The sound of a madman was heard, and the sound of a madman was heard.

This familiar voice was not the voice of a teammate!

Hearing this voice, No. 3 was the first to be startled and turned his head suddenly.

What he saw was a man he had seen in his memory.

Flat eyes, messy hair...

Uchiha Xuan!

"Why... why are you still alive!" No. 3 had an expression of disbelief on his face and couldn't help but step back a few steps.

Hearing No. 3's voice, No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4 reacted and looked at Li Xuan.

Then they also showed an expression of disbelief.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why is this guy still alive!" No. 2's pupils contracted violently and shouted loudly.

The fight just now had exhausted him physically and mentally... If it happened again, his body would definitely not be able to hold on...

"Maybe it was just a spent force, just bluffing..." Number One said calmly with an extremely gloomy face.

But his faintly trembling tone had already reflected his restless state of mind.

"He is indeed dead! What a joke!" Number Four turned his head and looked at the "corpse" whose head was embedded in the sand after being hit by him, and said fiercely.

"Yes, he is indeed dead." Li Xuan, who suddenly appeared beside them, said calmly.

"Then the dead man should die obediently!" Number Four roared, his body suddenly grew larger, and forced his body to return to the peak posture of his combat power just now.

The thick and white baby fist was swung out violently, bursting out the strength of the whole body, using the brute force of the Six Dao level, and suddenly smashed Li Xuan's head.

"So barbaric..." Li Xuan murmured while casually stretching out his palm to block Number Four's fist.

There was no leakage of fluctuations, and no other situation occurred.

He simply stretched out his palm to block the attack of No. 4.

The thick baby arms that looked like giants formed an extremely sharp contrast with the arms of ordinary people.

"What?" No. 2 and No. 1 were both surprised by this scene.

The power of No. 4's condensed fat into an individual can be said to be unmatched.

Why can it be taken so easily?

They couldn't understand.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Seeing that his attack was blocked so easily, No. 4 seemed even more furious and wanted to pull back his fist and hit again.

But he found that no matter how much strength he exerted, he couldn't retract his fist, as if it was completely fixed.

"Ah ... The next moment, the giant baby body of No. 4 suddenly flew into the air and slammed into the sand along the trajectory of Li Xuan's arm swing.

Although it was just an ordinary fall, No. 4 felt that his whole body seemed to be torn apart, and even the child's form was almost unable to maintain. It was as if endless pain was transmitted on his fat. The pain was so severe that he couldn't even make a sound, and could only curl up and endure it silently.

"It's quiet now." Li Xuan clapped his hands and said.

"I finally remembered... I remembered what I missed..." At this time, No. 3 looked at Li Xuan nervously and said.

"What did you remember?" Li Xuan looked at her curiously.

Number 3's expression fluctuated violently, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I saw in the black guy's memory space that when you entered the fighting posture, you were surrounded by eight black balls... In the battle just now... there were only four black balls around you... That was not you!"

"That was me." Li Xuan responded while walking to the body of his wooden clone, looking at the wooden clone with its head embedded in the sand and its neck and below exposed, then pinched his chin and said, "The chakra is all used up... You are so strong..."

As he said that, he also praised the hostile reincarnation.

The strength of the reincarnations such as Number 1 was indeed beyond Li Xuan's expectations, and this praise was indeed said.

In Li Xuan's view, his wooden clone has the combat power of the middle level of the Six Paths, and is already the top powerhouse in this world...

But he was still beaten like this by the opponent...

Compared to the general strength of the jonin at the beginning of his side, the hostile reincarnation is really outrageous.

If I wasn't here, the Reincarnationists on this side would be wiped out without even a scratch on the other side.

Li Xuan's praise didn't make No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 happy at all.

They all looked at Li Xuan with tense expressions.

Even teammate No. 4, who was in pain, did not dare to pay any attention.

"What on earth is that?!" No. 3 did not understand what Li Xuan meant and asked fiercely.

"Good question." Li Xuan snapped his fingers, and then a puff of white smoke came out of Li Xuan's "corpse" on the ground.

When the white smoke dissipated, a human-shaped piece of wood was revealed.

Then, Li Xuan waved at the wood and said, "This is the wooden clone."

No. 1 and No. 2 couldn't help sweating when they saw this scene, and their faces were horrified.

There was a vague chill in their hearts.

Such a powerful opponent...

The opponent that the team worked together to almost exhaust all their strength to defeat was just a wooden clone?

Such a result made them unbelievable.

"No, no, no..." No. 3 was obviously unable to accept this fact. His white hair was disheveled, and he shouted like a madman: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

"Why don't you believe it?" Li Xuan said as he split out a dozen wooden clones.

Appeared around him.

Then, he let the wooden clones enter the six-path mode.

After receiving the command, all the wooden clones slowly floated into the air, their skin turned white, feathers appeared, four seeking jades surrounded their bodies, black tin staffs appeared, and the ethereal breath emerged again.

Then, Li Xuan pointed at the wooden clones above who were looking down indifferently at the hostile reincarnations on the opposite side and said: "Look, is it exactly the same as the one you just beat."

This series of actions seemed very easy for him, just a casual act.

No. 1 and No. 2 did not respond, and remained silent, but their hearts were beating violently, and they felt like they were about to jump out of their bodies.

"" Number 3 looked up at the figures in the sky that were like gods, her eyes gradually dimmed, her body seemed to be powerless, and she collapsed on the ground.

She was desperate.

She gave up.

The opponent could easily make more than a dozen of the same opponents as before, so why resist?

What else can she do except wait for death?

Number 1 and Number 2 had the same reaction and gave up completely.

She waited for death.

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