Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

045: Robbing Civilian Women In Broad Daylight? [Chapter 1, Ask For Flower Tickets]

Wen Yulun and his parents were far away from where Wen Yuci dined, so they didn't see what was going on there.

When they saw Xu Qingen running out with a crying face, they were also confused.

"Mom and Dad, brother, you have also seen it, it's not that I don't want a blind date, it's that he doesn't like me."

With a sweet smile on Wen Yuci's face, two white tender jades came over to greet their family members with bags in their hands.

Who would have imagined that this girl, who is like a lady, had a lot of crime tools tied to her skirt just now.

"You asked me to have a blind date, and I also had a blind date. Anyway, I'll be fine in the afternoon. I'll go shopping first."

Wen Yuci smiled, her fair hands bid farewell to her family.

Five minutes later, Wen Yulun came back with a bunch of tools with an ugly face.

Then he told the waiter what he had seen and heard to his parents.

Wen Yuci's parents were also stunned when they heard it. They didn't expect that their always quiet and well-behaved daughter could actually do such a thing.

Wen Yulun snorted coldly: "With Yuci's character, he would never have come up with such an idea. It must have been some outrageous person who gave him a bad idea."

Wen Yuci and Xu Qingen's blind date was broken, and his 200 million US dollars in financing naturally went to waste.

At this time, he hated that spoiler.

"Hey, can you give me my tools back?"

At this moment, Wen Yulun heard a lazy voice.

"Are these tools yours?"

Turning his head and looking at Lin Yi in orange casual clothes, Wen Yulun's expression was a little unpleasant.

"Are you a family member of that beauty? Really, I don't know what a woman wants my toolbox for? Also, I borrowed my toolbox without a word of thanks, and you look down on us for repairing this tone. work, right?"

Lin Yi's tone was even more aggressive.

Wen Yulun was stunned for a moment, then calmed down.

"It's impossible for a maintenance worker to come into contact with Yuci. Someone else should give him advice."

Therefore, when Lin Yi took the tools, he just stared blankly.

After Lin Yi left.

"Yu Lun, do you see why there is a note on the table?"

Wen Yulun's mother reminded.

Wen Yulun was stunned for a moment, and found that there was really a note on the table.

He frowned, picked it up and looked at it.

"The person who gave Wen Yuci an idea is under the Oriental Pearl Tower."

A very brief sentence.

After Wen Yulun saw it, his whole face immediately cooled down.

He picked up the suit on the chair and immediately ran towards the door of the revolving restaurant.

At the same time, below the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Lin Yi caught up with Wen Yuci.

At this time, he had already taken off his orange casual clothes and threw away his hat.

Inside is a white sweater and a pair of light blue jeans.

When he was talking to Wen Yulun just now, he wore his hat and lowered his head, so even if Wen Yulun saw him again, he would not be able to recognize him.

"Wife, you played a little too big just now."

"When that Xu Qingen goes back, he will definitely spread your deeds to the whole circle. It is estimated that no one will dare to have a blind date with you."

Lin Yi said with a faint smile.

Wen Yuci was also used to Lin Yi's elusive appearance. She said in a clear voice, "Isn't that better? I won't have to worry about going on a blind date in the future."

Lin Yi smiled and said: "That's not what you said, young talents are in that circle, don't you plan to get married in this life?"

Wen Yuci's high-heeled shoes stopped, her fair face turned slightly, she looked at Lin Yi with a half-smile and said, "Why don't you just say, since no one wants you, why don't you be my wife."

Lin Yi smiled: "It's still my wife, you understand me."

Wen Yuci snorted: "I know you, I'm still saying that, we have three different views, I will never think back about you, a despicable bastard."

Lin Yi glanced behind him, and at the entrance of the elevator of the Oriental Pearl Tower, Wen Yulun, who looked bad, had already followed him out.

"You wait here, I'll buy you a bottle of water."

Lin Yi suddenly said this inexplicably.

Wen Yuci also looked at Lin Yi dumbly, not understanding what the hell he was doing.

