Time passed quietly, and before we knew it, it was the day when Tanjiro would participate in the final selection.

The two of them had basically spent the past two years in training.

In fact, only Tanjiro was a little tired. Li Xuan's physical fitness was no longer the same because of the sign-in. These hard trainings for ordinary people were just child's play for Li Xuan.

Signing in day after day led Li Xuan to almost get rid of all the wool of Urokodaki Sakonji. He had learned everything he should have learned, and even learned the mask carving and making techniques that he shouldn't have learned. His strength had entered the realm of the pillar early.

Some people may question this, but Li Xuan's sign-in is integrated, and there will be no unfamiliarity or unfamiliarity of strength. He also signed in with abilities similar to [Ghost Hunting Experience], so his strength is definitely at the level of a pillar.

During the training process, Urokodaki Sakonji had long seen Li Xuan's extraordinaryness, and was even secretly shocked by his outstanding talent. During his retirement and days as a trainer, Li Xuan could be said to be the most talented person he had ever seen.

Although Tanjiro's talent is also extraordinary, it is still much dimmer in comparison.

"Maybe only those children who became pillars in a few months can be compared." Urokodaki Sakonji always thought so from time to time.

After realizing that he had nothing to teach Li Xuan in the middle and late stages of training, the old man focused all his energy on Tanjiro, so Tanjiro's fatigue level rose sharply in the late stages, and he had to look at his unconscious sister several times a day to hold on.

In fact, Urokodaki Sakonji prefers Tanjiro, because after getting along with each other day by day, he has gradually figured out the temperaments of Tanjiro and Li Xuan, and deeply realized that Tanjiro has a firm belief in killing demons and is more suitable to be a demon-killing swordsman.

Li Xuan, on the contrary, has no belief to speak of, but Urokodaki Sakonji will not stop Li Xuan from becoming a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. No matter what, it is always good to be able to join the Demon Slayer Corps and make contributions.

Moreover, Urokodaki Sakonji also regards Li Xuan as a disciple, and is happy for his outstanding talent without any partiality.

Originally, Li Xuan could have participated in the final selection of the Demon Slayer Corps and become a glorious member of the Demon Slayer Corps. Urokodaki Sakonji also suggested it with his strength, but was rejected by Li Xuan.

He thought about being with Tanjiro, so that he would also be taken care of in the final selection.

Sakonji Urokodaki also agreed. As a trainer, most of the disciples he trained before did not make it through the final selection. They all died in it. Tomioka Giyuu was an exception among exceptions, so he hoped that his disciples could make it through safely.

The old man did not know that every disciple who died before was actually related to him.

Sakonji Urokodaki would give his disciples a mask before they set off in the hope that they would safely make it through the final selection, and the death of his disciples was also related to this mask.

On Fujiki Mountain, where the final selection took place, there was a multi-handed ghost that was much stronger than other ghosts on the mountain. This ghost was hunted by Sakonji Urokodaki before he retired. Because he remembered the mask that Sakonji Urokodaki carried when he hunted him, he always purposefully hunted people with similar masks every time he made the final selection.

Otherwise, in his many years of training career, it would be impossible for only a few people like Tomioka Giyuu to make it through the final selection.

You know, as a trainer, Urokodaki Sakonji's training ability is not bad. He is very strict and will not allow himself to teach people with insufficient strength to die. If it were not for the multi-handed ghost, there would be many more disciples who survived.

Because too many disciples died, Urokodaki Sakonji did not want to see any more children sacrificed in vain, and even deliberately prevented some disciples from participating in the final selection.

Li Xuan and Tanjiro performed well, and Urokodaki Sakonji would not prevent them from participating in the final selection, but Urokodaki Sakonji still gave them a difficult problem to cut off the big rock before participating in the final selection, but he believed that both of them could overcome this problem.

"Did you cut off the big rock?" Li Xuan, standing on the rubble, asked Tanjiro blankly.

Tanjiro opened his mouth wide, obviously still not recovered from the shock of Li Xuan's knife breaking the stone, until Li Xuan hit him on the head with the back of the knife, and then he came to his senses, "Not yet..."

Tanjiro tightened the knife in his hand, clenched his fist, and encouraged himself, "I can do it today!"


Oil." Li Xuan encouraged lightly, "Be like me!"

"Ahhh! I can't do it!" Tanjiro, who was very determined the moment before, immediately showed an expression full of "I can't do it".

"So I have to ask Mr. Tanjiro, the stove, to cheer for me."

"It's the stove door!"

When the two returned to the house, Urokodaki Sakonji had already cooked the meal. He saw Tanjiro, who had just entered the house, with a happy smile on his face, and couldn't help asking: "Did it succeed?"

"Yeah↑! Urokodaki teacher! I succeeded!" Tanjiro responded with a higher tone.

Li Xuan sat next to the small hanging pot for cooking, "We both succeeded. "

Although Tanjiro's process was difficult, he succeeded after all.

The souls of the two deceased predecessors, Satoshi and Makomo, really helped Tanjiro and helped him get through the rock. Li Xuan, who was watching from the side, was quite curious about the souls that could appear in this world and almost couldn't help but go up to play.

"Then we won't eat this tonight. To celebrate your passing through the difficulties, we'll have a hot pot dinner!" The old man, Urokodaki Sakonji, seemed very happy at the moment. His usually calm voice was a little different, and he couldn't stop smiling from under his Tengu mask.

"Great! "Tanjiro was also quite happy.

Li Xuan was of course also on the happy list. He hadn't eaten hot pot for a long time.

After filling his stomach, Urokodaki Sakonji took out two masks from his sleeves and handed them to Li Xuan and Tanjiro respectively.

The two reached out to take them.

"This is an evil-repelling mask. I cast a spell on it. It can protect you from disasters. I hope you will return safely."

"I will." The two said in unison.

After a long time together, Li Xuan couldn't help but have some feelings for the old man in front of him. He was very grateful for his care and for his behavior of wooling him.

He would not disappoint Urokodaki's expectations. After joining the Demon Slayer Corps, he would try his best to kill demons.

Not only because killing demons in the side quests can increase contribution points, but also because of the care of this former water pillar.

The next day, the two packed their bags and set off early. Under the watchful eyes of Urokodaki Sakonji, they gradually traveled far away.

"Teacher Urokodaki! My sister is in your care! Oh, right! Please thank Senato and Makomo-senpai for me!"

Tanjiro's distant voice came.

Urokodaki's face suddenly froze, and his eyes became complicated.

How did this kid know about the two dead children of Senato and Makomo?

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