Ye Qing looked coldly at Kai's eyes that were slowly losing color, and spoke to him loudly.

In an instant, the other nobles were all shocked when they heard Ye Qing's words and looked at the dead Kai on the ground. They all lost their strength and collapsed on the ground!

With fear that could not be concealed in their eyes, they looked at Ye Qing as if they were looking at a devil, fearing that this moody guy would kill them all at any time!

Long Yu looked at the dead Kai coldly, and then glanced at the other nobles, which frightened all the guys!

"Military Lord, what should we do with these nobles?"

Ye Qing pulled out the Tang sword that was inserted in Kai's chest, wiped the blood with Kai's clothes, and put it back into the scabbard on Long Tian's waist.

"Those who have nothing to do with this matter will be killed, and those who are related will be killed!"

Long Tian and Long Yu both nodded. They understood what Ye Qing meant. To kill means to cut off their source of income, let them live on the streets, and fend for themselves!

As for killing, this is naturally even simpler!

When the other nobles heard this, they were all shocked. They didn't know what it meant to cut off their lives. They thought they were all going to be killed. They were so scared that they were trembling all over!

"We were wrong! Lord Ye Qing, please spare us!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I still have a lot of wealth that I haven't used up!"

"We didn't mean to do it. We just followed the orders of the family!"

In an instant, all those people's legs softened and they knelt on the ground!

But these people didn't say a few words of begging for mercy, and they were all blocked by the Molong Army!

Louis stood there at this time, feeling his legs numb, staring at Ye Qing blankly, and was about to say something nice.

Ye Qing looked at him indifferently, thought for a moment, and said in silence.

"From now on, Avril will be the head of the Oldenburg family! Avril's lineage is the direct line! Are you convinced?"

Louis was stunned at first, and all the people in the direct lineage were also greatly humiliated, but no one dared to say a word of disapproval!

After all, they had just seen clearly the ending of Kai and other nobles!

"I am convinced."

Louis's old body drooped at this time, and the whole person seemed to be even older.

He, the head of the Oldenburg family, had been through life and met countless people, but he didn't expect that he still misjudged Ye Qing!

If he had known that Ye Qing was such an identity, let alone having no problem with Avril, it would be no problem to step on him as the head of the family, but now, alas!

Seeing Louis's agreement, Ye Qing nodded, then looked at Avril and said to her gently.

"You will be the head of the Oldenburg family in the future. During this period, Long Yu will help you integrate the resources of the family and other families. As for those who disobey you, Long Tian will naturally help you deal with them!"


Avril is still confused now. Everything happened too fast. She hasn't reacted yet!

Ye Qing smiled and then stopped caring about the things outside. Instead, he took Avril into the inner hall and sat inside to rest. Other things were left to Long Tian and Long Yu to deal with!

Mandy and Richard were still standing there blankly. They didn't know how many times they were surprised about this matter. At this time, they were surprised and proud!

They originally thought that Ye Qing was unlearned and spoiled his talent, but they didn't expect that this was actually a real dragon flying above the nine heavens!

These ridiculous five major Nordic families, what thousands of years of heritage, are not even a fart in front of them!

So in the next few days, they dealt with the relevant personnel here. Those who were not killed in the four major families also changed from former nobles to street vagrants!

And the wealth of their four major families was also collected and returned, and they have been integrating these days.

Although Avril is the new head of the family, a girl has no experience in these things, but with the help of Ye Qing, plus Long Yu and Long Tian, ​​everything went very smoothly!

When they were free, Ye Qing, Long Yu and Long Tian prepared a table of delicious dishes, and several people drank wine leisurely.

Ye Qing looked at Long Tian, ​​drank a sip of wine, and then asked.

"What about those people? They know I'm here, so they should be the most impatient, right?"

Long Tian thought about it and answered Ye Qing.

"They went to Antarctica. Not only us, but also many organizations, forces and countries have sent people to explore. I think it's unusual!"

Ye Qing looked at them, smiled, raised his wine glass, the three of them clinked their glasses, and then drank it all!

"I believe you, this matter, youLet's see what happens!"

Long Yu and Long Tian nodded, and the three people's cups were filled with wine again...

At night, Ye Qing returned to Avril's manor, and saw from a distance that Avril's room was still brightly lit.

Ye Qing walked into the manor and walked towards Avril's room.

At this time, Avril was busy at her desk. As the head of the family, she had a lot of things to do these days, and she didn't want to disappoint Ye Qing's expectations of her.

Ye Qing walked into the room quietly without making much noise. Avril was too focused and didn't notice Ye Qing who had walked in.

Ye Qing smiled, tiptoed, came to Avril's back, and blew gently into her ear.

"Ah! Who is it!"

Avril was startled, turned around and saw that it was Ye Qing, and pinched his ear coquettishly!

"Why are you so bad! You scared me to death! "

Ye Qing smiled evilly and kissed her lips, feeling the sweetness in Avril's mouth.

At this time, both of them closed their eyes and felt each other's breath.

After a while, Ye Qing let go of Avril and took a look at the data table on the table.

"What, are you still busy?"

Avril's face was hot at this time. Although she liked to be intimate with Ye Qing, this was in her home after all, in her room, and the door of the room was open.

"It's you who made me the head of the family. There are a lot of things to do now!"

Avril stuck out her tongue and continued.

"If it weren't for you and Long Tianlong Yu helping me, I really couldn't handle it!"

Ye Qing smiled dotingly and kissed Avril's cheek gently.

"You've worked hard, so next, let's relax together! "

Hearing this, Avril's face became even more rosy. Ye Qing smiled evilly and locked the door of the room.

"This is my home! My parents are still here!"

"It's okay! This room should be well soundproofed!"

Ye Qing came over, hugged Avril, and walked towards her soft big bed.

"Then... I haven't finished these works yet!"

Avril's voice was like a mosquito, curled up in Ye Qing's broad chest.

Ye Qing gently put her on the bed and pulled the curtains.

"It's okay. If it doesn't work, let Long Yu be busy for two more days! "


Soon, there were bursts of shouting and moaning in Avril's boudoir...

Outside, Richard and Mandy came to find the two, and as soon as they reached the door, they heard the indescribable sound inside.

Richard shook his head, stopped Mandy, and the two left.

But two hours later, when the two came back, it was still this familiar sound!

Both of them had question marks on their faces, and Richard sighed continuously.

"Children nowadays are simply unrestrained!"

"Forget it, let them go!"

Mandy shook her head, helpless...

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