Lin Yi ignored Wen Yuci and disappeared into the crowd in a few moments.

"Who was that person just now?"

Wen Yuci was still wondering what the hell Lin Yi was up to when she was suddenly startled by the voice behind her.

When she saw Wen Yulun, her big brother, her fair face was a little panicked.

"You read it wrong, who was there just now."

Wen Yuci didn't want Wen Yulun to know of Lin Yi's existence.

Or to put it another way, he didn't want Lin Yi to contact Wen Yulun, otherwise, with Lin Yi's behavior, the Wen family would definitely be messed up.

"Do you think your brother is blind? That person was the one who taught you to hide tools and scare Xu Qingen away, right?"

Wen Yulun sneered.

"Just a little clever."

"Wen Yuci, you have to understand your identity. The other half of your life can only be someone who is right in line with our family, not some diaosi in society."

"Go! Go back with me. You can't go anywhere until you clearly realize your mistake."


The moment Ye Chen received Wen Yuci's call, he rushed to the Oriental Pearl from his residence non-stop.

Although his injury is not over yet.

There are some bruises on the face and body.

But he clearly remembered what Wen Yuci said to him.

"Ye Chen, my family forced me to go out on a blind date, I really don't want to, can you help me think of a way?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chen smiled in his heart: "Lin Yi, Lin Yi! You never imagined that when Yuci encountered trouble, the first thing that came to her mind was to ask me for help. Do you know what this means?"

"As long as you perform well this time, and then confess to Yuci, won't you be able to capture it?"

Twenty minutes later, Ye Chen finally arrived at the Oriental Pearl Tower.

He paid to get off the car and went straight to the elevator door.

Coincidentally, he saw Wen Yuci aggrieved with tears at first sight.

At the same time, an unfamiliar figure was pulling Wen Yuci's arm, as if trying to force her to go somewhere.

"Well, you bastard, you dare to force a girl from a good family in broad daylight!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen gritted his teeth in anger!

He took Wen Yulun as Wen Yuci's blind date, and at the moment was forcing Wen Yuci to do bad things.

"Yuci, don't be afraid! I'm here to save you!"

Ye Chen let out a low growl and rushed over in a hurry.

"Today you will come back with me if you say anything."

Wen Yulun didn't know the danger was coming, and said to Wen Yuci with a cold face.

"Let go of your stinky hands immediately!"

However, he suddenly felt that his back was patted.

Wen Yulun turned around blankly. When he saw Ye Chen's unfamiliar face, he asked impatiently, "Who are you?"

Wen Yuci was also very surprised when she saw Ye Chen.

She suddenly remembered that she seemed to have called Ye Chen for help.

But because of Lin Yi's appearance, she forgot about it.

When she saw Ye Chen's raised fist, Wen Yuci's beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

"I'm your father on a horse!"

Ye Chen grinned, his fist as big as a sandbag smashed towards Wen Yulun's face.


The unfortunate Wen Yulun did not expect that the stranger would do it when he said he would do it.

He was punched abruptly, and his eyes suddenly turned black, his nose was painful, and a stream of blood splashed out from his nasal cavity.

The whole person also staggered, and sat on the ground with a buttocks.

Seeing the power of his own punch, Ye Chen was very satisfied.

He turned his head and smiled at Wen Yuci: "Yuci, you..."

"elder brother!"

Wen Yuci didn't have time to pay attention to Ye Chen, her eyes were red, and she rushed to see Wen Yulun's situation.

Hearing this brother, Ye Chen was stunned on the spot.

In the next second, his face changed even more.

Because he found out, this young man seems to be six or seven similar to Wen Yuci.

"Paralyzed! Don't you mean that the blind date is entangled? Why did a brother suddenly appear?"

No matter how stupid he was, Ye Chen knew that he had made a big disaster, and his face turned white with fright.

As soon as we met, he slaughtered his brother. Even if he got Wen Yuci's heart in the future, her big brother would chase after him with a kitchen knife, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen immediately covered his face with both hands before Wen Yulun regained consciousness, and then slipped away quietly...

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