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Chapter 197 The Buddha manifests the world! The gap between the 2 sides is too big? 【Customize】

Boundless Buddha Sea...

The Buddha's light prints on the sky.

The entire sky was rendered golden, and even the blazing sun hanging on the edge of the sky suddenly became a foil for this side of the Buddha's light.



Shine in the sky!

An incomparably terrifying figure of a Buddha hovered in the sky, standing like a living Buddha, with his eyes glaring at Su Xuanji below with anger and anger through the light of the Buddha.

Don't be angry!

An incomparably terrifying imposing pressure burst out from his body.

Thousands of miles around...

Everyone was completely swept away by this terrifying momentum.

This is the breath of the king of Xian San Zhan Dao.

It is more than ten thousand times more terrifying than the breath of the second great power.

A difference in realm, the change in strength brought about is simply earth-shaking.

A world of difference.

"Zero 27", as the king of Immortal Three Slashing Dao, is at least tens of thousands of times stronger than Kasyapa, who has only the cultivation of Immortal Two.


The unparalleled terrifying pressure is like a turbulent ocean wave, and a wave of airflow explodes and spreads, impacting every corner in all directions.

under this momentum.

All beings were trembling.

"What, what is this existence?

"So strong!

"It's like a living Buddha."

"Is an immortal Buddha descended? Such a sacred atmosphere..."


"It is the Buddha who manifested and descended into the world!

The disciples of the Ancient Sacred Sect and Sunset Gate were all crazy.

They looked up at the sky with shocked faces, and looked at the figures hovering above the sky in shock, the fear and shock in their hearts were infinitely magnified.

They had never felt such a terrifying aura.

This is the first time!

The imposing manner that surpasses the immortal two great powers countless times.

"What a terrifying aura..."

"It is far more terrifying than the coercion of Master Kasyapa, who has just reached the Immortal Second Great Power.

"Oh my God!"

"What is this existence?"

"What kind of terrifying existence can burst out such a powerful aura and oppressive force? 35

"I'm afraid it's not a Buddha who descended to the mundane world from outside the Nine Heavens?

Lots of talk.

All the disciples of the Ancient Sage Sect and the disciples of the Sunset Sect were almost dumbfounded.

There are endless speculations.

Seeing the terrifying momentum of Jialan's eruption, coupled with the holy Buddha's light sweeping in all directions, they all mistook him for a living Buddha.

This is also understandable.

without it.

The explosive momentum of Jialan was too terrifying.

It is also excusable that these disciples present would be regarded as Buddhas.

"Top powerhouse of Buddhism!""

"He must be the hidden powerhouse of Alan Temple.

"A great man has come.

"Is it for Master Kasyapa? Yes, it must be for revenge of Kasyapa."

"This time, the Divine Son of the Su family is in big trouble."

"If a terrifying existence comparable to a Buddha is angered, what will happen to the Su family's god son? I can't imagine it at all.

"Alan Temple is indeed the top temple in Western Desert Buddhism!"

"If you provoke Alan Temple, even the Su family godson will suffer."

"The son of the Su family is in danger!"

Thousands of disciples' lips trembled and whispered.

Together with the elders of the Ancient Sacred Sect and Sunset Gate, they also showed horror and shock.

Even if they have the cultivation base of Xianyi, they still feel a strong sense of fear when facing the overwhelming terrifying pressure.

This momentum...

Far beyond the power of immortal two!

"This, this shouldn't be.

"The ancient existence of the series of Immortal Three Slashing Dao Kings?

An elder had a dry throat and could not help but blurted out.


"I think it should be the king of Immortal Three Slashing Dao without a doubt.

"Only the existence of the Dao Slashing King series can erupt such a shocking coercion, far exceeding the coercion of the Immortal Second Great Power. 35

"A slayer king has come to Alan Temple!

"Now, the Su family godson is in danger.

"Even if the Divine Son of the Su family has the ability to reach the sky, he will not be able to escape the killing intent of an ancient existence of the rank of Dao Slayer."

"It's a pity, with the world-shattering talent of the Su family's godson, in time, he will definitely be qualified to hit the realm of the Dao Slayer King. However, he has encountered a real Dao Slayer King today... 99

"If the Su family godson is given another period of time, he may be able to achieve such a terrifying realm. But now that he encounters a king of slashing, he has cut off the Su family godson's future. 99


The elders from the Ancient Sacred Sect and Sunset Gate all felt sorry from the bottom of their hearts.

Nor did they expect it.

A Dao Slayer King actually came to the scene in person.

This really made them seem unexpected.

at the same time.

They couldn't help but feel pity and lament for Su Xuanji.

As an extremely dazzling peerless arrogant evildoer in the world, when he was weak, he encountered an old monster that stood on the top of the Big Dipper thousands of years ago.

How does this compare?

How can the Tianjiao of the world compare to the old monsters of a thousand years ago?

"In the end."

"The son of the Su family was able to kill Master Kasyapa in seconds, perhaps only by relying on external forces, relying on the treasure of heaven and earth under his control, that's all."

"And now.

'When I meet a monk who has attained the Taoist rank of the three immortal kings, even if the Su family's god son has a treasure, I am afraid that he will be powerless. 55

"Even if the treasure is strong, it's still impossible for the Su family to compete with a Dao Slayer King?"

"Well said."

"No matter how strong the treasure is, there will be a limit. And the terrifying existence of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King series is obviously not a 0.5 existence that the Su family god son can try to fight with the help of the treasure.

"Today, the Divine Son of the Su family is in danger!

Almost everyone disliked Su Xuanji.

only because……

Su Xuanji is too young!

How strong can it be in the year of the weak crown?

As the world's attention-grabbing No. 1 arrogant in the Eastern Wilderness, although he is famous, everyone does not think that Su Xuanji has the strength and qualifications to compete with the existence of the Dao Slashing King series.

Even if you have a treasure, you can never do it.

Dao Slayer King is thousands of times stronger than Immortal Er.

The two cannot be compared at all.

One day, one place!


from their perspective.

Su Xuanji, who was able to use the treasure to instantly kill the powerful master Kasyapa, could never use this treasure to kill a king of the three immortals.

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