Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 102 Destroy the strange creatures! The 1 evildoer in the history of the human race! [Customi

The half-holy spooky creature died.

Killed in seconds!

All this makes the old god-king still feel like a dream to this day.

It's like dreaming!


It was the first time in his life that the old god king saw it.

A young man in a weak age, his cultivation is so powerful that it is close to the forbidden area of ​​the ancient sage.

this day.

The world view of the old god king completely collapsed and collapsed, turning into countless pieces of debris scattered on the ground.

"Only the year of the weak crown..."

"One-finger kills the semi-sacred and weird! 35

"What kind of terrifying monster is this?


The old god king's throat was dry and he was unable to speak for a while.

All this is happening right now.

It caused an unprecedented strong psychological impact on him.

He can be sure.

Looking at the history of the human race for millions of years, there will never be any examples of such monsters in front of us.

This is……

This is the only case in the world of evildoers in millions of years!

at this time.

Both the old god king and the big black dog stared at Su Xuanji in front of him with dull, shocking, and unbelievable eyes.

too strong!

Strong beyond imagination!

Even the bizarre creatures of the semi-holy series can't stop a move!

As you can imagine.

What an incredible strength this is!

under the eyes.

After Su Xuanji saw a half-sacred statue, the black mist around him also dissipated a lot, but it did not disappear completely.


In the dark fog, there are still many strange creatures hidden.


Since Su Xuanji instantly killed a half-sacred strange creature, these strange creatures did not dare to act rashly.

"Everyone has come, then "three six seven" don't leave."

Su Xuanji's eyes flickered.


As he turned his hands, the quasi-emperor qi burst out from his body.

Run the fighting method!

The world's number one killing technique has evolved into the sky of killing thoughts, with the terrifying momentum of destroying the dead, sweeping the sky and covering all areas in the surrounding area.

The monstrous murderous aura shot straight into the sky.

Killing thoughts are surging like a tide!

The shocking pressure emanated from Su Xuanji's body, and instantly spread to the audience.

An extremely terrifying aura of coercion swept through the strange creatures in the surrounding darkness and mist.

A wisp of quasi-emperor power suddenly descended into the world under the manipulation of Su Xuanji.

The terrifying supreme law descended, and the power qi that devastated the sky and the earth was derived.

A series of law lines were born like spider webs, surrounding the place where Su Xuanji was, and all around the sky were law lines hanging.

Every law pattern exudes extremely terrifying power!


Su Xuanji shot again.

Without hesitation!

Strike decisively!

Between raising his hand, a finger lightly tapped into the void.

The fingertips dropped gently.



The space twisted and wriggled, like a wave of waves suddenly set off on the calm lake surface, the rippling ripples spread wantonly, and ripples filled the space one after another.

This force is so powerful that the space trembles!

This space of heaven and earth cannot accommodate this extremely terrifying force, so it squirms wildly uncontrollably, almost breaking apart, annihilating and collapsing.

Like the ripples on the lake surface, an extremely terrifying force erupted in an instant, piercing the sky with lightning speed.

The slaughter is coming!

The air temperature plummeted.


The prestige of the quasi-emperor forcibly tore apart the void, and at a terrifying speed, penetrated into the dim fog that could not see five fingers around, with the momentum of destroying all things in the world.

The space was torn apart and bursts of high-pitched sounds erupted.



Like glass breaking and cracking, the harsh sound is particularly prominent.

When this quasi-emperor's might penetrated into the dim fog.

That moment.


As if the sky was torn apart, a loud bang resounded from the dim fog and spread in all directions.

Like thunder!


The dim black fog was forcibly annihilated by the blasting force, and the smoke that was destroyed on the spot disappeared, gradually disappearing into this space.

The power that is enough to shatter space and destroy the world...

Crush everything!

The ominous and strange aura substances were all forcibly annihilated by this force and turned into nothingness.


As the black fog in all directions disappeared, the whole picture inside was very clearly presented in Su Xuanji's eyes.

