Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

047: Fake Fang Xieyang: The Bar Owner Gets Out Of My Way [Chapter 3, Ask For A Flower Ticket]

"I haven't touched a single sip of this wine. Besides, these wines are all opened by you. What does it have to do with me? Get out of the way, I want to go home."

In Baichengcheng's wallet, there are only a few hundred dollars in total. How can I afford such an expensive drink.

And she's not a fool. It was these people who tricked her into taking these wines when she was irrational, but now they ask her to pay, which is a blatant rip-off.

Therefore, Bai Chengcheng wanted to push these people away and leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

As soon as the young man saw it, he knew that the little girl couldn't afford the wine.

But it doesn't matter, children can't afford it, there are always adults.

"It's only natural to pay for meals. No one has ever left after eating for free. Little girl, I'm not embarrassing you. You should call your parents."

The young man said with a smile.

Bai Chengcheng was blocked back, and immediately stared at him: "You are all liars, anyway, I won't give you a penny today."

The young man shrugged and said, "Whatever you say, but I won't let you out of here until you give me money."

As he said that, he said to the two girls in the hot atmosphere group: "Take this little girl and go to rest in the box over there."

Then he turned to the bar security and said, "A Bin, A Qiang, you guys stay outside the box."

Just like that, with a hint of panic on her pale face, she was locked in the box.

No matter how she slammed the door, no one paid attention to her outside.

She knew that if she didn't call her aunt today, she would be inseparable from here no matter what.

Thinking of this, Bai Chengcheng cried with a small face, sat back on the sofa and took out her small pink mobile phone, and began to hesitate.


During the weekend, Fang Xieyang called Zhong Suxue and wanted to take care of her situation.

"Fang Xieyang, Chengcheng is gone, I can't find her no matter how I look."

But as soon as the call was connected, Fang Xieyang heard a burst of crying, and Zhong Suxue said bad news in a slightly hoarse voice.

The smile on Fang Xieyang's face froze, and then he said with a serious face: "Don't get excited, tell me where you are, and I'll come to you right away."

Zhong Suxue gave an address.

The original twenty-minute journey, Fang Xieyang drove there in ten minutes, and one could see the urgency in his heart.

Inside a cafe.

Fang Xieyang saw Zhong Suxue with an anxious face and tears on her tender face.

"I...I really can't help it. Orange is my last relative in this world. If something happens to her, I won't be alive."

Zhong Suxue sobbed and said excitedly.

Fang Xieyang quickly reassured: "She is such an old child, she must know to take care of herself. If she doesn't come back now, which classmate's house should she be in?"

"Su Xue, the most important thing you should do now is to calm down first, then tell me the cause and effect of the matter, and I'll help you find a solution."

Zhong Suxue also felt that what Fang Xieyang said made sense.

She nodded and was about to tell him what happened in the past two days.

"Ring Ling..."

But at this moment, Zhong Suxue's cell phone rang.

Zhong Suxue was stunned for a moment.

The next second, she didn't care to talk to Fang Xieyang anymore, and immediately took out her phone and looked at it.

"It's orange!"

Zhong Suxue said in surprise.

For the past two days, Bai Chengcheng's mobile phone has been turned off, and it can't get through no matter how to call it.

"Let's answer the phone first and see how Orange is doing now."

Fang Xieyang reminded.

Zhong Suxue nodded, then pressed the answer button.

After the phone was connected, there was no speech there, but Zhong Suxue could hear uneven breathing.

"Is it Orange? Where have you been? How are you doing now? Hurry up and talk to Auntie, don't you know that Auntie is dying?"

Zhong Suxue said with a cry.

The relationship between Bai Chengcheng and Zhong Suxue is not a mother-daughter, but it is better than a mother-daughter.

Hearing her anxious and caring voice, Bai Chengcheng finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a cry, "Auntie, I was kidnapped by bad guys, they said I couldn't give me 36,000 wine money, so they wouldn't let me go. ."

Hearing Bai Chengcheng's words, Zhong Suxue's heart groaned.

As she thought, Bai Chengcheng hadn't contacted her for a few days, so it must have been an accident.

At present, Zhong Suxue anxiously asked the most crucial question: "Orange, how are you doing now? Did they bully you?"

The Zhong Suxue sisters are all beautiful beauties with outstanding looks.

Her brother-in-law is also a handsome guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the daughter she gave birth is naturally not bad.

Ever since Ye Chengcheng was studying, she has been the school flower.

She was afraid that the other party saw Ye Chengcheng's appearance and had some crooked thoughts on her, and that would be the end.

You know what innocence means to a girl.

And encountering such a thing, for a girl, it will be a psychological shadow that cannot be cured for a lifetime.

Fortunately, Bai Chengcheng's words reassured Zhong Suxue, she bit her lower lip, shook her head and said, "They didn't do anything to me, they just kept me in the box and wouldn't let me go."

At this time, Bai Chengcheng also remembered something, and she added: "Auntie, the bar I'm locked in is called Absolute Zero, you hurry up and save me, and Auntie, don't come alone, it's too dangerous, remember to call the police. "

Just when I said this, the white orange orange suddenly broke.

In fact, it was because she went out for two days and her mobile phone was not charged.

But Zhong Suxue mistakenly thought that Bai Chengcheng had been discovered, and she said anxiously: "Orange must have been beaten by them, I want to call the police."

Fang Xieyang, who had been silent all the time, said calmly, "You can't call the police. Since the other party didn't touch Orange, it must be for money. If you call the police, it will force the other party to attack Orange. Orange's phone is disconnected, I guess. It may be that the mobile phone is out of power, and the top priority is that we should rush to the bar called Absolute Zero to save Orange."

Zhong Suxue also felt that what Fang Xieyang said made sense.

Without further ado, the two got up and walked out of the bar.

at the same time.


Lin Yi, who had already made up to look like the setting sun, swaggered into the absolute zero bar.

Entering the noisy dance floor, Lin Yi did not dance, and did not drink, but directly picked up a bottle of wine from an unfamiliar wine table.


The crisp sound of glass shattering.

Drinks splashed on the faces of the surrounding guests, and the entire dance floor was scented with champagne.

Although the music was still playing, all the customers were stunned, stopped twisting their bodies, and looked at Lin Yi with a bewildered expression.

At this time, he was stepping on the table with one foot, and still kept the action of throwing the wine bottle with one hand, which was very cool.

Seeing that he had attracted everyone's attention, he said arrogantly, "Who is the owner of the bar, get out of here!"

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