Sign in to the Heavenly Master Palace, the Downhill Is Invincible

Chapter 138: The person who wants to see Xu Cheng is Daojun Zhangfeng!

"Hehe, I thought it was Junior Brother, but I don't want to, it's Senior Uncle..."

Seeing Xu Cheng leaving with Yue alchemy teacher, Yu Siyou smiled.

The higher Xu Cheng climbed and the farther he walked, he naturally followed to gain, and he ascended to heaven.

These days, Xu Cheng's unfathomable alchemy cultivation base has completely convinced him.

The alchemists who were vying to become Xu's disciple glanced at each other, and looked away in embarrassment.

It's not even qualified to grab a disciple.

"Hey, it seems that I am waiting for one more junior brother." The Taoist White Beard who had opened eleven furnaces before turned and said: "I am going to hand over two furnaces as a celebration."

Shots are two big furnaces!

These two large furnaces can earn a lot of celestial crystals in one year!

Hearing what he said, the faces of the others were all stiff.

"Well, although I don't have a large furnace, it's okay to hand over one." Another fat Taoist smiled and said: "But I would like to take out the compilation of alchemy and share it with the new junior."

A big furnace, alchemy experience!

Several other people were busy talking, but after a while, they gave up seven large furnaces, and there were many experiences in cultivation and alchemy.

This makes Yu Siyou on the side very envious.

He is a little clear and enlightened.

Only when they reach the same class can they be regarded as one's own.

And to reach this class, many things that were previously unattainable are no longer important.

Just like these alchemy masters, no one mentioned the immortal crystals.

Because of that thing, vulgar.

Xu Cheng followed Master Yue to the main hall and saw two Taoists sitting in front of the small table, drinking tea relative to each other.

"Master, Xu Cheng brought it here."

Master Yue alchemy bowed to the head, and then turned to Xu Cheng and said, "This is my nineteenth alchemy in charge of Daojun, Yuxuanfeng Peak Master Yuhui Daojun, the nineteenth disciple."

"This is Yuxuanfeng's eighth alchemy in charge of the Taoist Lord, and the eighth disciple of Yuxuanfeng's peak master, Su Bo, a fellow."

Two Taoists.

Xu Cheng stepped forward and bowed and said, "Xu Cheng has seen two Taoist monarchs."

After speaking, he stood upright.

Su Botong looked at him curiously and looked up and down.

It was the first time that Taoist Yuhui saw Xu Cheng, and he couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

"Yes, really good." Subo showed emotion on the same face.

"Yeah, no wonder, tsk tsk..." Yuhui said with a smile on his face.

Master Yue Dan stood by and sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, as long as you have the ability, it is popular everywhere.

It seems that Xu Cheng is stable as his junior.

I don’t know if Xu Cheng’s aptitude is so strong that even Su Daojun from the eighth pill room will compete for it?

He was a little curious.

"Master Wu Sheng eightfold, full of energy, good state." The same sentence from Subo made Master Yue alchemy's eyes widen.

Wu Sheng Yae!

This Xu Cheng was actually Wu Sheng Yae!

Wouldn't it be a triple level higher than yourself!

With such a cultivation base, you can be an outer disciple who burns fire under your own hands?

He didn't know whether he was lucky or embarrassed for a while.

Before he turned his head, he heard Yuhui Dao humanely: "The bone age is less than fifty, and the character and aptitude are excellent. I am curious, how did the brother transfer his relationship to my Yuxuanfeng?"

Daoist Yuhui's words resembled thunder blasting on the head of Master Yue.

As a person who has been in the fairy palace for a long time, he knows what Xu Cheng's aptitude and cultivation level indicate.



The elite of the elite.

As long as you set foot in the realm of Daojun, you will immediately prepare for Daozi status.

How much preparation is there for the entire fairy palace?

Who is not the best?

Such a person actually managed the furnace by himself and burned the fire for three months...

