Chapter 285 This is the Four Emperors Carlo Pirates

Darius rushed in, and spun and slashed to the ground.

Run? Ruthless iron hands, all pull over.

Kill the Quartet! Grab the axe with both hands and slash violently.

Brush–blood splattered, and all the pirates who surrounded him were cut in half.

But there are still hundreds of people besieged.

“There is a flaw!” A gust of spear pointed behind Darius.

“Holy bow and arrow!” An arrow of light shot from the sky.

Passing through thirty meters, the captain of the forty-sixth division was instantly killed by the goddess beast, along with the left and right pirates.

The people around Darius Fei gave a thumbs up to the celestial beast in the sky.

The goddess beast transformed, with eight wings spread out and flew in the air.

Monet also heard about the Carlo Pirates, a cat ate the fruit of a human being, and it turned out to be true.

Lan showed a surprised expression.

Looking up at the sky, Nuoqi fanned the giant eagle high, and stepped on the giant eagle.

The goddess beast set up the bow and arrow again, poof–

Hundreds of meters away, it ran through the pirates behind Nami again.

“Big Burning Charcoal Grill!

The whole ship 23 burns, and Nakiri Erina unleashes flames on Macande’s ship.

“How can this woman have the same fruit as the third captain Danny Rose!”

“There is nowhere to run.”

The whole ship was in a sea of ​​flames, and Makandai was still being stepped on by Nuoqi in the air. The four or five hundred people in the whole ship were basically trash fish.

Nami and baby-5 are going to the ship of the 44th Division, and Scarlett has been beaten by her sister.

The eldest lady likes to chop melons and vegetables, and Nami, the little thief cat, also likes to pinch soft persimmons.

“Lei Ling Blast!”

Boom – The ship building exploded, a hundred people screamed and were killed by Nami in one move, and the entire hull almost cracked.

It can be seen that the power of the Six Soul Soul Stick is huge.

The pirates took out their muskets and shot Nami wildly.

Now the little thief cat Nami, the strength should not be underestimated.

In particular, the system is skilled and terrible, and dodging bullets is no problem.

“Go to hell!” baby-5 kicks the guy on the left who shoots.

Leaping back to Nami’s side, the pirate who climbed up from the sea behind him and wanted to sneak attack was killed by the goddess.

Nami only had to deal with more than 300 people of integrity.

I saw baby-5 turned into a Gatling, and Nami picked it up and faced the front.

go to hell!”

Da Da Da Da Da Da Heavy Machine Gun Gatling Shooting!

The pirates that rushed in front were all beaten into plugs.

Baby-5 transforms again and becomes a rocket launcher.

Nami hit the front with a shot: “Mortal Heat!”


Kuina and Mikasa, two jumping figures.

Board the ship and land: “Sakura flowers scattered!

Killing more than 50 people in seconds, the blade and sword qi are all deadly positions.

“I, Kuina, the sword of the Carlo Pirates, will wipe out all enemies for Carlo, and I will never tolerate it!”

Kuina was holding her knives.

“Break the mountain!” John Nero ran like a gust of wind.

[John Nero, Comprehensive Combat Strength Assessment; 5799]

Kuina backhanded, when — blocked Nero John’s powerful blow.

“Nani?” John Nero was shocked, what power does this woman have?

Looking at the slender and beautiful woman, he turned his back to block his attack.

Backflip and leap to dodge, opening a distance of twenty meters.

John Nero looked at Kuina with a knife in both hands, and just saw that this woman is a swordsman.

“I’m the Golden Lion, captain of the twenty-first, and the swordsman Nilojohn of the Mountain!”

Kuina is facing him.

“Carlo Pirates, fighting member swordsman, fifth generation descendant of Shimotsuki family, moonflower swordsman Kuina!”

Duel etiquette of swordsmen.

Mikasa didn’t care about this side, the three-dimensional motor device around his waist sprayed out a hook lock, hung on the observation deck, and landed directly behind the cabin in a crowded place.

Armament Haki wrap.

The eyes glowed red.

“Ghost Mighty!

If it is a ghost, she is now like a female devil, rushing into the enemy line and slashing wildly.

Flesh and head flew around, and after spinning and slashing, they flew up to the second floor.

The thirty people below were all cut off.

“Kina, just leave these guys to me.

This – the sound of piercing arrows.

The three pirates who pushed the cannon, and several nearby guys were penetrated by sacred bows and arrows.

Mikasa looked at the sky in the distance and gave a thumbs up to the celestial beast.

The celestial beast covers Darius, Mikasa Kuina, and Nami Nakiri Erina, and supports them with holy bows and arrows at any time.

On the other hand, Tsunade was also dispatched.

Robin followed.

Jump 100 meters and land on the pirate ship in the shape of a bull’s head.

“The beautiful girl who actually came to the door will die for Laozi, Laozi is the captain of the twenty-ninth division of the Golden Lion fleet, Hercules Wengers!”

With a body of five meters, it ran like a giant bull, and the hull was shaking with every foot.

“Bengshan Fist!”

Tsunade stood there smiling, the green windbreaker shaking behind him.

The right hand squeezed the fist: “Compared with strength, I have never been afraid of anyone, strange force!”


Heavy punches, face-to-face, Wengers collapsed from the fist face, to the forearm, to the arm in an instant.

The force of the violent explosion rushed away, and the keel of the hull left, almost splitting into two under the power of this punch.

“Captain Wengers!”

“Wingers was killed!”

“This woman is so scary!”

Robin then flew up: “Sister Tsunade, don’t rush in too much.

“I know, the Robin ship is up to you now.” Tsunade smiled and jumped directly to the other ship.

Robin frowned: “You are the most troublesome.

“That strange woman is gone, go here!

“Clean up 507 her!”

Go to die “Go!” The rest of the pirates rushed up, thinking that Robin was easy to bully.

She crossed her hands and activated her fruit ability: “Twelve Flowers, Bone!”

Sixty people grew arms from their necks, breaking the necks of these pirates. As for those who approached, Robin also kicked them away with her long legs.

The current Robin gymnastics is also under the training of Carlo and has been practiced.

“It’s so strong, how sacred is the Carlo Pirates? Why is everyone so strong!” Lan widened her eyes and exclaimed her inner thoughts.

She saw that Kuina used a black mandala, slashing with a flash of sword, to kill John Nero, and she trembled as she watched.

Seeing that Nuoqi Gaotian smashed the opponent with one enemy and two, and now spreads the sky, no one comes to fight.

Nami and baby-5 have taken out a boatload of people.

As for Nakiri Erina, she was already facing the second pirate ship, separated by dozens of meters.

You can shoot any bullet, I, Nakiri Erina, will transform my body into an element, and my musket will be useless.

Then she, facing the ship.

“Fire Fist! Fire Fist! Fire Fist!”

Three punches down, no matter what kind of super pirate ship you have, it will be smashed and burned.

Originally thought that only Carlo, Tsunade, and Altaïr were strong, but unexpectedly, the whole ship was strong.

Even navigators and cooks can fight like this.

Monet stood at the bow of the boat: “This is the Carlo Pirates, the Four Emperors Carlo Pirates with super-fast rise and terrifying strength.

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