Que'er said sweetly: "Brother Ye Luo, this is a special corpse-corrosion medicine that Que'er specially ordered my men to make. In fact, Que'er doesn't know the specific ingredients. If Brother Ye Luo wants to know, Que'er will ask the owner of this medicine to send the secret recipe to Brother Ye Luo."

Ye Luo waved his hand to refuse: "No need, Que'er. Brother Ye Luo is just asking out of curiosity, and has no other thoughts."

Que'er nodded obediently again: "Yes, yes. Que'er listens to Brother Ye Luo!"

This girl, the strong murderous aura just now, just suddenly disappeared.

At this time-

Lian Ge and Liu Xianglan hurried over.

Lian Ge came to Ye Luo, looked him up and down, and said with great concern: "Are you okay, Ye Luo? Are you hurt?"

Ye Luo smiled: "Don't worry, Lian Ge, I'm fine."

Confirming that Ye Luo was really not injured and was fine, the sadness on Lian Ge's face was slightly dissipated.

Of course, she would not ignore her eighth sister Que'er at this time.

So she came to her and asked with concern: "Eighth sister, how about you? Are you hurt?"

Que'er smiled sweetly and said: "I'm fine, sister, don't worry."

Que'er looked particularly beautiful when she smiled, cute and sweet...

After watching the love song, she was infected by her sweet smile, and then couldn't help but smile like an aunt...

At the same time, she was a little envious that Que'er could be so multi-faceted.

She could instantly become a cool and cold female killer.

She could instantly become soft and cute to be a caring little cotton-padded jacket for Ye Luoge.

Unlike her -

Except for being beautiful, she has nothing good!

Fifth sister also knew that something happened to Ye Luo, but it was a pity that the three of them had not reacted yet, and Ye Luo had solved it smoothly.

But Ye Luo had not forgotten Wang Liyu, a local of Guijiang.

The city where Ye Luo and his friends were currently located was called Guijiang.

The destination of their trip was also Guijiang.

After about another hour of driving, the destination would be reached.

But who would have thought that such a small incident would suddenly happen on the way.

At this time, the brothers and sisters were gathered together, resting and eating, and talking about Wang Liyu hiring a killer to assassinate Ye Luo.

The fifth sister ate a hot dog and said, "Ye Luo doesn't need to worry about this. I will tell the branch of Guijiang Underground World to kill Wang Liyu who doesn't know how to live or die."

As she said that, the fifth sister picked up her mobile phone and began to look for the branch manager of Guijiang Underground World.

But she was still searching...

After searching for another minute, she suddenly looked up and said with an awkward smile: "Sorry, Ye Luo. Since Guijiang is too small, I didn't save the mobile phone number of the manager here. But Guijiang is a branch under Jiangcheng, and the manager of Jiangcheng branch should know the contact information of the manager of Guijiang branch."

Ye Luo was speechless after hearing this: "Sister, don't you remember? Your brother is currently the manager of Jiangcheng branch. But this is the first time I've heard of Guijiang branch. So, it's impossible for me to get the contact information of the manager of Guijiang branch."

Fifth sister: …………

Yes! Ye Luo is already the manager of Jiangcheng branch. How could she suddenly forget such an important thing?

The fifth sister immediately adjusted her mood and said, "Then Ye Luo must have the contact information of other senior executives of the Jiangcheng branch, right?"

At this time, Que'er stepped forward and said, "Sister, let me take care of the revenge. For a mere Wang Liyu, I can send one of my strong men to take his head in less than three hours."

The fifth sister had no intention of arguing, and nodded, "Since the eighth sister is willing to take action, let the eighth sister do it. Our underground world is quite troublesome, with too many superiors and subordinates, and everyone likes to order their subordinates to do things. If the efficiency is compared with the eighth sister, it is no exaggeration to say that there will be a huge gap."

What Wu Zehuang said was all true, and as a leader, she had discovered this problem a long time ago.

It is inevitable that this situation will occur, and it can only be blamed that the underground world controlled by her Phoenix King is too powerful.

Even the small county towns of the eighteenth tier have their underground world forces deployed, controlling the rules of the local underground world.

Que'er is different. Although their killers are also divided into branches all over the country, these killers are all mobile.

They will not stay in one place for too long.

Even many small cities in the 18th tier, her killers have never been there.

Because there is not much meaning in going to those places, and it can't bring them considerable income.

At this time, Que'er has walked to the side, took out her mobile phone, and dialed a number.

It is the mobile phone number of Cherry, who has followed her the longest.

Cherry, who was busy, suddenly received a call from her elder sister and was flattered.

After the call was connected, Que'er didn't say too much nonsense,Directly explain the purpose of the visit. Then tell Yingtao to find a stronger killer to kill Wang Liyu in Guijiang.

Yingtao nodded and hung up the phone.

Que returned to Ye Luo again and said, "I have already told someone to do it. We will know the news of Wang Liyu's death in three hours at most."

Ye Luo gently stroked her little head: "Que'er has worked hard."

Que'er immediately said with a happy face: "Que'er is not tired. No matter what I do for Ye Luo, Que'er doesn't feel tired."

Ye Luo still stroked her gently: "Que'er is really getting more and more sensible."

Que'er suddenly leaned into Ye Luo's arms and said delicately: "As long as Ye Luo keeps loving Que'er in the future, Que'er will become more and more sensible. In the future, she will definitely be Ye Luo's best wife."

Watching Ye Luo and Que'er show their love, Lian Ge was not jealous at the moment.

A strong sense of self-blame surged in her heart...


It is self-blame, or inferiority.


Lian Ge feels that her existence does not seem to help Ye Luoge at all.

Instead, she has to cause trouble for him all the time. When encountering anything, Ye Luoge needs to help her.

For example, dealing with the Western War God and the Northern War God who rebelled against Zhao.

And the threat from the neighboring Jin Kingdom also requires Ye Luoge to take action personally.

And she can only watch helplessly. Except for giving herself to Ye Luoge, she can't give anything else...

And Que'er is much better than herself.

Not only can she love Ye Luoge deeply, but she can also help Ye Luoge do many things.

For example, kill the killer who wants to shoot Ye Luoge. And instruct his men to deal with the person who hired the killer.

And at this time, she can only stand aside and watch silently.

So, under such a strong contrast, what does it matter if Lian Ge is the king of Zhao? The inferiority complex will still be inferiority complex...

After resting in the rest area for about half an hour, Ye Luo and his group started the car and started on their way.

Lian Ge changed cars at this time and sat with the fifth sister.

When the king moved, Liu Xianglan naturally moved with him.

So, there were only two people in Ye Luo's car at this time, he and Que'er...


Author has something to say:

Hehe, there will never be disputes between sisters.

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