"Junior Brother Su, Junior Brother Su——"

At this moment, a call came from outside the hall.

Su Botong laughed and stood up, turning his head to Yuhui Dao Jun said: "Look, isn't this the door?"

Daoist Sha Ke, the head of the Dongyu Piandian Hall, strode in.

"Oh, Junior Brother Su, I'm looking for you."

Taoist Shako didn't look squint, and walked directly in front of Su Botong and said: "Junior Brother Su, some of the documents you took away just now were filled in incorrectly. I went to the Teleportation Array to check it, and I will look for you quickly."

"Quickly hand over the paper to me, and I will revise it. Ashamed to say it, this is not a small omission."

While talking, he stretched out his hand to Subodon.

Subo looked at him with a smile on his face and didn't speak.

Daoist Shako turned his face with a trace of embarrassment on his face and looked at the others in the hall.

He first nodded to the afterglow on the side and smiled, then his eyes fell on Xu Cheng.

"You are Xu Cheng, don't worry, I have already punished those two disciples who deducted your immortal stone and tampered with your qualifications."

He said this lightly, and then said: "When I change your qualifications on the document, I will be able to return your inner doorway robe."

Xu Cheng nodded and said, "Thank you, senior."

Taoist Shake waved his hand and said: "Little things, little things, I blame Dongyu for doing things in the palace."

With that said, he stretched out his hand to Subotong again: "I will change the essay now."

"Haha, Brother Sha, it's rare for you to come to Yuxuanfeng, come, drink tea, drink tea." As he said, he pulled Taoist Shako over and passed the half cup of tea he had left over.

Taoist Sha Ke hurriedly said: "Junior Brother Su, business matters, business matters, and I will talk about it later..."

"Well, business matters." Subo nodded at the same time: "Then do business first."

Dao Sha Ke was overjoyed on the face, but listened to Su Bo and looked at Yu Hui Dao Humanity: "Brother, you lead Xu Cheng to see Master, this is a business."

Taoist Sha Ke opened his mouth, watching the Taoist Yuhui lead Xu Cheng, walked out of the hall, and headed to the top of Yuxuan Peak.

It took a while before he came back to his senses.

"Well, is Yuxuanfeng Lord Daoist who wants to see him?" Turning his head, Daoist Sha Ke looked at Su Botong and asked in a low voice.

"Of course, otherwise, what paperwork do you want when I'm full?" Su Botong chuckled, took out another cup, poured a cup of tea by himself, and began to savor it.

See you at the peak!

If that aptitude is true, and the peak master has a love for talent, it might not be impossible!

That is not inferior to the qualifications of preparing Taoism, just need to be well cultivated, maybe ten thousand years later, you will be a giant.

What are the competitions among the various sects of the spiritual world?



No, it's the inside story.

What is the background?

It is how many of the descendants of the sect can grow into a great power in the future.

This is the contest between the big sects.

Even, in order to cultivate younger generations, the major forces of all parties have also created a battlefield of a hundred races to sharpen those elite children.

"Junior Brother, you are drinking tea here, I remember, my Dongyu Piandian still has things to deal with."

Daoist Shako stood up, his figure flickered and disappeared.

Subo laughed loudly.

If Xu Cheng is really expected to prepare for Taoism, then Sha Ke has lost such a talent for nothing, fearing that he will make a big joke outside.

Last time, because of a dragon, he lost a big face in front of the elders in the outer at this time, will it be worse?

"Uncle, then, Xu Cheng, really the peak master..."

Master Yue alchemy still couldn't believe it until this moment.

"Xu Cheng?" Subbotong looked up at Master Yue: "This is the last time you call him like this."

Master Yue nodded.

Next time, I'm afraid I will call someone else's uncle.


"Master is still in retreat. You should see his phantom body later."

Ascending all the way to Yuxuan Peak, Yuhui Taoist asked: "Anyway, Master asks you something, you just answer it well."

As he said, he turned around and whispered: "Today's chance, you have to grasp it."

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