Chapter 266 Brother Ming started to act and landed on the Iron Island

The dark clouds were completely shaken by the high heels of Nuoqi’s wings.

Blue and crystal green feathers, a huge phoenix-like body, and three tails, showing white, green, and blue rays of light.

Crystal light, beautiful body.

“This…is…what kind of phantom beast!

“Like a phoenix.”

“So beautiful, sister!” Nami shouted.

“It’s not the phoenix, it’s the sky.” Carlo could see the data.

[Nuoqigao, Cang Qiong, Comprehensive Combat Strength Assessment: 5271)

The combat power is doubled, worthy of being the fruit of the phantom beast, and in a short period of time, with the development of the fruit’s ability, there can be a lot of improvement.

“it’s beautiful.

“Noki is tall and beautiful.”

Everyone shouted below, and Nuoqi flew up and down in the sky excitedly.

The phoenix is ​​a symbol of flame, and the sky is a symbol of rain, a magical existence that can summon wind and rain, and can make life grow.

Nuoqi fell down and changed back to human form, and the whole person’s demeanor and honor became more noble.

The complexion has become whiter.

“Carlo, thank you.”

“What do we say thank you.”

The New World sails, and the news of Carlo’s trip to the New World has spread.

Heroes from all walks of life, pirates gather in New World, and the wind is surging.

And Carlo deliberately made Melis public, and he had one piece of red history text and seven pieces of blue history text.

When the aunt saw the news, she was almost killed by the nut pie card, Kaido was swallowed by the wine, the red-haired face smiled wryly, and the Five Elders slammed the table angrily.

Carlo’s behavior is Chi Guoguo’s provocation.

Tell him publicly that there is.

Anyway, the goal and task are to educate the three emperors, Carlo is a real man, just in front of him, come and grab it if you want.

It’s a pity that the mission didn’t make Sengoku vomit blood.

When Sengoku saw the news, he couldn’t sleep well for several days.

Dressrosa, Donquixote Family Office.

Brother Ming got the latest black market news.

“What? That damn Carlo is heading to the Iron Island? Damn…”!”

Under the red eye sockets, Brother Ming’s eyes narrowed into a line, and he was now clearly hostile to Carlo.

Laosha’s incident is one, and Enel snatched his transport ship once near the Isle of Thunder.

He also couldn’t do anything about Enel, the island of thunder was too dangerous, and the more people there were, the more dangerous it would be.

Many pirate groups only dare to be on the edge of the island with magnetic force, and leave immediately when the magnetic force is enough.

Brother Ming crushed the information, and he sent Bellamy to try to infiltrate Carlo’s big fleet and failed.

Absolutely “Can’t let this Carlo discover my base.” Brother Ming picked up the phone bug.


“Yes, young master!”

“You go to the Iron Island now, and don’t let Carlo discover our secret base!”

“Understood! Young Master.

“I will let Monet and Vergo cooperate with you.”

Pika’s piercing shrill voice: “You don’t need Young Master, the Iron Island is my strongest place, no one can compete with me there, don’t worry Young Master.”

“If Carlo doesn’t find out, let him go there, and I will find a way to let him enter the psychedelic Mysterious Island.

Seeing is believing, hearing is false. Brother Ming’s perception of Carlo’s entire ship’s strength is still in Summit War, and the follow-up battles are all blown out by the news agency.

He knows the newspaper too well, and the old bird Morgans often does this kind of thing, unscrupulous for news hotspots.

“Carlo, if you dare to touch my things, you will pay the price.

Brother Ming didn’t look at the top left corner of the crushed newspapers, those newspapers were all hot news.

Pika immediately gathered his army of spades, namely Paramecia·Blast Fruit Ability Gladius, Paramecia·Zhu Zhuan Fruit Ability Buffalo, Paramecia·Weapon Fruit Ability Baby-5, and Bellamy Assemble.

“Damn it, Carlo, will arrive at the Iron Island in a few days.”

“That damn Carlo:” Bellamish’s last performance was a disgrace.

“Isn’t Carlo the powerful new Four Emperors?” Buffalo was visibly scared.

As for baby-5 smoking a cigarette next to her, as long as she is not asked, she is a normal person for the time being.

“What are your plans, Pika?” Gladius looked at him.

“Young Master entrusted me to deal with Carlo. This is a big step for us to make Young Master become One Piece.”

Brother Ming didn’t even think about it, and took the initiative to provoke Carlo, as long as Carlo didn’t discover his secret base.

Brother Ming is smart and brainy, but his subordinates are deficient in calcium, iron and zinc.

Pika pointed to the newspaper: “Look, there are eight historical texts on Carlo’s ship.

Several people were looking at the newspaper.

“The main text of history is to become One Piece, you must have this thing.

They don’t even know that the historical text still needs Nico Robin to translate.

“This is a good opportunity for us to perform, understand? In the Iron Island, it’s our territory.”

Both Gladius and Bellamy nodded.

Baby-5 won’t reject anyone, and that’s it.

“Go, Iron Island, clean up that Carlo.”

Brother Ming was still very attentive and informed Monet and Vergo, after all, their secret base was next to the Iron Island.

“Don’t worry young master, we will handle it carefully.

On the oceans of the New World, Carlo is on their six-day journey.

“Carlo, we have seen the island.” Nokigao shouted from the lookout.

Carlo and the others immediately took out their binoculars and saw a huge island with gray-black stripes and two affiliated islands nearby.

This “island looks scary, the color.” Conis swallowed.

“Nami, is the pointer pointing at that island?

“Yes, are the islands of the New World so terrifying?”

The island of Thunder scared Nami and the others, and this dark-gray island looks bad.

[Manuo’s] “It’s okay, there is a port!” Nuoqi looked high.

“You can still see a lot of boats parked, but they look scary.”

Approaching, I saw that there is a port on Noh Island, and there are twenty or thirty ships docked, including two pirate ships.

“There’s no problem if you have a boat.” Metheus jumped down and took the lead: “This ground is so hard, just like Iron Body.”

The Wing of Lingfeng is docked.

Everyone jumped off.

Nami and Carlo walk behind.

“Carlo, many of these ships are cargo ships, unlike ordinary merchant ships.” Nami whispered.

“I see it, let’s go and land on the island first.”

Landing and standing on the island: “This island is full of iron stone and iron sand, could it be that iron island?”

Carlo smiled. No one knew what the secret was here. When Carlo landed on the island, he had already thought that there must be someone who likes to wear a pink coat.

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