Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 625 It's not unexpected, and there is no psychological understanding!

"I've never seen something so weird, and it doesn't seem to have any marks."

"It's a secret order, our sect has a similar one, and it is only obtained by the disciples who go out and do things in a low-key manner."

"Which sect is this from? I want to go to apprenticeship."

"Who knows, the secret orders will not be shown to others.

"It's just easier to go out with this token to do things, and get help from the sect's private property.

"And things like that, I've never heard of it before."

"It's not a secret, but not many people know about it. If I didn't see it, I wouldn't say it."5

Everyone opened their mouths.

But the voice of one of them, Su Xuanji and Tiandi, paid particular attention.

But he didn't know the origin of this secret order, which still made them a little disappointed.

However, more and more people are attracted by them around here, and they do not plan to stop.

Maybe someone will recognize it later.

Thinking of this, the two fought even harder.

Of course, pretending to work hard.

In fact, this level of fighting is like playing for the two of them.

240 but no way, otherwise this place will be ruined.

At this moment, Shi Zhongyu's laughter suddenly came from their ears.

Laughing very proudly.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi Power knew that this guy must be very proud that his method worked.

However, they also had to admit that this approach seemed absurd, but it was indeed effective.

Instead of asking people everywhere like a flies, and not necessarily what anyone is willing to say, it is better for people to take the initiative to speak.

Then two conditions must be met.

One is the attention.

The second is the display token.

The second one is the hardest, you can't set up a booth, put out the token, and wait for someone to come to the door.

Even if someone recognizes it, they won't take the initiative to say it.

Aren't you afraid of getting angry? It looks weird.

So how to display the token is a question that needs to be considered.

The best thing is to be able to say (adaf) it unsuspectingly.

And this combination of this is the method that Shi Zhongyu came up with.

Pretend to fight to attract attention, and then pretend to drop the token inadvertently.

Most of the people who know it this way will speak up.

Now it seems that the effect is really good, but unfortunately no one has recognized which force it belongs to.

But at least you know, it's a secret order.

Time passed little by little.

Su Xuanji and Tian Di have been fighting for a quarter of an hour.

And to keep people here, gather more people.

The two played a little more beautifully and more eye-catching in a different way.

Gradually, more and more people gathered.

But no one could say which force the token came from.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi glanced at each other, and both saw each other's plans to give up here.

No one here recognizes it, so try somewhere else.

Although this method is somewhat awkward for them, at least it works.

Walk a few more places and you may meet someone you recognize.


Su Xuanji suddenly punched forward, and Tiandi also punched.

The two fists met, and a gust of wind broke out, which swept away in an instant.

Although the two control their strength, this is not something that everyone around them can bear.

Su Xuanji couldn't stop it, because it didn't fit the human design, Tiandi shot without hesitation.

With a wave of his hand, a catastrophe was resolved.

In addition to admiring his strength, everyone admired his character.

"Not only is he a talented person, his strength is as expected, and he is so kind-hearted.

"I don't care about the other one, it's really a high judgment."

"I don't know where he is from. I want to go to apprenticeship."5

"Come on, people don't look down on you.

"Do you want to be beaten again?"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

In the crowd, two more people fought.

Su Xuanji and Tian Di looked at them and found that they were the same two people before.

But this time, no one went to see them.

All stared at the two of them, each with envy or admiration in their eyes.

Even the look in the eyes of Su Xuanji.

Although his character is unbearable, his strength is amazing enough.

Under absolute strength, character doesn't seem to be so important.

Su Xuanji is not surprised by this, nor does he have any psychological understanding.

He looked at Heavenly Emperor and played the last scene well.

"I underestimated you."

"We were tied, but only this time.

"Don't let me see you again next time!"

The words fall.

Su Xuanji turned and left.

The Heavenly Emperor picked up the token on the ground and walked in the opposite direction with Shi Zhongyu leisurely strolling in the courtyard.

The two sides exited the city through the front and rear gates.

Su Xuanji was about to go to reconcile with Tiandi Shi Zhongyu, when suddenly someone stopped in front of him.

It was a young man who seemed to be less than twenty.

He looked stubborn, with a pair of extremely thick black eyebrows, which added a bit of joy to him.

This man followed him all the way out of town, and Su Xuanji knew it.

I just didn't expect that he would dare to come and stop him.

"You're not going to be a teacher, are you?

Su Xuanji raised an eyebrow.

As soon as this word comes out.

The man sneered suddenly, with a look of disdain.

Su Xuanji was instantly amused.

He had never seen anyone who dared to laugh at him like that.

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