Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

043: A High-Quality Man Who Was Molested By A Maintenance Worker? [Chapter 5, Ask For Flower Tickets

Oriental Pearl, revolving restaurant.

At this time, Wen Yuci was dressed in full clothes, and had a meal face-to-face with a man in a suit.

On a table near the entrance of the revolving restaurant, there was also a middle-aged couple and a young man.

Wen Yuci's smile was a little stiff, and she looked at the door of the restaurant from time to time, thinking, "Would you like to treat your daughter or your sister like this?"

"Forget the blind date, I'm afraid I'll run away, and the whole family is blocking the door."

Seriously, if it wasn't for her parents and her big brother, she might have said hello to the man in the photo and walked away.

"Hello, Miss Wen, my name is Xu Qingen. I'm a high-quality man. I graduated from the Finance Department of Oxford University, Sunset Empire. I'm honored to have lunch with you."

Wearing a windbreaker, combing oily hair, and even dressed like a woman, a demon-like male introduced himself to Wen Yuci with a smile.

"hehe Hello."

Wen Yuci had goosebumps at this time.

She felt that if she really married such a man, she would be crazy.

"No, I absolutely can't make him have a good impression of me."

Wen Yuci is not someone to sit still.

"I don't know what kind of girl Mr. Xu likes?"

Wen Yuci asked with a smile on her face.

Xu Qingen was also stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Wen Yuci to be more active than herself.

Didn't her big brother say she was arrogant?

"I like high-quality women like me, who love cleanliness, have a good temperament, like traveling, like literature and art, are knowledgeable, and take care of their families."

"Miss Wen fits the image in my mind very well."

Xu Qingen said with a smile.

Wen Yuci turned her beautiful eyes and replied, "Mr. Xu may not know, I'm just the opposite of what you like. I usually take a shower once a week. You see that I'm so clean, but I actually put on a thick coat. foundation, and I also have foot odor, body odor."

"I don't like traveling either. What I like most is staying at home watching soap operas, eating a lot of potato chips and drinking Coke."

"I never read books. I just like those long-legged Oppas in Bangzi Country, and I often quarrel with my parents for chasing stars."

"Caring for a family doesn't exist. I'm a DINKist, and I'm determined not to have children. If anyone asks me to have children, I'll be anxious."

"Mr. Xu, a big family like you should attach great importance to the inheritance of blood. It's impossible for your father to accept a girl like me, right?"

Wen Yuci started to make things up, and abruptly reduced a little fairy to a lazy, sloppy and extreme female boxingist.

After she finished speaking, she stared at Xu Qingen.

She made her words so disgusting, this Xu Qingen would never still like her, would he?

Xu Qingen was also stunned when he heard it.

But she is a private equity fund manager anyway, and her life experience is much richer than Wen Yuci's, so how can she believe her words.

It was obvious that he didn't want to date him.

Besides, Xu Qingen actually fell in love with this goddess-like girl the first time he saw Wen Yuci.

With long straight black hair, a girly figure with perfect proportions, comic legs, and a ladylike temperament of a scholarly body, there is hardly a second person like her in this world.

"Since you love someone, you must choose to tolerate all her shortcomings. Miss Wen, I won't mind what you said. After I go back, I will tell my father and ask him to send someone to your house to get married."

Xu Qingen said with a smile.

Wen Yuci: "..."

At this time, Wen Yuci was about to cry but had no tears.

God, this person is a fool, she has devalued herself for nothing, and she wants to marry her. Is it because she doesn't marry?

"Mr. Xu, I want to go to the bathroom to touch up my makeup."

Wen Yuci smiled reluctantly. She wanted to go to the bathroom to calm down. By the way, she thought about it, what other way could she make this Xu Qingen give up and marry her.


Xu Qingen said in a very gentlemanly manner, as if seeing through the essence.


"Ye Chen, my family forced me to have a blind date, can you come to the Oriental Pearl and help me?"

"Yuci, wait, I'll come right over."

First, I called Ye Chen for help.

Why don't you call Lin Yi?

Just hope this guy doesn't bully him.

What to do with him?


In front of the huge mirror in the bathroom, Wen Yuci did not touch up her makeup. After putting down her phone, she just stared blankly at herself in the mirror.

Today, because of the blind date, she was forced by her parents to wear a pure white evening dress.

The one-shoulder off-the-shoulder design allows the delicate clavicle of the white and tender shoulders to meet the air.

The huge fluffy skirt, a small section of white and tender calf, and the small feet are stepping on the high heels of fine diamonds, like a royal princess in the Middle Ages in Europe and China.

"What if you look beautiful? It's not that you can't decide your marriage happiness."

Wen Yuci's cute little nose twitched, and the aggrieved one actually wanted to cry.


However, at this moment, she suddenly felt that she was being hugged, and then directly carried the princess into a separate bathroom.

Wen Yuci couldn't see the other party's appearance, but he could see the other party's orange clothes.

"Have you been molested by the maintenance worker?"

She thought in horror as tears rolled down her head.

"Cry wool, it's me."

Wen Yuci was let go, and she heard a familiar voice.

She turned around quickly, only to see Lin Yi dressed as a maintenance worker.

"Why are you here?"

Wen Yuci's first reaction was, of course, shock. It's not an exaggeration to describe Lin Yi as elusive.

He didn't even tell him that he could find a place for a blind date. Could it be that he also installed a locator on himself?

"Why can't I come here? Concubine Ai, you don't want to tell me where you are going on the weekend, but you come here to have a blind date with a wild man. How do you explain this?"

Lin Yi crossed his arms and asked with a smile.

Naturally, he was teasing Wen Yuci.

Wen Yuci felt relieved when she saw that it was Lin Yi, she gave Lin Yi a beautiful look, and then said aggrieved: "Do you think it was me? I wasn't forced by my parents to have a blind date, they Said that if I did not agree, I would not be allowed to work in the company in the future."

Lin Yi smiled and asked, "So in order to see your husband and me again, you finally compromised?"

Wen Yuci spat: "Papa! Narcissist, I'm not for you."

Lin Yi didn't come here to argue with Wen Yuci.

He blinked suddenly and said, "Want to get rid of that greasy high-quality man?"

Wen Yuci was stunned for a moment: "Did you hear that?"

Lin Yi didn't answer the topic, smiled and said, "Just ask if you want to."

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