
As soon as he turned around, his eyes suddenly went dark!

Then———Bang! ! !

A loud noise spread throughout the high-end restaurant...

It was a big hand that grabbed Hong Wu's head and smashed it hard on the ground, making a huge noise.

The smashed tile floor was like fragile glass, cracking exaggeratedly like a spider web.

Many pieces were also splashed...

With just this one blow, Hong Wu became half-dead, with only his last breath left...

The man who came to him in an instant and smashed his head hard on the ground with one hand was Ye Luo, the crazy sister protector.

Ye Luo still pressed Hong Wu's head to the ground and said coldly and ruthlessly: "I'll give you one second, hand over the antidote immediately."

Although Hong Wu couldn't even breathe at this time.

But the fear caused by Ye Luo made him use all his strength to respond immediately.

He said with difficulty: "【Golden Xiaoyao Powder】... There is no antidote..."

Then he quickly continued: "But there is a way to treat it. There is a medical skill called 【Nine Yang Divine Needle】. Just find a genius doctor who knows this medical skill, and then inject Yang energy into all the acupuncture points marked on the 【Nine Yang Divine Needle】, and she will survive."


Hong Wu begged for mercy with a miserable expression that was even uglier than crying: "Young man, please have mercy and spare my life! I have an 80-year-old mother and a bedridden father at home. I have..."

Hong Wu's begging for mercy was useless...

He had just said half of his pitiful words...


Ye Luo suddenly exerted force with his hand and crushed his head...

Hong Wu was dead and could not die any more.

Everyone was frightened to see this scene and their eyes widened.

I didn't expect this young man to be so cruel, leaving no chance for Hong Wu to survive...

Ye Luo was very calm, both in his heart and on the surface.

He slowly stood up, took a few tissues, and wiped his right hand full of red and white mixture.

Then he said indifferently: "Anyone who has any evil thoughts about my sister must die. Even if you have a thousand eighty-year-old mothers at home!"

Ye Luo didn't say much nonsense, and turned back to his sixth sister Chen Lian Ge.

When he was away, it was Shen Sanyan who helped him catch Lian Ge's hands that were out of his control.

Shen Sanyan, who had recovered, said: "She must be treated immediately. Otherwise, [Golden Free Powder] will spread to the cells, and even the gods can't save her!"

Chen Lian Ge's condition is indeed not very good. Not only is her breathing intermittent, but she seems to be dying at any time.

Her skin also turned red over a large area, as if it had been burned by fire.

Ye Luo immediately picked up Lian Ge and said, "Where is the room here?"

Shen Sanyan pointed up: "There is one upstairs!"

Then, before she could say anything more, the man who could kill her in a second with a knife rushed upstairs like a flash of lightning.

When Shen Sanyan chased him, the door of the upstairs room was tightly closed.

Shen Sanyan's pupils suddenly dilated and she knocked on the door hard: "What are you doing? What can you do by rushing into the room! If you delay treatment like this, she will die!"

Ye Luo: "I'm a doctor, I can save her. Please shut up and don't bother me anymore."

He is a doctor...

Could he also know the "Nine Yang Divine Needle"?

Shen Sanyan was shocked. What kind of man is this!

In the room...

Ye Luo has already put Lian Ge on the bed.

Since he was going to insert silver needles to infuse Yang Qi, and there were 18 times 21 acupuncture points, it would be more convenient to strip naked...


He quickly and decisively took off all the clothes on Chen Lian Ge's body.

As for the silver needles, he carried them with him, so there was no need to buy them deliberately...

"Lian Ge, I believe you will understand after your body recovers."

Ye Luo said this and began to focus on the treatment.

Two hours later...

The treatment has been carried out for the most part...

At this moment, Chen Lian Ge's body has recovered for the most part, but she is still very weak and is lying on the bed

Seeing her face blushing and embarrassed...

Ye Luo comforted her softly: "This is just treatment, just like the doctor-patient relationship. If I keep hesitating, when [Golden Xiaoyao Powder] penetrates into your cells, then nothing I do will work."

Lian Ge nodded gently like a chicken pecking at rice, and whispered: "I know, I don't blame Ye Luo."

She continued to speak, but her cheeks became more and more blushing, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito: "It's just that I never dreamed that after adulthood, the first person to be seen naked by the opposite sex would be you, Ye Luo..."

I can't help it!

Who told youI must be poisoned...

Ye Luo pretended to be bitter in his heart.

But he said seriously: "Lian Ge, don't think too much, I'm still in treatment. If you feel bored, you can close your eyes and sleep for a while."

Lian Ge nodded obediently and uttered a light hum.

Now is really not the time to talk, after all, it will distract Ye Luo from the treatment.

So, let's keep quiet for the time being...

Then, Lian Ge tried not to care about her naked state.

Instead, she closed her eyes and rested.

If she closed her eyes, Ye Luo could focus more on the treatment.

Time passed very quickly.

Two hours passed unknowingly.

At this time, Lian Ge's body had completely recovered, and the Golden Xiaoyao Powder in her body had been completely removed.

But because of the continuous consumption of Yang Qi for four hours, Ye Luo was a little exhausted at this time.

How great it would be if I had a bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Pills on me at this time!

Ye Luo thought beautifully.

Then he said: "Lian Ge, put on your clothes, you are fine now."

After saying that, Ye Luo turned around and faced the wall.

Watching a woman getting dressed, the scene was embarrassing just thinking about it...

Lian Ge slowly opened her eyes and hummed shyly.


She put on her clothes and pants quickly.

It took less than fifteen seconds...

After all, no one could tell when Ye Luo would suddenly turn around.

Then she said shyly: "Turn around, Ye Luo. I'm all dressed."


Author's words:

Alas~ Another red warning was issued...

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