Then he forced out an extremely stiff smile and said with an ugly face: "Let me tell you, how could Que'er suddenly wake up? Three hours of strenuous exercise has completely overdrawn Que'er's energy. If he doesn't sleep until tomorrow, Eight o'clock, how can this be done?"

Yu Mi's heartbeat was beating at an incredible speed at this moment...

It's not like her heart beats so fast normally...

It was Que'er's sleep talk just now that also frightened her, and her heartbeat began to be out of control.

Because at that moment, like Ye Luo, she thought Que'er had suddenly woken up.

I even want to jump out of the window!

Just to prevent Magpie from discovering her in her room...

Although she and Ye Luo did nothing, she was in Ye Luo's room in the middle of the night, and the man was not wearing anything. If a magpie sees it, it will definitely be misunderstood.

In addition, Yu Mi has a ghost in her heart, so she will naturally be even more taboo about letting Que'er see such an uncomfortable scene...

Fortunately - her eighth sister did not wake up.

Ye Luo shouted softly at this time: "What are you still doing? Why don't you go back to your room quickly! Although Que'er won't wake up, nothing is absolute."

This time Xiao Yu Mi was no longer stubborn and nodded: "I understand. I'll go back and leave right away."

After saying——

Yu Mi quickly turned around and came to the door of the room, opened it gently, and then like a burst of smoke, it drifted out...

Xiao Yumi didn't stay outside for too long and immediately returned to her room.

After the door was closed and locked, her heart, which was beating rapidly, began to get better.

She covered her not-so-big chest, exhaled a long breath and said: "It's too thrilling! It's too scary! I will never climb over the wall to go to Ye Luo's room again. Otherwise, sooner or later, the relationship between him and I will have to be destroyed." Magpie knows better!"


As for Ye Luo, he has completely calmed down.


Opening his mouth slightly, his throat was no longer under his control, and he let out an enchanting cry: "Oh~"

This is the physical reaction that occurs after taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills.


At this time, Ye Luo clearly felt that his weak kidney was recovering rapidly...

This suddenly made Ye Luo feel a little incredible, because Liuwei Dihuang Pills could not only help him restore Yang Qi, but also replenish Kidney Qi...

If this is the case, wouldn't he be able to continue relying on Liuwei Dihuang Pills from now on...

Then he became the man with the most fights in the world... in one day!

Although this title is not very popular, for men, it is definitely very impressive!

Thinking about it, Ye Luo couldn't help but open her mouth slightly again, and then let out an ecstatic and extremely comfortable voice: "Oh~"

Ye Luo has become accustomed to this ecstatic "Oh~"

So at this moment he doesn't feel any shame at all...


Then he turned his attention to Que'er.

Raising his hand and gently patting Que'er's white cheek, Ye Luo called softly: "Que'er, Que'er..."

In order to verify whether Magpie was asleep, Ye Luo called Magpie nearly ten times in a row.

But Magpie still shows no sign of waking up...

It can be seen that this little girl is really immersed in her sleep...


Ye Luo stayed with Que'er for another ten minutes or so, then slowly stood up and carefully left the room.

Ten seconds later, he knocked on Xiao Yu Mi's door.

Before he could speak after knocking, the room suddenly opened slowly with a click.

Because Yu Mi had been guarding the door, she was able to open the door as soon as Ye Luo knocked on the door.

Yu Mi quickly greeted: "Come in quickly, don't wait any longer."

As he spoke, he took action and forcefully pulled Ye Luo in, who was standing at the door.


This was because Ye Luo was willing to be pulled by her so that she could pull him.

If he doesn't want to move, even a fat man weighing more than 300 pounds will not be able to move at all.

After Ye Luo came in, Xiao Yu Mi quickly closed the door and locked it like a guilty thief.

After locking it, I checked it again...

After confirming that the door could not be opened, her tight little cheeks looked a little better.


He turned around and asked, "Are you sure that Magpie really won't wake up?"

Ye Luo said seriously: "Jiu Mei, Brother Ye Luo is very efficient in doing things. You don't have to worry about Que'er anymore, she will never wake up."

Although Ye Luo said so...


There was still deep worry on Yu Mi's cheeks.

To be on the safe side, she said instead: "I always feel like it's not safe tonight. Otherwise, forget it. Wait until tomorrow night."Start again. Anyway, a one-day break will not have any impact on practicing the Qiankun Jue. "

Hearing this, Ye Luo immediately showed an expression of disbelief.

I didn't expect this woman to say such a thing...

I thought she was a woman who wanted to practice the Qiankun Jue first more than anyone else!


Ye Luo disagreed with her at the moment and said, "Ninth sister, you worry too much. Que'er will not wake up in the middle of the process, so you can rest assured!"

Yu Mi frowned tightly and said, "But what if she wakes up?"

At this time, Ye Luo took out a mobile phone and shrugged, saying, "There is still no need to be afraid. Ninth sister, look at this. Do you know what this is?"

Yu Mi stared at Ye Luo's mobile phone screen with wide eyes, and suddenly her eyes showed surprise...

Because, she actually saw Que'er sleeping in Ye Luo's room on Ye Luo's mobile phone.

Yes, it was Que'er!

Then Yu Mi was surprised and said, "This is surveillance."

Ye Luo smiled: "You got it right! It is indeed surveillance. "

Ye Luo raised a touch of confidence: "With this, when Que'er wakes up, she will be exposed to our sight at the first time. At that time, even if we are practicing Qiankun Jue, we can quickly interrupt it. Then pretend that nothing happened and return to my room. "

Yu Mi couldn't help but smile and said, "Why didn't I think of this good idea before..."

Having said that, it is obvious that little Yu Mi is no longer opposed to continuing to practice Qiankun Jue tonight.

After all, every night is a rare opportunity.

If she can not miss it, she naturally does not want to miss it...

Three minutes later-

Ye Luo and Yu Mi, both became focused and began to practice Qiankun Jue seriously.

The practice method is the same as before. First, Yu Mi poured Yin Qi into the 369 acupuncture points on the naked Ye Luo's body.

Then, it was reversed, and Ye Luo took over the naked Yu Mi and her body. 369 acupuncture points, injecting Yang Qi...

Ye Luo still had a hard time injecting Yang Qi, and it would take at least two hours to complete.

Of course, the party being injected with Yang Qi or Yin Qi was watching Que'er on the mobile phone monitor all the time.

After all, if Que'er wakes up, it will be a disaster!

How can they not be on guard?


Next door to Zhao State, the location of the Capital Airport.

As the king of Zhao State, Chen Lian Ge was like a simple and lovely elementary school monk at this moment, with a sweet smile on her face.

She said shyly: "If Ye Luoge knew that Lian Ge could not wait to see him the next day. How would he react?"


Author's words:

I went out of town with my friends today, and I took time to write. So there is no third chapter tonight, everyone should go to bed early!

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