Chapter 299 Victory over Roger, Carlo Pirates Victory

The Ice Age first froze the entire fragmented island.

Plus the absolute freezer freezes again.

Even if Roger wants to open this ice castle-like mysterious ice, it will not be broken within half a minute.

All the moves that Carlo can mimic, the more familiar they are, the more powerful they are, but they are always within his strength.

Moves that are beyond their ability will be reduced to within the ability range when they are used.

Frozen the whole island–

“The last resort!”

Behind him is the shadow of Fujitora Admiral.

“Elemental Fujitora Hell Brigade!

Gravity Blessing – Increase the gravity of the entire island by a hundred times.

The sea broke open, and the entire island of the ice castle sank in an instant.

“what happened?”

“What trick did the kid use?”

“Island, the island is sinking.”

Accelerating again, the island completely fell under the sea “520”, and the sea engulfed the island and completely covered it.

Carlo flies in the air unaffected, but Roger is kept on the island.

“Hahaha, Carlo is so funny, so Roger loses.”

While the other people’s expressions were still in shock, Tsunade smiled.

Whether it is swordsmanship, Haki, or physical skills, Roger is very strong in all aspects, and he is also rough-skinned and very durable.

Normally, it is necessary to decide the winner and loser. If the two of them don’t show the absolute hole cards at the bottom of the box, they may not be able to tell the winner for two or three days.


Kozuki said the rules from the beginning.

Comatose, falling into the sea, surrendering, and losing combat effectiveness are all directly counted as losses.

Carlo has figured out how to deal with Roger from the very first game.

I know you are tough, and I know you are strong.

Normally, it is not easy to hit you into the sea, but Carlo directly destroyed the entire island, causing the entire island to be swallowed by the sea.

The island is still sinking, and Carlo will sink to the level of buoyancy if he doesn’t lose the gravity of his moves.

Maybe the new The fish men island will appear.

Of course, the island has been shattered to Roger’s strength.

It takes up to two minutes to chop up the island and swim up.

“Carlo won One Piece!” Robin smirked happily.

Noochy tallied her.

For now, the two have the closest relationship, after all, with Carlo on a special level, but several others may be coming soon.

Continuous use of Mimicry is equivalent to using a mysterious move.

Carlo wiped the sweat from his forehead: “When Kozuki, did I win this game?”

The people of Roger’s regiment were still quiet, and they didn’t expect the captain to lose.

Looking at Carlo, this guy is too scary, using four big moves in a row.

It caught Roger off guard.

“It’s Carlo, you won.”


“Win!” Dilumon hugged Conis.

“We won the Roger Pirates, and we’ll blow it for a lifetime.” Nami smiled.

“Won the Roger Pirates.

“Master Carlo is too powerful.” Altair added: “However, there are not many people who know this deed.”

Medusa stood beside her: “To lower the change of history, are you here to erase their memory?

“Erase is impossible, but when I go back, I discussed with Carlo last night that the memories of those who have come into contact with us will be sealed in time and space.”

“It is equivalent to taking a shovel and burying the memory in soil.

“Yes. Those who have contact with Carlo in this group will have this memory sealed, and I will set it in three years. Rayleigh, Jabba, the ship doctor, and the redhead.”

This “minimizes historical change, and we disappeared for a few years. After Roger disbanded his pirate group, they all disappeared, and no one believed we existed.”

“After all, I was defeated, so I’m too embarrassed to say it.” Tsunade came over with a drink and drank it.

But the power of Altaïr’s seal is not perfect, maybe they will remember it later.

But by then it was already Carlo and they went back to the original timeline.

However, there are certain changes as well.

For example, the island that floats up again.

It became Wang Zhan Island, and many people from the Roger regiment lived here later.

For example, the Golden Lion with his head on the rudder, he always remembered a Carlo, and he even heard rumors that the Carlo Pirates and the Roger Pirates were in charge.

How did he hear about it? Years later he had a cellmate” named Douglas Bullet.

Of course that’s a later story.

There was a change at the bottom of the sea, and Carlo had already lost his strength.

And heard two slashes.

Breaking out of the sea, Roger jumped out soaking wet: “Smother me!”

Floating on the sea, holding a knife in his right hand and wiping the seawater on his face with his left hand: “Okay!”

Roger’s boat passed immediately, and Rayleigh laughed on the boat: “Hahahaha, Roger, you lost…

“What? I lost?”

Roger leaped aboard, gasping for breath.

“Yes, the rule is that if you fall into the sea, you will lose.”

Roger blinked and pointed into the air: “Carlo, you kid is boring!”

Carlo floated down: “We are in a hurry and we have to go back to Hualin Island, so we can’t call you for two or three days.

“Hahaha, well, you win.” Roger could afford to lose.

Carlo gives a thumbs up.

Rayleigh said: “It’s almost noon, we’re all going to the island over there to rest and talk about it.

“no problem.”

It was obvious that Rayleigh had the best relationship with them, and Rayleigh took the initiative to speak up.

Carlo flew back to his own ship, both of which were heading towards the island where the .. Bullet smashed the crater.

The people on Roger’s side went to the shore and waited.

“You win. Search whatever you want, just search at will.” Roger said.

“My cabin has to be girls,” Kozuki said.

After all, Roger was the only woman on board.

“Don’t worry, I can search by myself, don’t get on the boat when Kozuki, your fruit power will make it difficult for me to find it.” Altaïr came over.

Saw Altaïr jumping on the boat and going looking for items.

Seeing Carlo and Roger’s group talk and laugh.

“It’s too powerful, the Carlo Pirates are simply not comparable to the strength of the young master.” Monet said to himself.

“May 8, you may not know, Dressrosa is our goal, and we are going to establish a Four Emperors station there.” Nuo Qigao came over.


“You may not participate.”

“I don’t really want to face the young master.”

“I’ll suggest to Carlo, you set up a pirate group, and then garrison the Iron Island, you are familiar with it.”

Monet nodded.

Lan facing everyone in the Carlo Pirates, she is now extremely shocked, shocked by the strength of the Roger Pirates, and even more shocked by the powerful strength of the Carlo Pirates.

She is only the strongest swordsman in the village, but she has not improved in five or six years.

Both her father and grandpa said she was a genius.

But by comparison, I now know that I am not at all.

“Found it!” Altaïr came out with a small box.

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