A bizarre creature with an ominous aura wrapped around its body, covered with a substantive killing intent, and gradually exposed to the sun.

Black smoke curled up, floating above the sky from their respective bodies.

They stared at Su Xuanji coldly and sternly, without any emotion, except for the murderous intent that wrapped around their bodies.

They have no emotion.

Don't know how to be afraid!


They didn't show any panic when facing Su Xuanji.

The whole body of a strange creature was black, as if it was formed by a long-dead corpse, and the body exuded a cold and incomparable aura.

Look around.

There are no less than thirty of this group of strange creatures!

The lowest level of cultivation has the realm of power!

The highest is the semi-holy!

Thirty strange creatures, only the last half-holy remains!

Originally there were two half-sacred and bizarre statues, but after Su Xuanji killed one half-sacred, only the last half-sacred and bizarre remains.

There are no less than ten strange creatures in the series of Dao Slayer Kings!

If this power can escape Zishan...

If nothing else.

Beidou, will be devastated!

The trillions of creatures in the Big Dipper will surely be wiped out by these thirty strange creatures!

Unless forcibly urging the emperor soldiers of the extreme way, let the emperor soldiers be born.

Otherwise, almost no one on the bright side of the Big Dipper would be able to shake these thirty strange creatures!

As such.

Before the Extreme Dao Emperor Armament was born, these thirty strange creatures could at least destroy most of the Eastern Wilderness and destroy countless ancient Dao lineages with long traditions.

The scariest thing is...

If they are infected by the ominous aura of these thirty strange creatures, those monks will lose their minds and become dominated dark creatures.

This is the most terrifying disaster!

"Finally willing to show up? 39

"I thought you were going to hide for the rest of your life.

Su Xuanji's expression was indifferent, and he was looking at these thirty strange creatures at will.

Less than twenty mighty oddities.

More than a dozen Dao Slashing Kings are weird.

A semi-holy spooky!

If it is placed outside...

This force is enough to sweep half of the Big Dipper!

In the absence of the Supreme Dao Emperor, this power can easily overturn a desolate family, or even an ancient holy land!


Inside Purple Mountain.

This power seems extremely humble.


In front of Su Xuanji.

This power seems insignificant.


The battle broke out suddenly.

Thirty strange creatures attacked Su Xuanji at the same time.

That half-holy bizarre take the lead in attacking!

A series of killing moves with an ominous aura all overwhelmed the sky and fell at Su Xuanji's body, almost wanting to tear up the latter's body on the spot.



These killing powers one after another even pulled some taboo mechanisms within Zishan.

The air is full of law lines.

Even if he were a human semi-holy monk, if he was faced with the current situation of Su Xuanji, he would definitely be in a hurry and be at a loss.

But Su Xuanji was always calm.

between hands.

Slap away.


The force of terror burst into the sky.

In an instant, all the power that fell on his body was slapped away by a slap.

"That's it?""

Su Xuanji smiled playfully.

As if being provoked by Su Xuanji, a group of strange creatures seemed a little irritable, and angrily launched a series of violent attacks.

One after another, the ultimate move that was enough to destroy millions of miles of territory, madly aimed at Su Xuanji and fell.

Every attack can be powerful enough to shatter millions of miles of territory!

Powerful horror!

Destructive power!

But in front of Su Xuanji, these so-called killer moves appear particularly vulnerable.

"never mind."

"I won't continue playing with you.

"The sooner you get rid of you, the sooner I can finish work."

Su Xuanji twisted his arm and moved his muscles a little.


A quasi-emperor killing thought erupted from his body.

Run the fighting method!

A quasi-emperor's killing intent to evolve the world's first killing technique!

Possesses terrifying power!

I want to destroy all living beings in the world!

A killing intent is like a wolf entering a flock, tearing apart the sky, and rushing into the group of these strange creatures at a terrifying speed.



Where the Emperor's Killing Thought has passed...

All the strange creatures died violently on the spot.

Killed instantly!

Without exception!

Even that half-sacred statue is weird, it cannot escape the tragic end of being killed on the spot by this quasi-emperor killing thought.

