Su Rong didn't know about the things between Ye Luo and Kong Que, so it was normal for her to feel strange.

Wu Zehuang: "Didn't they tell you that they had slept together?"

Su Rong: …………

Her brain was suddenly hit hard and she couldn't think normally.

Ye Luo and Kong Que had slept together...

This...these two are siblings, how could they do such a shameless thing!

Su Rong's emotions fluctuated greatly, and she forced a smile and said, "Fifth sister, are you kidding me? Ye Luo is a very upright person, how could he do that to Eighth Sister..."

Wu Zehuang interrupted, "They are not what you think. It's because Kong Que has a strange disease called cold poison. And this disease needs a person with a strong yang constitution to have sex with her to be completely cured."

"And Ye Luo happens to be a person with a strong yang constitution. So in order to save Kong Que, he convinced himself and had sex with her."

Su Rong: …………

So that's it...

It turns out that it's not love, but just to save Eighth Sister, so he had to do it.

Su Rong, who learned the truth, immediately felt much better.


Ye Luo's side.

He and Kong Que were also in a car, and Ye Luo was driving the car towards the Scorpio Gang.

Since there were only two of them in the car, they were free to chat.

Ye Luo asked with concern: "Que'er, how is your wound recovering?"

At this moment, Kong Que has lost the posture of a killer queen and turned into a shy and quiet little woman.

Nodding like a chick pecking at rice: "Well, it's almost healed."

Ye Luo: "Does it still hurt when you walk?"

Kong Que shook his head: "No... It doesn't hurt anymore."

Ye Luo smiled: "It's good if it doesn't hurt anymore."

Kong Que's cheeks suddenly became redder, like a ripe peach, tempting and thirsty.

Does he mean that if it doesn't hurt, you can start again?

At this time...

Ye Luo slowed down the car, and then, when passing an unmanned section of the road, he drove the white Jetta to the side of the road and slowly stopped.




Kong Que's heart suddenly beat faster, and the movement was very loud. She could even hear her own heartbeat clearly.

At the same time...

She was also very nervous.

Ye Luo deliberately found a roadside where no one was and stopped the car. It was obvious that he wanted to take advantage of the absence of everyone to extend his devilish hand to me!

So should I accept him?

If I refuse, will it be bad?

After all, there will be nine more times in the future where I need his help...

But if I obey him, what if I accidentally get pregnant without taking any safety measures...

Although the little baby is very cute and lovable, she has no such plan at the moment.

It seems that I have to refuse first.

If Ye Luo gets angry, at worst, I can take safety measures and go to his room to find him.

At that time, she will definitely meet all of Ye Luo's requests without any resistance.

At this time...

Ye Luo unbuckled his seat belt and said, "I'll go downstairs first. You stay here and don't move. I'll be back soon."

Kong Que didn't dare to look Ye Luo in the eye, and nodded shyly again: "Well, go quickly and come back quickly."

Ye Luo didn't think much about it, opened the car door, and got out of the car.

As soon as Ye Luo left, Kong Que slowly raised his head.

Then he clenched his little pink fist and said anxiously: "What should I do? Ye Luo will definitely do something to me after I come back from peeing. If he gets wild at that time, my refusal will be useless."

"It's all my fault that I don't understand Ye Luo. If I carry a box of Belly with me, I won't have this kind of trouble."

Kong Que didn't blame Ye Luo. After all, it's normal for men to have that need.

She only blamed herself for not being well prepared.

But she has never had a boyfriend, so she can be forgiven for not knowing this common sense.

A minute later...

Ye Luo hurried back.

As soon as he got in the car, he closed the door with one hand, and then...

He looked at Kong Que, who looked uncomfortable, in confusion.


He slowly leaned his body towards her...

Seeing Ye Luo was about to get wild, Kong Que panicked.

He used both hands to protect his clothes, closed his eyes tightly, and resisted: "Don't do this, Ye Luo. We didn't take any safety measures, and we will get pregnant!"

"I'm not ready to be a mother either! Please let me go for now! I beg you."

Ye Luo: ? ? ? ? ?

What nonsense is this woman talking about...

Pregnancy and being a mother...

Does she think that I want to mess with her in such a remote place?


Ye Luo still stretched his hand overThen he grabbed Kong Que's seat belt, pulled it slowly, and fastened it for her with a click.

He just wanted to help her fasten her seat belt...

He didn't have any impure thoughts...

After he put his hand back...

Ye Luo was too lazy to explain, he started the car silently and continued to drive forward.

Feeling the Jetta moving, Kong Que's tightly closed eyes slowly opened with a hint of vigilance.


He saw Ye Luo's handsome profile who was concentrating on driving.


He showed a relieved smile and said, "Ye Luo, thank you for understanding me and being willing to take my feelings into consideration."

Ye Luo: …………

Sure enough, I was regarded as a sex maniac...

It seems that I still need to explain.

"Que'er, I just want to help you fasten your seat belt. You misunderstood me."

Ye Luo explained.

But why does this sentence seem so pale and powerless...

Kong Que returned to his shy state and said softly: "Ye Luo, you don't need to find excuses to hide yourself. You and I have been naked and have done everything. There is no need to be so formal."

After saying that...

Kong Que was a little disgusted by his shamelessness.

His cheeks became even redder.

Ye Luo: …………

He felt that Kong Que was more open than he thought when she was alone with him.

Because he thought she couldn't say such words.

Ye Luo was no longer able to explain, so he said: "Que'er is right, I have feelings for you, which is indeed quite normal, and I shouldn't hide it."

Kong Que nodded again like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yeah, it's good to think so."


Ye Luo didn't interrupt the topic.

Then he said, "Then after we deal with the Scorpio Gang and go back, with safety measures in place, can we continue?"

Kong Que: …………

Her cheeks turned redder.

It seems that Ye Luo is unwilling to let her go.

Then he said in a voice as soft as a mosquito, "Yes, I can, but I don't want to be in the apartment. The fifth sister, the seventh sister, and the ninth sister are all here. If they suddenly come over to disturb us, it will be... a bit embarrassing."

Ye Luo smiled, "No, they are not children, how can they be so unreasonable."

Kong Que said in a serious tone, "They will, they will. Que'er knows them too well."

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