[The Oldenburg family, headquartered in the north of the Wine Country, has a history of a thousand years. Oldenburg has many branches in various European countries. During the monarchy period, the earls of the branch families in various countries have ascended the throne many times. The Oldenburg family once ruled most of the European continent. Even in modern times, some countries that retain the king system still have many kings controlled by the Oldenburg family behind them...]

Lin Xuan and Avril looked at the information and were shocked.

This is not just a family, it is simply an ancient immortal dynasty. Even now, although it is not as powerful as in its heyday, it still has palaces and castles, and still has its own armed forces. It also controls a lot of commercial resources in Northern Europe. All the nobles and royal families in Northern Europe have to bow down to it.

The more they looked, the more shocked they were.

If Avril is really a descendant of the Oldenburg family, even if she is not a descendant of the earl, but just a direct descendant of a branch family, she must be a Nordic princess, and she is not comparable to ordinary royal princesses.

"Uncle, is Xiaowei really from the Oldenburg family? This family is too prominent, even more powerful than the European royal family." Su Qingcheng said in shock.

Here, Ye Meng and Lin Han looked at the information and were also unbelievable.

Although they thought Avril was the apple of the eye of a big family.

But who would have thought that she was a descendant of the Oldenburg family that ruled the entire European continent.

Compared with their well-off family background, the gap is too big, not only in wealth, but also in spirit, civilization and temperament. Avril and them should be from two different worlds.

But Ye Qing actually... It can only be said that Ye Qing is too outstanding and charming, even Avril, a darling girl, can be picked up.

At the same time, they can hardly imagine how much pressure Avril will bear when she comes to China.

The Oldenburg family will definitely not agree to them being together.

Don't talk about the era of free love, that's just the freedom you think.

Everyone sighed in their hearts.

Avril and Ye Qing might...

At this moment, Ye Qing put down the paper, looked at everyone, and said with a smile: "Sister, brother-in-law, it seems that I have to go to Northern Europe."

Su Qingcheng and Lin Xuan also wanted to go to Northern Europe to see Avril. Although there was a high probability that there would be no result, they also knew that so many people going there would only cause more trouble, so they could only let Ye Qing go alone.

"Uncle, go ahead, we all support you!"

But Ye Meng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly: "Such a noble family, if you go there, you may not be able to see them. If you go... Otherwise, don't go."

Although I feel sorry for Ye Qing, rationally speaking, not going is the best choice. She is an experienced person. Sometimes people are so small in front of fate, and some people will eventually become passers-by.

"There is nothing I can't go to in Northern Europe. Don't worry, I will contact you at any time when I go there." Ye Qing said firmly.

Ye Meng wanted to persuade him a few more times, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Then, Ye Qing started to pack his things.

Su Qingcheng and Lin Xuan also came over to help Ye Qing pack his luggage.

Men don't need to spend too much time packing things. Soon, an 18-inch suitcase was stuffed full.

Seeing that Ye Qing had to go abroad again not long after returning, Ye Meng and the others were very reluctant.

Ye Qing said goodbye to them one by one. Before leaving, Ye Qing opened the box under the bed and took out a robe.

Then he looked at Su Qingcheng in front of him, touched her head, and handed the robe to her.

"You can open it in case of emergency."

Su Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, subconsciously took the robe, and then looked at the robe.

There was a dragon pattern embroidered on it. Is this a dragon robe?

Su Qingcheng was confused and didn't understand.

Just when she was about to ask the reason, she turned around and saw that Ye Qing had hurried downstairs, changed her shoes and was ready to go out.

Everyone hurriedly followed Ye Qing out and sent him all the way to the airport.

Ye Qing glanced at the boarding notice, waved goodbye to everyone, and then walked into the terminal.

Su Qingcheng and the others stayed for a long time until the plane took off before returning home.

Ye Qing got on the plane and sat by the window. Behind him sat a few white guys, and next to them was a white girl.

These white guys looked very strong, with fierce faces and tattoos on their bodies, while the girl looked good and had some looks.

The girl noticed Ye Qing very early, and when he sat in front of her, she saw him up close.Looking at his profile, the girl couldn't help but feel a little amorous.

"Wow, what a handsome Chinese boy."

Her voice was quite loud, obviously trying to attract Ye Qing's attention.

But Ye Qing didn't even look at her.

And the men next to him were unhappy and said bluntly:

"He's good-looking but useless, just a sick Chinese man."

"Humph, what's so good about a pretty boy, his powder is thicker than a woman."

"Well, I played with a little fresh meat before, and it was more exciting than a woman."


But the white men spoke very quietly, after all, there were many Chinese people around, and they also knew that they should not provoke public anger, so they only dared to whisper.

And at this moment, Ye Qing suddenly turned his head and glanced at them.

This glance almost scared them to death.

Because Ye Qing's eyes looked particularly fierce and violent.

They felt as if they saw a sea of ​​blood and corpses in Ye Qing's eyes.

Could it be an illusion?

The white men were all horrified. What kind of look is this? How can this be a human eye?

Several men were sweating profusely. They didn't dare to look at Ye Qing again and quickly changed the subject.

"Have you heard that the mafia branches in Northern Europe are fighting each other? Hundreds of people have been killed and injured. The police have also begun to intervene. I don't understand why they are fighting each other. If the noise is too loud, no one will have a good ending."

"You know shit. The mafia has been hunted for hundreds of years, but they are still alive and well. You can understand it yourself. I am sure that this fire will not only not damage the power, but it will be a blood transfusion. The mafia may be stronger in the future."

At this time, another big man nodded and said, "Hey, I happen to have a friend who is also a member of the mafia. Although he didn't tell me too much, I feel that he meant that there may not be so many fancy reasons for this fight. It is very likely that some big figures are behind the scenes, and there may be deeper purposes..."

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