Kill me in seconds...

Ye Luo's words immediately made Jin Lan feel like she was struck by a bolt from the blue, and she was completely shocked...

But that's right, compared to his girlfriend, I am indeed not as good-looking, and my figure is not as plump and sexy as hers.

But to say that I can kill her in seconds...

It's still a bit too much!

Jin Lan immediately put away her decadence and cheered up and said: "Then what do you want me to do to make whitening cream for me?"

Ye Luo said: "It's very simple, just spend more time with Su Rong in the future. Su Rong is quite lonely in the sports world, and it seems that she doesn't have a true friend. So when we brothers and sisters are not around, you have to give her warmth in time. Let her not feel lonely."

It turned out to be just such a simple condition...

Jin Lan was slightly stunned. She didn't expect this man to say such touching words.

Su Rong was also stunned.

Unknowingly, she got the care of her brother, this feeling...

This feeling made her, as a sister, feel even less sense of existence!

Ye Luo said, "You can agree to this condition."

Jin Lan reacted and nodded quickly: "Yes, I can agree. From now on, I will definitely treat Su Rong as my best friend and never let her feel lonely!"

Jin Lan did not dislike Su Rong, so this condition was basically not difficult for her...

Then he asked, "When can you make the whitening cream for me?"

Ye Luo: "As long as you buy a bunch of roses, I can make it anytime."

Such a straightforward...

Jin Lan turned around and ran out of the locker room, excitedly saying, "I'll go buy it now, you wait here for me to come back, don't leave!"

Jin Lan's speed was like a flying foot, and she ran out of the swimming pool in a short while.

It can be seen how hard a woman can work to make her skin better.

Ten minutes later...

Jin Lan came back with a bunch of big red roses.

When she came to Ye Luo, she smiled and handed it to him: "Is this enough?"

Ye Luo: "Well, it's no problem to cure the black spots on your legs. Now you break off all the petals and the pistil, and then crush them with pure water, just like I did just now."

Jin Lan nodded heavily and said "yeah".

As long as it can remove the black spots on the legs, she will do anything.


With the help of Su Rong and Kong Que, Jin Lan began to get busy.

Ye Luo stood aside, with no intention of helping at all...

There are already three women, whether he intervenes or not, it doesn't matter...

At this time...

Ye Luo received a message on WeChat...

The sender turned out to be the netizen nicknamed [The Most Handsome Man in the Explosion Gang].

The content of the message is very concise, as follows:

"Please pay 100 million rose whitening cream patent fees, thank you!"

It's actually asking for patent fees...

Isn't it provided for free?

Ye Luo replied indifferently: "No money."

The most handsome man in the Explosion Heaven Gang: "No, you have money. One hundred million is just a drop in the bucket for you. I hope you won't default on your debt and pay the patent fee as soon as possible."

Ye Luo: "What will happen if you don't pay?"

The most handsome man in the Explosion Heaven Gang: "I will try every means to make you pay..."

Ye Luo: "What are the methods? Can you briefly introduce them?"

The most handsome man in the Explosion Heaven Gang: "You will know when the time comes. Humph!"

Ye Luo: …………

Said he would pay one hundred million patent fees, but he didn't even send a bank account number...

This guy is really a top-notch guy!

Ye Luo didn't think much about it, thinking it was just a little farce by the enthusiastic netizen [The most handsome man in the Explosion Heaven Gang].

Just when Ye Luo was about to put his phone back in his pocket...

He received another message on WeChat...

It was still sent by the enthusiastic netizen [The most handsome man in the Explosion Heaven Gang].

The content is as follows:

"I have three thousand super female agents under my name, and they will not let you go!"

Three thousand super female agents...

Has this guy read too many urban fantasy novels?


The most handsome man in the Sky-blasting Gang said again: "Even so, you still don't want to pay, right?"

Ye Luo: "I can pay one million."

The most handsome man in the Sky-blasting Gang said angrily: "You will definitely die under the pomegranate skirts of my three thousand super female agents! You will!"

What this means is...

Come under the pomegranate skirts of three thousand female agents?

If you round it off, wouldn't you be happy for nearly ten years...


Ye Luo responded: "If there is this opportunity, I am willing to try it!"

When the most handsome man in the Sky-blasting Gang saw this message, his anger suddenly became stronger, and he almost lost control and threw his phone to the ground.


He stopped talking nonsense and ended with: "You will regret it! Humph!"

Ye Luo smiled and didn't care at all.I think this enthusiastic netizen nicknamed [The Most Handsome Man in the Sky-blasting Gang] must be a funny guy in his daily life...

The kind of funny guy who likes to joke around.

At this time...

Jin Lan, Kong Que, and Su Rong, the three of them have finished their work.

They have crushed the rose petals into flower mud.

Jin Lan stood up and said, "Do you need me to do anything else?"

Ye Luo: "Stand next to me, don't let anyone disturb me."

Jin Lan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said yes.

It seems that making rose mud into rose whitening cream is a tedious procedure that requires great concentration.


Jin Lan and the three women became Ye Luo's guardians.

Kong Que, the strongest one, stood in the middle, while Jin Lan and Su Rong stood on the left and right sides of Ye Luo.

The three of them tightly surrounded Ye Luo...

At this time...

Ye Luo had already put his hands into the rose mud and kept stirring in a clockwise direction...Stir again...

Stir again and again...

Each time the stirring speed was very uniform, and there was no extra movement on his hands, just a steady output of Yang Qi.

After fifteen minutes...

Ye Luo's hands that were constantly rotating finally stopped.

In the stainless steel basin, the mud had turned into a solid cream.

This effect was still as magical as a magic trick...

Ye Luo slowly withdrew his hands, and then looked at the three women who protected him...

Then he said: "The rose whitening cream is ready, turn around."

Jin Lan's face immediately showed an excited smile when he heard it.

Then he turned around first...

Then his eyes were fixed on the rose whitening cream in the stainless steel basin.

They couldn't move away...

Xiao Su Rong and Kong Que also turned around.

Compared to Jin Lan, they seemed much calmer.

After all, the whitening cream brother can do it for them endlessly!

Jin Lan took a step forward, still unable to calm down and said: "Can I... can I try it?"

Ye Luo: "Of course."


made a gesture of invitation.

Jin Lan couldn't wait any longer, so she didn't say anything too polite. She bent down and grabbed a handful of whitening cream from the stainless steel basin, and evenly applied it to the dark spots on her thighs.

But just after applying the first layer, she found something wrong.

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