Under the killing intent of the Emperor.

Semi-holy, looks extra fragile and humble!

It's just a blink of an eye.

Thirty strange creatures, only a few ten are less than 0..

The numbers are still plummeting.

Still getting weaker!

The semi-sacred and strange, who had been the leader before, was the first to be obliterated by Su Xuanji's quasi-emperor killing intent, and completely dissipated in this world.

The dead can't die anymore.

Even these bizarre creatures, when faced with the absolute strength gap, will die simply and neatly, and there is absolutely no possibility of recovery.

In front of Su Xuanji.

They are fragile like a swarm of ants!

Not to die?

Here at Su Xuanji.

There is no such thing as immortality!

As long as you have enough power, you can naturally kill all the strange creatures with ease.

If it can't be done...

That can only be said.

Not strong enough!

That's all!

At the end of the day.

The reason why the strange creatures are described so terrifying is because the human race cultivator is not strong enough, and the terrifying side of the strange creatures is revealed.


Strange creatures are nothing more than that.


Thirty strange creatures were all wiped out.

All destroyed!

completely annihilated!

Su Xuanji was only one person at the snap of his fingers, and he manifested a wisp of quasi-emperor killing intent and killed all of them, leaving no one behind.

It was only a blink of an eye before and after, these strange creatures couldn't even stop Su Xuanji's killing intent.

As you can imagine.

The terrifying and strange creatures boasted by countless monks will also be vulnerable to Su Xuanji's absolute strength.

at this time.

Look everywhere.

There is no trace of the existence of any strange creature.

All strange creatures have been slain!

The environment here is restored to its original appearance.

Without the existence of strange creatures, the air temperature here gradually warmed up.

Quiet atmosphere!

No sound!

A group of bizarre creatures that could shake the foundation of the ancient family in the outside world were silently killed by Su Xuanji in the interior of Zishan.

If this is spread out.

The entire Beidou is bound to usher in an unprecedented sensation!

All of this is really too incredible.

After dealing with these strange creatures, Su Xuanji restrained a little, and the terrifying aura of coercion emanating from his body loomed.

Concentrating all his breath back into his body, Su Xuanji returned to his original appearance again.

It looks harmless!

Absolutely no one can see it.

It is such a young young man, but his body contains the terrifying power that is enough to collapse the stars and powder a life planet.

Even the well-informed Old God King was deceived by Su Xuanji's appearance.

until now.

After witnessing Su Xuanji's terrifying power, the old king suddenly woke up.


He has always been regarded as a young man who is the arrogance of the world.

There is a very high possibility that the other party is a supreme being whose cultivation has already reached the taboo domain 1.2 of the ancient saint!

Even at this moment, the heart of the old god king is still deeply shocked.

"An ancient saint in his twenties!

"What does this mean?

"Am I wrong?"

The old god king opened his mouth.

He took a closer look.

at last.

He still came to a very frightening conclusion.

The breath of life in this child's body is very strong!


He can accurately judge a point.

This child will never be over a hundred years old!

This conclusion made the old God King's shocked mood unable to calm down for a long time.

"Really a saint who is still in his weak crown!"

"A world-shattering monster who is only in his twenties, but is already standing at the top of the Big Dipper cultivator!

The old god king was greatly moved and gaffe.

Even if you start to practice in the womb...

Even if you have an extremely heaven-defying talent...

There shouldn't be such an example!

The old god king was puzzled.

Even if you want to break your head, you can't think of a reason.

Think before and after.

The old god king could only forcibly suppress the shock in his heart and silently make an evaluation in his heart.

"This son is the first evildoer of the human race for millions of years!"

"It is the first pride in the history of the human race!

"Even when the Great Emperor was young in the past, it was definitely far inferior.

Thinking of this, the old god king looked at Su Xuanji even more shocked.

This is a……

Compared with the emperor's youth, he is a world-shattering monster that is countless times more terrifying!

It can be called timeless!

Crown the world!

This is the only case in millions of years!.

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