Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

029: Spend Your Money, Play With Your Goddess [Chapter 4, Ask For A Flower Ticket]

Early the next morning, Lin Yi came to the convenience bee breakfast chain under the company very leisurely.

As before, Tian Gou Ye Chen sat opposite Wen Yuci.

Ye Chen seems to be telling a joke to make Wen Yuci happy, but Wen Yuci's interest is not very high.

Also, I finally thought that I was free from the control of the big devil Lin Yi, but after being arrogant for a long time, it fell into Lin Yi's hands again.

"Good morning, both of you."

Lin Yi moved a stool and sat beside Wen Yuci.

The moment she saw Lin Yi, Wen Yuci trembled slightly.

Look at Lin Yi's good deeds, all the goddess Wen has a psychological shadow.

Ye Chen too, when he saw Lin Yi, his mood was directly disturbed early in the morning.

"Ye Chen, you are not authentic. You invite Goddess Wen for breakfast every day. They are all colleagues. Why haven't I seen you invite me once?"

Lin Yi asked Ye Chen with a smile.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Lin Yi, didn't Director Gu just reward you with 100,000 yuan yesterday? Now you have more money than anyone in the company, and you want me to ask for this breakfast money?"

Speaking of this matter, Ye Chen's heart twitched.

Obviously, it was me who was going to save Gu Runjin at that time, all because of Lin Yi's words, he lost the 100,000 yuan.

Ye Chen didn't tell anyone, just because of this incident, he was so angry that his liver hurt last night, and he didn't fall asleep until nearly dawn.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I'm a rural girl. My wish in my life is to save money and marry a wife. I can't move the 100,000... Forget it, you're too stingy, I'll still look for Wen. goddess."

Ye Chen: "..."

Wen Yuci saw Lin Yi looking at her, her face turned pale.

"Girls can't eat much. I'll take care of the rest for you?"

Lin Yi smiled and looked at Wen Yuci's beef noodle with few chopsticks.

Of course Wen Yuci didn't want to give it, but the threat in Lin Yi's eyes was obvious.

Thinking of the photo of herself kissing Lin Yi, her fair face couldn't help but feel a hint of anger.

For three full minutes, Helicobacter pylori was exchanged.

It made her go home and brush her teeth four or five times before giving up.

Wen Yuci didn't dare to defy the Great Demon King Lin, so she could only send the beef noodle over.

"Rain porcelain!"

Ye Chen looked anxious, he couldn't understand why she was so afraid of Lin Yi since the photo had been deleted.

"Lin Yi, shall I treat you to the head office?"

Ye Chen's teeth were almost crushed, he didn't dare to scold Wen Yuci, he could only bow his head to Lin Yi.

"Brother Ye, thank you."

Lin Yi smiled and showed his big white teeth.

this day~

It's okay to soak in Ye Chen's goddess.

If you are short of money, intercept the opportunity of Ye Chen.

You don't even have to pay for breakfast.

This is called a life that the gods do not change.


Back at the company, another busy day.

9 am.

"Hey, what are you doing, this is a private company, you can't just enter."

The front desk of the company is not far from the business department.

The employees who were working suddenly heard a loud noise.

At first, everyone didn't take it to heart.



But the two consecutive loud noises stunned all colleagues, including the employees of the business department who answered the phone.

The glass door of the business department was directly smashed by a swivel seat.

Glass ballast sputtered everywhere.

The chair fell to the ground, and there was a huge roar.

"Baolun Company produces and sells such harmful cosmetics, which disfigured the face of Laozi's sister. Now Laozi is not allowed in."

"Damn, today I smashed your company."

Under the terrified eyes of the employees of the business department, a group of people rushed in. If you count them, there are no less than a dozen people.

The one who was supported was a woman who had been sobbing.

When the employees saw her face, they all gasped.

That face, as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid, was severely corroded and extremely terrifying.

As long as anyone who is a little smarter knows that this face is finished, even the most advanced cosmetic surgery agency in the world is useless.

Standing beside the woman were more than a dozen excited family members.

Some of these people are crying and scolding, and some people are hideous, and they seem to have the heart to kill.

"It's over, something big happened!"

The employees of the business department cast a heavy shadow on their hearts.

In the face of the troubled family members who suddenly rushed out, Lin Yi did not do anything extra.

Although he already has a full-level 'Maga Technique', it is no problem to deal with these ordinary people.

But Lin Yi understood one truth.

The more critical the situation is, the more he can reflect his value. He will only appear like a savior when things are beyond repair and everyone is desperate.

"Let your president come out to see me, but I want to see what a person who can produce this kind of poisonous cosmetics with no conscience looks like!"

The stout man who claimed to be the victim's big brother glared at the staff of the business department aggressively.

It's a pity that these people are only low-level employees, and they have the ability to invite the president.

In the face of the sturdy man's questioning, all of them were silent.

"Tell me something, if it's really because of our company's responsibility, we will definitely be responsible to the end, but before that, please tell me the specific situation first."

Zhong Suxue also heard the huge movement outside, and rushed over from the office first.

As expected of the manager of the business department, looking at the broken glass all over the floor, she did not have the slightest panic on her face, but communicated calmly with the other party for the first time.

However, she still underestimated the anger of these family members.

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