The fresh aroma of the fried 5a-grade beef immediately spread out, which made people feel hungry.

Even the three judges on the judging panel were watching Mito Yumei's cooking process, looking forward to tasting the extremely delicious 5a-grade beef.

And Li Xuan seemed to have become a transparent person, and no one paid attention to him.

"The temperature is enough..." Mito Yumei pierced the fried beef with a disposable needle, and then felt the needle with her lips to judge the temperature inside the beef. After repeating it several times, she finally spoke.

It seemed that the cooking was almost done.

"That transfer student seems to have finished!" Suddenly, someone spoke.

Mito Yumei looked up suddenly, only to find that Li Xuan had already walked to the judges' table with three covered bowls in a basin.

He was faster than me?

As a meat expert, Mito Yumei seemed a little doubtful.

"Did you see what that guy did?" an audience member asked.

"I didn't pay attention..."

"I just saw that guy slightly mixed the sauce, then tasted it with his tongue a few times... and added a little something... and then poured the sauce on the meat and fried it casually and served it on the rice..."

There were still a few audience members who saw Li Xuan's cooking process.

"Is it that simple?"

"Isn't this a sure loss?"

An audience member expressed what everyone was thinking.

"Soma-kun..." Tadokoro Megumi's tone was a little worried, as if she thought that Soma Yukihira's expulsion was imminent.

"I will remember your contribution, Soma-kun." Konishi Hirokazu said with tears in his eyes.

"I believe in Li Xuan." Soma Yukihira looked at Li Xuan's back and said seriously.

“Please taste it.” Li Xuan placed three bowls of rice in front of the three judges.

“A dish made in a short time with discounted beef from a supermarket…” One judge frowned as he looked at the covered bowl.

If possible, he really didn’t want to taste this dish…

He still wanted to eat the 5a-level beef dish…

But out of professionalism, the three of them still opened the lid.

As the lid was opened… a burst of fragrance suddenly hit the nose!

“This is…” The three judges were moved and slightly put away their contempt.

The chef’s level is very good…

He can make this kind of fragrance…

Although it smells good… But think about the quality of the ingredients and the simple steps…


When the food entered their mouths, the three of them all made inexplicable cries.


Mito Yumei, who had already entered the final stage, couldn’t help but cast her eyes on the judges’ seat.

The three judges were like crazy, holding the mouth of the bowl against their mouths, shaking the spoon in their hands frantically, and putting mouthfuls of food into their mouths.

Until the bowl was empty.

Finally, they slumped in their chairs with a satisfied smile.

Why is it like this...

Could it be that the three judges' level is not good enough... Even this quality of food is delicious?

Mito Yumei was very puzzled, and brought three bowls of rice bowls made of 5a-grade beef to the judges.

"Please taste it! The 5a-grade beef dish... is absolutely different from the dish you tasted just now!" Mito Yumei shouted with an extremely confident smile on her face.

The three judges looked at each other, as if they were hesitating about something...

"Eat it..." One of the judges said.

Mito Yumei frowned.

Why does the tone sound like she is not willing to taste it...

The three judges opened the lid, and seemed calm under the taste impact of the 5a beef. They raised their spoons to scoop up the meat and rice and took a bite.

Then he put down the spoon and stopped tasting.


Seeing this scene, Mito Yumei was a little doubtful.

In the past, the judges would be very excited and eat a lot of their 5a-level beef dishes... Why now...

"Score it." One of the judges said.

The others nodded.

Without hesitation, they immediately pressed the scoring button.

The huge screen immediately showed the final scoring result.


An undisputed result.

"Is it really Mito who won?"

"No... it was that transfer student!"

The audience suddenly became noisy.

"That Mito actually lost? In the meat dish duel?"

"It's still 5a-level beef vs. supermarket special beef..."

The voices of disbelief kept ringing in the venue.

"Oh my! The final result was unexpected! Mito Yumei actually

But he didn't even get a single point! He lost the game in a crushing manner!"

The host's voice rang out one after another.

"Great!" Yukihira Soma said happily, "You are worthy of being Li Xuan!"

"Soma-kun doesn't have to drop out of school now..." Tadokoro Megumi said happily with a smile.

"Gaiken doesn't have to be disbanded!" As the leader of Gaiken, Konishi Kanichi was also very happy.

"I don't believe it! My 5a-grade beef dishes can't even beat the supermarket's special beef dishes!" Mito Yumei slapped her palm on the judges' table and shouted.

"Just try it." Li Xuan had long thought that Mito Yumei would have such an unbelievable reaction, so in order to convince the other party, he had prepared an extra portion.

He returned to the cooking table to take out the extra portion, and reached out to hand the rice bowl to Mito Yumei.

"But this dish is just made with low-grade beef from the supermarket... How can it be better than the dish made with my 5a-grade beef! ..." Mito Yumei kept saying stubborn words, but her body still honestly took the rice bowl handed over by Li Xuan, and looked at the beef and hot rice that continued to emit charming aroma, and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"How can it be..." Mito Yumei trembled and touched the meat with a spoon.

But she found that at the moment of touching, the whole piece of beef covering the rice suddenly fell apart.

One piece after another covered the rice.

As the beef fell apart, the prepared sauce and the juice of the beef itself swelled up. Dispersed, sprinkled on the rice, mixed and blended to emit a more intoxicating aroma.

Instantly, Mito Yumei's face flushed.

"How could it be... this knife skill..." Looking at the thin slices of meat that were closely connected, Mito Yumei couldn't help but be surprised.

Just now, it flashed by, as if nothing had been done...

Could it be that such a cut was completed in that instant...

It's so terrifying...

Mito Yumei felt that even if she practiced for another ten years, she might not be able to complete the operation of the other party.

"Taste it. "Li Xuan simply said these two words to Mizuto Yumei.

Mizuto Yumei didn't respond, she picked up a few slices of beef and rice and put them into her mouth.

Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!!!

Instantly, Mizuto Yumei's mind was filled with this simple thought.

Everything, everything, only these two words remained in her mind!

It was as if she had even been deprived of the ability to think.

She couldn't describe the taste that exploded in her mouth, the smooth and tender beef that was more noble than 5a grade, the indescribable sauce and meat with complex flavors layered and intertwined...

Only the thought of "delicious" remained in her mind.

The action reflected in her body was simply to finish the bowl of rice one bite at a time.

"Do you understand? Why did I win..." Li Xuan looked at Mito Yumei, who was sitting on the ground with a bowl in her arms, with a dazed look in her eyes, and asked with a gentle smile.

"Burp..." Mito Yumei was deeply immersed in the taste of the food. In response to Li Xuan's words, she simply burped with a full body.

"3 to 0! Li Xuan's big victory! The Donburi Research Club successfully retained!"

The host's final voice fell, announcing the victory of this food battle.

The winner is Li Xuan.

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