So this is like a surgery, there is no time for him to think about other things.

Time passed quickly...

At this moment, almost twenty minutes have passed.

Drops of crystal clear sweat appeared on Ye Luo's forehead, and his face was still a little tired.

At this time, he had only completed the infusion of Yang Qi in 150 acupoints.

At that moment, he couldn't help but puzzled: "What's going on. When you infused Yin Qi into me, it looked very simple. Why do I feel so hard when it's my turn?"

"And each of your acupoints seems to have absorbed some of my Yang Qi by itself."

Yu Mi herself was also very confused about this...

She also felt that her acupoints would absorb some of his Yang Qi by itself when Ye Luo infused Yang Qi.

But Yu Mi didn't have such awareness, but these acupoints absorbed it by themselves.

She frowned and said, "I'm confused too. Maybe I need to ask my father to get the answer."

Then she turned to care and said, "If you're tired, take a break. It won't affect you much if you stop for about ten minutes."

Ye Luo: "I'm not tired. It's just that I can't complete the infusion of all the acupoints within half an hour. I feel a little unhappy."

"You know, the longer the time goes, the less safe we ​​are!"

Yu Mi nodded in agreement.

It's really not good to delay the time...

After that...

Ye Luo didn't talk nonsense anymore, and became focused again, and began to infuse Yang Qi.


It wasn't until an hour later that he finished infusing the remaining 219 acupoints on Yu Mi's body...

Yes, the last 219 acupoints took Ye Luo a full hour.

If you count the previous 20 minutes and Yu Mi's 30 minutes.

They need to train for two hours each time...

At this moment...

Ye Luo became weak and had dark circles under his eyes.

This feeling is almost exactly the same as the feeling of being drained of body after more than ten times a night...

Just when Ye Luo was about to withdraw his hands...

Yu Mi's voice suddenly sounded: "There is still one acupoint missing. There are a total of 370 acupoints on women, one more than men."

Ye Luo couldn't help but frown...

The hand that wanted to be retracted had to stop abruptly...

There is actually one more acupoint...

Fortunately, he still has some yang energy in his body, otherwise he would have to fall asleep immediately.


He said with a bit of depression: "Why didn't you say such an important thing earlier? Fortunately, I have strong yang energy and a strong physique. If it were someone else, they would have lain down long ago."

Yu Mi explained: "I am not sincere. Because the location of this last acupoint... is somewhat embarrassing."

After speaking...

In a flash, her cheeks flushed again.

As she said, the location of the last acupoint is indeed very embarrassing.

No, it shouldn't be very embarrassing.

It should be said that it is very, very embarrassing...

Ye Luo raised his eyebrows and said, "You are already naked. Your body has no secrets to me. No matter how embarrassing this acupuncture point is, how embarrassing can it be."

Then he urged, "Hurry up and tell me. After the infusion of Yang Qi, you and I can go back and rest early."

Yu Mi's cheeks were still red...

It even spread to the neck and ears.

Although this acupuncture point is extremely difficult to talk about, it is also a necessary procedure for practicing Qiankun Jue.


After biting her pink thin lips, she mustered up her courage and said in a voice as soft as a mosquito: "The last acupuncture point... is called Houhui Point. It is located in the anus..."

Yu Mi did not say anything more...

Because it was too embarrassing.

Ye Luo: …………

He was stunned for a moment...

This position is indeed quite embarrassing...

However, Ye Luo has a very good psychological quality, and he immediately adjusted his state and returned to a serious look.


Seriously said: "Turn over and lift your hips a little. This way it will be much easier for me to infuse Yang Qi."

Lift your hips...

This time it was Yu Mi's turn to be confused...

Her snow-white cheeks suddenly became redder, almost like a monkey's butt.


She said shyly and awkwardly: "Do...must I lift my hips? Just turn over, that should be enough..."

Ye Luo said speechlessly: "How can I do anything if you are lying down? You can't see anything."

Ye Luo was right, you really can't see anything when you are lying down...

Yu Mi didn't want to continue talking.

Because this topic, for a girl like her who values ​​her innocence more than her life, has long exceeded the limit she can accept.

If it weren't for cultivationQiankun Jue, in order to make her medical skills more powerful.

She would never do such a thing even if she was beaten to death...

After struggling for a while, Yu Mi finally chose to accept the compromise.


Slowly turned over...


With an extremely shameful mentality, she began to slowly lift her hips...


Just as she was about to slightly lift up, there was a crisp knock on the door outside.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Three knocks in a row...

Very fast.

In the early hours of the night, these three knocks on the door seemed extremely loud.

It was like a bomb suddenly exploded.

Yu Mi was immediately startled, and her heart was tightened.


She quickly rolled up the quilt on the bed and wrapped her body tightly.

Her eyes were particularly vigilant looking at the door.

Ye Luo was also startled, but he didn't react as much as Yu Mi.

At this time...

The knock on the door sounded again...

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Three more knocks in a row, just as fast.


A woman's voice rang out again: "Ye Luo, are you asleep?"

This is the voice of the sports goddess Xiao Su Rong...

Ye Luo's eyes widened, and curiosity arose in his heart.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning, what was this woman doing here?

"Ye Luo, did you hear me? If you heard me, come back to me."

Xiao Su Rong's voice rang out again.

Then he knocked on the door three more times.

This time Ye Luo responded, pretending to say: "Is it Xiao Su Rong?"

Su Rong: "Yes, it's me. Your Seventh Sister!"

She deliberately emphasized the word Seventh Sister.

Ye Luo said, "It's already two o'clock in the morning. Why don't you sleep and come to my place?"

Su Rong: "Open the door first. Anyway, I have something to tell you."

Ye Luo glanced at little Yu Mi who was still in bed, and then said, "Wait a minute, I'll put on some clothes."

Su Rong knocked on the door and urged, "Hurry up."

Ye Luo said impatiently, "I know."


Ye Luo glared at Yu Mi, "Why are you still sitting on the bed? Find a place to hide!"

Yu Mi said anxiously, "You don't even have a closet here, how can I hide!"

Ye Luo pointed to the side, "The bathroom!"

Yu Mi: "The bathroom will be discovered!"

Ye Luo directly pulled her off the bed and dragged her towards the bathroom, "Who can find out if the door is closed. Besides, whether she will come in is another matter."

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