The regeneration of Nightmare's flesh and blood is also somewhat unusual.

In the original plot, Nightmare, who received Muzan's blood and merged into the Infinite Train, became more powerful, but he was also injured by Rengoku Kyojuro's fierce flames and could not regenerate again in a short time.

But now it is obviously not the case.

Not long after Rengoku cut off the flesh and blood tentacles, those flesh and blood tentacles regenerated and attacked the unconscious passengers.

"Breathing of Flame, One Type·Shiranui!"

It was still the same move.

Rengoku Kyojuro continued to move back and forth in the carriage at a very fast speed with flames, cutting off all the flesh and blood tentacles.

When he returned to Tanjiro again, he spoke directly and quickly: "There are eight carriages in this train. I will be in charge of the last five carriages. Can I ask two of you to protect the remaining three carriages and the customers in them, and the remaining one to find the neck of the evil ghost?"

"Ghost? But..." Tanjiro seemed a little confused about whether the ghost attached to the train had a neck.

"These flesh and blood are made by ghosts! Ghosts must have necks! Find and cut it off! I will also fight and search! You have to work harder!" Rengoku Kyojuro said seriously.

The moment he finished speaking, Rengoku's figure disappeared instantly.

"So fast..." Rengoku Kyojuro couldn't help but admire Tanjiro's sudden disappearance.

"So strong!" Inosuke was also a little shocked, "I wonder how it compares to that strong guy?"

He couldn't help but compare Rengoku with Li Xuan.

But as long as I defeat them, I will be the strongest! Hahahaha!

Inosuke couldn't help but think about it again.

"Ah... Why do I have to fight with demons as soon as I get on the train... Ahhhhh..." Agatsuma Zenitsu twisted his body as if he had turned into the famous painting "The Scream".

Then he grabbed Tanjiro's sleeve again, "Hey... Tanjiro, I want to see Nezuko... What if I die accidentally... I want to take a good look at Nezuko before I die!"

Every time they perform a mission, Tanjiro and Nezuko will not separate, but Miss Kocho Shinobu has not returned with Nezuko, so Tanjiro can only go on the mission alone.

Zenitsu had a withdrawal reaction of "I will die without Nezuko to see me".

"Zenitsu! Don't say that!" Tanjiro said earnestly, "You also heard what Mr. Rengoku said just now, Zenitsu, Inosuke, you protect the first three carriages and the unconscious passengers inside, I will go to find the location of the demon."

After the division of labor, Tanjiro directly pulled out the Sun Wheel Sword and cut the flesh on it, and jumped to the top of the train before the flesh healed.

The outside of the train is not covered with flesh and blood, so it will be much easier to find.

Tanjiro stood still, his nose twitching, using his sensitive sense of smell to find the location of the ghost.

Where... the smell of the ghost...

No... the wind is too strong... and the train is full of the smell of ghosts.

For a moment, he felt a little difficult.

"In front!"

The voice of Inosuke came from the flesh gap that was about to heal.

The front of the train?

Tanjiro knew that Inosuke had a move of the beast's breath, the Seven-type spatial perception, which could sense the location of the ghost. He had no doubt in his heart and rushed directly to the front of the train.

And inside the carriage of the Infinite Train.

Inosuke, wearing a wild boar headgear, waved two gaps in the sun wheel sword, and kept shouting "Pig Charge" and rushed towards the reborn flesh tentacles excitedly.

And Zenitsu, who was shrinking behind him, had no choice but to take out the sun wheel sword and follow.


How long has it been since the incident at the Spider Mountain......

Ah, it has been a long time since then.

Li Xuan used breathing techniques to hurry along the train tracks, his figure seemed to transform into thunder, leaving only strings of lightning on the road.

It didn't take long to solve the problem, but it took more time to hurry along......

It was like this last time at the Spider Mountain......

It won't be the same this time either.

Li Xuan thought.

Speaking of which... Chasing trains is really a tiring job.

Although the Infinite Train has only been running for a short time, it took Li Xuan a lot of time to rush from the headquarters to the Infinite Train station.

And the Infinite Train is always running, not

It was waiting for someone, so Li Xuan had to use breathing techniques to maintain a speed much faster than the train in order to catch up with the speeding infinite train in time.

It was really fast and furious.

Just when Li Xuan jumped off the track, the police officers at the train station wanted to catch him.

But when Li Xuan turned into a beam of light, they thought they saw a ghost.

It was still very tiring to maintain the breathing techniques for high-intensity movement. If it were other pillars, they would have collapsed from exhaustion.

But Li Xuan was different.

The physical fitness of the pillars he signed in with and the physical fitness of the ghosts were superimposed on his body, which could barely support him to do so.

But he would still be tired.

The full concentration of breathing techniques is a very difficult thing, which can be seen from the painful training of Tanjiro and others. And now Li Xuan's peak state of full concentration of breathing techniques at every moment of movement is completely another realm.


Right here!

Tanjiro swung the Sun Wheel Sword to cut off the iron sheet on the top of the car.

Then he saw a picture that surprised him.

A woman with long hair and a crazy look on her face was grabbing the head of a man who was about to merge into the bottom of the train.

Next to them, a train operator was huddled in a corner with a look of fear, trembling constantly.

The two in front of him were ghosts!

Tanjiro immediately judged.

Are the two ghosts in conflict?

Tanjiro's hand holding the Nichirin sword was a little hesitant, and he did not swing the Nichirin sword to cut the two ghosts immediately.

"What are you going to do!" The male ghost whose head was grabbed seemed very angry, and his feminine voice contained great resentment, "Lord Muzan has given an order, you can't do this!"

"He said he could kill." The female ghost looked horrible, the exposed red flesh and blood tissue on her hands and feet was shocking, her two eyes widened, staring at the male ghost's head.

"Lord Muzan..." The male ghost wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the female ghost.

"He said he could kill him." Then the female ghost grabbed the male ghost's head and began to exert force, as if she wanted to tear the head off.

"Ah ...

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