Chapter 264 Brand new system upgrade, the ultimate ten tasks

Carlo took less than a year to reach the level of strength beyond Admiral.

Even against Big Mom or Kaido, Carlo himself has a seven-point chance of winning.

In terms of systematic evaluation, if the perfect score is 100%, Carlo has achieved 98 points among the owners.

Generally, it takes three to five years to improve to the level, Carlo uses strength, brain, and luck to improve to the level in one year.

However, it is more difficult to achieve such a combat power if it is more powerful.

Every little bit of improvement requires more comprehension, absorption and cultivation.

Otherwise, a strong man like Kizaru Admiral would not be lazy to cut his nails when he has nothing to do, and it is not easy to improve.

But “490” Carlo is different. He has another way, that is, the system.

[Name: Otardi Carlo offers a reward of 3.555 billion Berry.

[Fruit: Divine Beast Species Divine Yuan Qilin][Element unicorn form] Naturally all elements are borrowed, different environments, different elements that can be commanded, up to ten nuclear explosions.

[Beast God Kirin Form] The body is ultimately improved, and the body constantly absorbs all things and converts it into lasting power.

[Top Seen Colors, Premium Armed Colors, Premium Conqueror’s)

[Movements: Concentration and Imprisonment, Yuying Mantra, Soul of Shura…)

[Ability: Listening to the Voice of All Things, Appearance of Charm, Appearance of the King, Eye of Destruction

[Comprehensive combat strength: 14333][System Points: 20]

Carlo has been practicing for a month, and his combat power has increased by 30 points, which is not bad. He has also developed a lot of fruitful moves.

The color of seeing and hearing was developed by Carlo to the highest level, and it is the top of both transparency and perception.

The system can help improve.

“However, with my current strength, even if I take the special-grade culture medium, the improvement is very small.”

For the top-level culture medium, the price of points is only 500.

“Ding–Sign-in system upgrade is complete, please click to confirm Host Carlo.”


Carlo glanced at it, Shirahoshi was already asleep on the bed, and it was okay to receive the reward here.

Shirahoshi is now an obedient little girl. If you say help her check her body, she probably believes it.

–The system is upgraded, the Host Carlo is confirmed, and the new ten ultimate sign-in items are activated.

“Please make Doflamingo Ostrich move and sign in”

“Please occupy a territory, and wickedly occupy the kingdom princess, sign in”

“Please spit out the blood of BIGMOM and sign in”

“Please smash Shanks face and sign in”

“Please kneel down and admit defeat, and call you the strongest, sign in”

“Please and twenty people who are extremely loyal to you and have a combat rating of more than 7,000, sign in.”

“Please arrive at the legendary island of Raftel and sign in”

“Please tie the Five Elders to the post and sign in”

“Please get the faith of a million people, sign in”

“Please let all Celestial Dragons fear and collapse, sign in”

–Ten check-in tasks are started, and scores and rewards will be automatically obtained after completion. Hosts are requested to complete more than eight check-in tasks within three years.

If not completed, the system will leave and seal most of the Host’s power.

If completed, the host will be fully qualified to become the king of the plane, the system will leave the eternal reward and leave the host.

Carlo touched his chin, the difficulty is not very high, and he only needs to complete eight items.

Some challenges for him, but Carlo is still very confident.

“So this is the test of my acquisition system?”

–Complete the system upgrade, trigger ten ultimate check-ins, you will get the [system upgrade package] now open,

Click to open.

[Get: 2000 system points][Get: 5 Fallen cells, worth 1500 points 1

[Get: 2 bottles of top physique culture medium, worth 1000 points][Acquisition: Comparable to 2 handles of the supreme sword weapon spirit, worth 1200 points

[Get: 2 Mechanical Eagles, worth 400 points][Get: 1 bottle of Zoan·Ancient Seed Fruit Upgrade Liquid, worth 400 points

[Acquisition: 14 bottles of advanced physical culture medium, worth 3500)

A total of 10,000 points were awarded. Fortunately, there are not many things in Carlo’s system space, otherwise it would not be enough.

Top-level physical culture medium Carlo took it first and tried it out. Even if it was an advanced culture medium, Carlo didn’t feel that it was very obvious, but his body’s hardness and strength increased.

After two bottles, the combat power evaluation only reached 14990.

And the effect of the last two bottles was significantly weakened.

5.8 If you get the culture medium again, give it to them.

The two white bodies of light are weapon spirits, and as long as they are injected into the weapon, that weapon can evolve into a sharpness comparable to that of a supreme knife.

Mechanical eagle birds, blue birds, I don’t know if they thought they were real birds, they could tie the letter to their legs and send them to their destination. They didn’t have any means of attack, but they flew very fast and were solar powered machines. , able to send letters at ultra-high speed.

Carlo rolled over and looked out the window.

“The system has also been upgraded. The Carlo Pirates gather and set off for the New World!”

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