Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 499 Old and low pitched, it seems to contain endless vicissitudes!

It looks like a guilty conscience, concealing the feeling that there is no silver 300 taels here.

But what happened?

Kirin also sensed something was wrong.

But don't know what's wrong.

He stared at the Heavenly Emperor, motionless.

The Emperor of Heaven was watched by the two of them, feeling that he was about to lose his support.

He never felt that guilty conscience was so terrible.

He can fight the demons, and he can order everyone in the Tiangong, but it is too hard to act.

It was unbelievable that he even began to admire Qi Moshan in this regard.

What a talent.

It is a pity that it is a demon, otherwise it is possible to recruit into the heavenly palace.

In this way, Su Xuanji was attracted indirectly without sacrificing Kirin.

Thinking of the unicorn, the Emperor of Heaven felt even more guilty.

Unconsciously, he raised his head a little, trying to stay away from the unicorn.

Kirin's eyes became more and more probing, and Su Xuanji also had a thoughtful look on his face.

Tiandi really felt that he couldn't hold it anymore.

At this moment, a stone fell from the sky.

Instantly caught the eyes of Su Xuanji and Kirin.

Heavenly Emperor was relieved and finally relieved.

He looked at the stones that helped him out, with gratitude even in his eyes.


The stones fell to the ground under the gaze of Tiandi and Su Xuanji Qilin.

Immediately, that piece of stone began to turn into one stone after another in an instant.

Obviously, this is the help of the stone people.

It didn't take long for all the stones to become stone people.

The first one has an old face.

His face was even covered with ravines, and his eyes were even more shrewd.

At a glance, you can tell that this stone man is definitely a big man among the stone people.

At this moment, the three stone people who were branded with smiling faces immediately walked over.

Salute to the old stone man.


"You are finally here."

"That guy over there is the guy with the unicorn fruit we met last time."

"We asked him to hand over the unicorn fruit as the entrance fee, but he refused."

"Not only refused, but also injured us. 35

"I can only bother the patriarch and collect the unicorn fruit in person...the admission fee..."

The three stone people said one after another.

When the words fell, they quickly stood beside the patriarch, as if they were afraid that Su Xuanji would attack them again.

Su Xuanji knew about the tricks the three were playing.

It is not surprising that more people from the Stone Human Race appear.

He was just a little surprised by the arrival of the patriarch.

He curiously looked at the stone man clan chief, and the other party was also looking at him.

For a while, neither of them spoke.

Kirin was very excited.

"There's a good show to watch."

"I don't know if the stone people patriarch can teach Su Xuanji a lesson.

"I can't wait. 35

The Emperor of Heaven glanced at the unicorn, dumbfounded.

"Do you think Su Shenzi can't hear what you say now?

"Not to mention between him and the Stone People.

"When he comes back, you will have to be cleaned up. 35

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Qilin's face instantly froze.

But he quickly returned to normal, but he laughed unnaturally, as if forcing himself.

"How could it be.

"I'm not afraid of him. 35


After a while of embarrassing laughter, Qilin seemed to be mute and closed his mouth tightly.

But a pair of eyes still stared at Su Xuanji tightly.

His eyes were full of anticipation, obviously wanting to see him collapse.

Su Xuanji naturally noticed it, but cleaning up unicorns is a daily thing, and the stone people in front of him are rare things.

As if he was looking at strange objects, his eyes kept passing over the stone people.

This kind of performance that did not put the Stone Human Race in his eyes at all made the gaze of the Stone Human Race Patriarch sank suddenly.

The moment he appeared, he saw the traces on the three elders.

The deep fist print, and the three smiling faces printed on it.

It can be seen that Su Xuanji's strength is not weak, and his speed should be very fast.

Otherwise, the three elders would not be so humiliated and helpless.

But how powerful it is, the patriarch of the stone people doesn't feel it.

People so young, so do not take them seriously.

It should be just a arrogant person with some ability, so what is there to be afraid of?

Finally, the patriarch of the stone people spoke up.

々Who are you?"

"After you die, where do I send the body?"

His voice was old and low, and it seemed to contain endless vicissitudes.

What he said was quite surprising.

He was so confident that he could kill Su Xuanji.

The Emperor of Heaven frowned displeasedly when he heard the words, and Qilin didn't like to listen to it either, and his eyes that looked at (De Wang Zhao)'s lively eyes suddenly restrained a lot.

But Su Xuanji himself was not affected in any way.

He still had a kind smile on his face, which made the elders of the three stone people feel terrified.

Although they don't know much about Su Xuanji.

But the kinder Su Xuanji smiled, the more unlucky someone seemed to be.

Wouldn't it be their stone people?

No, it must not be!

The three kept denying in their hearts.

With so many people from the Stone People, they can't deal with Su Xuanji alone?

No matter how powerful he is, is his two fists invincible to four?

The three elders constantly comforted themselves and forced themselves to believe what they were expecting in their hearts.

Meanwhile, Su Xuanji spoke up.


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