Chapter 276 Arrive at the mysterious island, the temptation of the historical text

baby-5 go and help me clean the room.

“baby-5 to help me dry my clothes.”

“baby-5, are you a weapon fruit? Come and learn from me.”

“Little Fifth Sister, follow me to the warehouse to sort out the guns.”

Along the way, baby-recognized by 5 people”, originally only Carlo four knew.

The people on both sides of Medusa and Tsunade certainly don’t know.

She worked hard for half a day, and she was very happy when you called her to do things.

More excited than you, hard working.

Although the fighting strength is in the Carlo Pirates, it is also a line stronger than Metheus.

But being able to learn from each other, to cook, to do laundry, and to do housework is almighty.

Erina Nakiri is a chef, but basically does not do any work other than a chef.

Now that she has her, she is indeed a combatant and a maid.

Tsunade, in particular, is very fond of baby-5.

Everyone is not interested in playing with Tsunade, but baby-5 asks her, she is very enthusiastic to play with him.

And there is an attribute with Tsunade, Tsunade is a big fat sheep, baby-5 small lambs.

Oh my god, how could Tsunade win by a third?

Carlo was dumbfounded.

Monet also played Tsunade on board for a while: “Isn’t a third normal?”

Nuoqi grinned: “You don’t know, Tsunade’s chance of winning is 2.3%, and the volatility is less than 1%.”

And such a low stable gambling luck?

Monet was smart and immediately stared at baby-5: “I didn’t expect that your luck is so bad.”

Under the extremely poor luck of baby-5, he was able to combine Tsunade with a winning rate of 30%.

You think, whoever Tsunade plays with, she loses in the end, and it gets boring over time.

Carlo even tried to lose by cheating forcibly, occasionally making Tsunade happy.

But with baby-5, Tsunade was happy like a teenage girl.

Tsunade:???? Mother offended you???

To Monet’s surprise, she and baby-5 were extremely comfortable on the Carlo boat.

“Is this the Four Emperors Carlo’s group? The rumors are powerful, free, and very human, but I didn’t expect it to be true…”.

According to the map information, they are already rocky rock, and the current is heading towards the two islands.

“Monet, how far are we from Dressrosa?”

“There are still two days left at the current speed.

On the way, I met other pirates, and when I saw the flag of the Carlo Pirates, I ran around in fright.

She has been holding a pair of telescopes, looking for it purposefully: “There is an island over there, and there seems to be something on it.

She pointed to the northeast.

Nuoqigao also heard the news and looked over: “Isn’t it a small island? There is a layer of mist around the island.

“Noqigao, what do you see in the middle of the island?”

The unicorn pulled its right hand, and a screen appeared on the deck: “Super long-distance lock display.

Scanning to the mysterious island, everyone can see that the fog surrounding the island is very thin, and it just rotates around.

Under the blessing of unicorn high-tech, it can be seen vaguely.

“That wouldn’t be the historical text, would it?”

Brother Ming is very cunning, induced by language, induced by the lives of Monet and baby-5, and finally used the fact that Carlo has Robin by his side.

Other pirate groups may not be very interested in seeing the historical text, after all, no one can understand it.

But the Carlo Pirates have Robin, an archaeologist, the only person in the mainland who can understand the text of history.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to use the lives of his subordinates, and put the historical text that was to be given to Kaido on this island.

Carlo is sure to hit.

“Dareus, turn right and drive over to have a look.”


Baby-5 looked at the island and took a cigarette. Her heartbeat was fast. After two days of getting along, everyone did not regard her as an enemy, and they needed her very much.

For the entanglement in the heart, it is completely written on the face.

You can really see that on the hillside of the island, not far from the hillside where you landed on the island, there are blue historical texts covered by a few big trees.


The master stood behind Carlo.

Don’t look at Tsunade’s usual giggling, familiar and obscure, in fact, she is always vigilant at all times, just when baby-5’s expression changes, she immediately realizes that something is wrong.

“There may be an ambush on this island, and that innocent girl is very tangled.

“Let’s be careful. Brother Ming is very cunning. The historical text can indeed tempt us.”

Because of the system mission, Carlo also needs to reach Raftel.

He gave Medusa a look, and pressed his right hand on Altair’s shoulder.

The two women understood, and the surface did not fluctuate, but they showed a high degree of vigilance.

“Really the text of history.

“I didn’t expect to see it here.”

“Monet has good eyesight.”

The Wing of the Wind is close to the coast.

“There won’t be any traps or beasts on the island? They’ll bite us into pieces.” Robin joked darkly.

“Sister Robin, are the beasts Carlo scary?” Nami laughed.

“Of course not, Carlo will turn people into ooze.”

When Robin said this, Nokigao, Nami, Conis, and Erina Nakiri blushed.

As direct as Robin said.

“It’s okay, let’s be careful.”

“I went to the sky to look around.

The Wing of Lingfeng broke through the mist and saw, this island.

The most powerful three people’s experiences and colors are covered.

“No one?” Carlo wondered.

Originally thought that Brother Ming would arrange an ambush here, just like Pika.

Arranging block groups? This is most likely, but at least not visible.

Docked, looking at the island, flowing water flowers, almond trees, it seems very normal. (Lee’s)

“The unicorns stay on board.

Carlo kept a guarantee, in case there was something he couldn’t detect, the unicorn could use mechanical support.

Monet jumped down first and stepped on the beach: “Let’s go, read the historical text, or have dinner before we set off.”

“There seems to be fruit on the island.” Metheus looked at the woods in the distance.

Nakiri Erina gave him a punch: “Don’t you remember the lesson of eating poisonous poison last time? Wait with me, don’t pick it up.”

Carlo and the others also came down, and the island looked exactly the same.

“Is it overthinking?” Carlo also fell down.

There is still a few feet away to reach the historical text position.

“Baby-5 stay on board, too,” Monet said.

“No, I’m now the maid of the Carlo Pirates.”

Baby-5 jumped down, actually counting the time as he passed through the mist that surrounded the island.

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