless of her usual drunkenness, Tsunade who can act as a Hokage, has a certain way of doing things.

Change to Altair and Medusa, and cut them into sashimi directly.

The interrogation was very easy.

Shaoxing brought Tsunade and the others into the palace with the welcoming team, Jinbei followed behind with Hody Jones, and the cause of Princess Otohime’s death had to be announced. It was this beast who killed Princess Otohime and led the charge to humans.

Banquet at noon.

Neptune announced that the death of Princess Yiji was caused by Hody Jones. Hody Jones, who was full of blood, admitted that he was still scolding, and was reviled by tens of thousands of fish people and demanded the death penalty.

At the banquet, a picture of King Neptune drinking with the Four Emperors Carlo was photographed as publicity.

Countless mermaids danced and feasted on the whole The fish men island.

Ga – Above the palace, a huge axe spun and flew past, locking on the target and leaving.

Passing directly above the palace, it goes straight to the hard shell tower at the rear of the palace.

(Mo Qian Zhao) Both Altaïr and Medusa felt it.

Looking at Carlo, Carlo waved his hand, indicating that they would not care, they continued to eat and drink.

“Prince, Princess Shirahoshi’s hard-shell tower is over there, right?”

“Yes, Boss Carlo, please, Boss Carlo, please save my sister. My sister has been suffering for ten years.”

He patted the Shark Star Prince on the shoulder: “I usually practice more, see you guys, I can’t deal with this role, I’ll answer when I go.”

See another weapon flying from a distance.

Carlo leaps over.

Floating in the air: “Air, guide me, the attack trajectory just now.”

The element unicorn, the word of the king.

Suddenly, in front of Carlo’s eyes, the flight path of Van der Deacon IX’s weapon formed a faint silver light in the air.

Carlo rode to the wind and flew along the trajectory: “I see where you can hide, you dirty mouse.”

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