Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 314 Shooting the 2 great power of the dead immortal! Leave! Destroy! [Customize]

"How, how is it possible?!

"Elder Baimei was killed by a face-to-face?"

"how so?"

"This is Immortal Second Great Ability!

"A supreme cultivator of the Second Immortal, who can't even block a single face? He was slapped to death with a slap?"

"This, this is too shocking."

"How could that young man be so powerful?!"


"What kind of monster did I see?"

A group of killers boiled in panic.

They stared at the young figure in white in front of them with shocked faces.

At this moment.

in their eyes.

Su Xuanji is a nightmarish horror taboo existence!

Make them shudder and shudder.

"Even Immortal Second Great Master was instantly killed by flipping his hands."

"I wait, how can I resist this existence?"

"It's over.

"Why do monsters of this level target us in hell? When did we provoke such a terrible monster?

All the killers present felt an unprecedented panic.

Even if they are the killers of hell and their psychological qualities are extremely strong, they are still deeply shocked when faced with the terrifying incident that is happening right now.

The scene where Elder Baimei was killed in seconds will undoubtedly make them memorable in this lifetime.

This life can never be forgotten and let go!

in their minds.

The Great Master Xian Er was already the supreme being at the top of the Big Dipper.



They were invincible beings, and they were slapped to death so easily.

have to say.

All of this has simply turned their worldview upside down.

Let them not help but doubt life on the spot.

"He killed an Immortal Second Great Master while flipping his hands, what kind of terrifying existence is that monster?""

"What kind of powerful cultivation is needed to be able to turn over a hand and destroy an immortal and two great powers?

"Could it be that……"

"This young man who seems to be young, is an existence of the level of the king of the three immortals?! 35

"how could it be possible!

"How can you have such terrifying strength at such an age? This is completely unreasonable."

"Can someone explain. 95

"I must be dreaming at this moment, right?"

The hundreds of killers from hell present felt an unprecedented sense of astonishment.

at this time.

After destroying Elder Bai Mei with a flip of his hand, Su Xuanji grabbed the empty space in front of him with his right hand.

Boom one by one

A terrifying force erupted from within him.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "Confinement!

For a moment.

An even more terrifying force forcibly imprisoned the space here.

The blood mist that was originally falling down from the sky has been forcibly solidified in the air by this force, and it can no longer fall from it, and it presents an absolute still state.

Everything in the world seems to be frozen at this moment.

All matter, in this dimension, will no longer move.

Dead silence!

It's quiet!

"Let me see if what you just said is true or false."

Su Xuanji's eyes flashed.

His eyes pierced through the space, and he saw a looming spiritual body.

This is Elder Baimei's soul incorporeal body, which is about to show signs of dissipating.

If it wasn't for Su Xuanji's use of supreme means to imprison this space, I'm afraid that Elder Baimei's soul incorporeal body would definitely collapse on the spot, thus completely disappearing from this world.

Even if he was a cultivator who was the second immortal in his lifetime, once the elder Baimei died, his soul would soon disappear from this world.

Before the realm has reached the saint, the soul is only an ethereal thing.

Only if it is stronger than a saint...


You can control your own soul independently.


Elder Baimei's realm is far from this level.

Next, Su Xuanji quickly performed a soul search again.

Carefully search the soul of Elder Baimei.

Search all hidden messages and intel about hell.

About half an hour later.

Su Xuanji opened his eyes, his eyes twinkling brightly.

The soul of the elder Baimei disappeared after all.

Completely disintegrated into this world.

And Su Xuanji also got the answer he wanted.

"It's really what he said. 35

"In the headquarters of hell, only a very few core high-level elders can know the location of the headquarters of hell. In addition, most ordinary elders are completely unqualified to know this kind of secret."5

Su Xuanji was slightly disappointed.

What a pity.

I thought.

If you catch a hell elder who has reached the second great power of immortals, you can find the location of the hell headquarters.


Even if the cultivation base has reached the Second Immortal Great Power, the elder still cannot know the location of Hell's headquarters.

Have to admit.

Hell, these people's style of doing things is really discreet enough.

Even the elders of Immortal Second Great Master have no idea about the headquarters of hell.

As you can imagine.

It is no wonder that hell can survive under the joint siege of various ancient Taoist traditions, and it has not become extinct until now.

Such a vigilant hell, coupled with its own powerful forces, can survive under the joint encirclement and suppression of various ancient Taoist traditions, which is understandable.

"It seems.

"If I want to find the headquarters of Hell, I need to find another way.

"'々 But..."

"If nothing else, after this incident, I have destroyed the branch strongholds of three hells one after another. Presumably, the killers of hell are already on their way to assassinate me.

"As an ancient Taoism with an extremely long heritage, it is naturally impossible for hell to turn a deaf ear to what I am doing now.

"only hope."

"The killer sent by hell to assassinate me can be stronger. In this way, after destroying the opponent, maybe I can perform a soul search and find the location of the hell headquarters from the opponent's memory."

A smile appeared on Su Xuanji's face.

Look around.

He looked at a group of shivering hell killers in all directions.


He stepped out one step, and fled into the void alone.

I didn't stay here too much, but simply left here.


Right after Su Xuanji left.

The group of killers present finally stood up in relief.

Their faces were filled with lingering expressions of fear, and fear still remained on their faces. Presumably, in a short period of time, they would never be able to suppress this extremely strong sense of fear in their hearts.

"That (Zhao Hao) monster..."

"Have you finally left?"

"We survived? From that monster?

A group of killers chatted shiveringly, and their eyes showed the excitement of the rest of their lives.

But right now.

Without warning.

in vain!

Boom one by one

An extremely terrifying force descended from the sky.


This force shattered the entire hell branch stronghold on the spot, and the hundreds of killers who were born in hell were also shrouded in this force.


Hundreds of hell killers were wiped out in an instant.


Even the branch stronghold of the entire hell was directly sunk into the ground by this terrifying force.


Violent vibration resounded through the sky.


Like thunder!

The terrifying earthquake in this area can be felt in a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Take a closer look.

Wanli area... Feng...

Everything turned to ashes!.

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