Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

051: White Orange Orange: Fang Xieyang Is A Devil, I Hate Him! [Chapter 2, Ask For Flower Tickets]

"Everyone, be honest and don't move."

These are soldiers with guns.

The arrogant arrogance of those social youths was extinguished.

They held their heads as honestly as they wanted, and squatted in the corners in neat rows.

"Fang team, do you want to deal with your injury first?"

Fang Xieyang's former subordinate came to ask him about his situation.

"Take these people to the police, and I'll do the rest myself."

Fang Xieyang waved his hand and said.

The man nodded and said nothing, took a bunch of social scum into the car, and left here.

Only the bar that was riddled with holes was left behind.

After these people left.

Fang Xieyang started looking for Zhong Suxue and Bai Chengcheng from room to room.

He was surrounded by the crowd just now, and he couldn't see the scene where Lin Yi rescued Zhong Suxue, and thought that Zhong Suxue was also locked in a certain room.

There were only a few boxes in the bar, and Fang Xieyang quickly found Zhong Suxue.


"Director Fang, stay safe."

Lin Yi sat lazily on the sofa and greeted Fang Xieyang.

Zhong Suxue and Bai Chengcheng were sitting next to each other, talking in low voices.

Fang Xieyang: "..."

Just like Zhong Suxue's expression when she saw Lin Yi, Fang Xieyang never expected to meet Lin Yi here.

"How will you be here?"

In Fang Xieyang's heart, Lin Yi had long been labeled as a ruffian with bad intentions.

Therefore, when he saw Lin Yi, he asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I'm not worried about Chengcheng's safety, so everyone came to save her on purpose."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Fang Xieyang looked at him even more solemnly.

How dangerous this bar is, he has already experienced it.

If it hadn't been for the helper he found, he might have gotten the box lunch long ago.

And Lin Yi is just an ordinary person, how did he enter the bar and find Baichengcheng.

And when he was besieged, he rescued Zhong Suxue?

"This kid is not easy."

Fang Xieyang finally became wary of Lin Yi and regarded him as an opponent on the same level as himself.

Not only him, Lin Yi and Fang Xieyang looked at each other at this time.

"Hundreds of people couldn't kill him. In the end, soldiers with live ammunition and armored vehicles were brought in. These protagonists are not simple."

Lin Yi couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Fang Xieyang didn't want to communicate more with Lin Yi.

Seeing Bai Chengcheng sitting on the sofa, he stepped forward with a serious look and said, "Orange, don't do such willful things in the future. Do you know what your aunt is worried about these days?"

"This time, it was because I...and Lin Yi came to help that I rescued you. Think about it, if your aunt came alone, what would happen in the end? "


If there is no such thing as Lin Yi's coquettish manipulation, it will disrupt the situation.

If it was Fang Xieyang who rescued Bai Chengcheng, then there is nothing wrong with what he said to Bai Chengcheng.

But don't forget, in Bai Chengcheng's eyes, Fang Xieyang said to her an hour ago:

"Your aunt was slept by me, and now I still want to sleep with you."

"If you don't want your aunt to go to jail, promise me honestly."

These words.

Now Fang Xieyang changed a fake appearance and came to preach to her, and Bai Chengcheng almost spit it out.

Just in Zhong Suxue's stunned eyes, Bai Chengcheng said to Xie Yang in an extremely disgusting tone: "Who wants you to pretend to be a good person, you are the worst rotten person I have ever seen, the worst bad person in the world, you will give it now. I'm getting out of here, I don't want to see you again."

Fang Xieyang: "..."

"Orange! Do you know what you're talking about?"

Zhong Suxue looked at Ye Chengcheng in disbelief.

Bai Chengcheng glared at Fang Xieyang: "Of course I know what I'm talking about!"

"Auntie, I know you are talking to him because you are threatened by this demon, but you don't have to be afraid now. Brother Yi is very powerful. With him protecting us, you don't have to be afraid of this demon anymore."

Bai Chengcheng looked at Lin Yi with confidence.

Zhong Suxue seemed to have thought of something.

She suddenly asked Bai Chengcheng with a serious face, "Did Lin Yi tell you these words?"

Bai Chengcheng hummed, "Brother Yi didn't tell me this, this is what Fang Xieyang, the devil, told me personally."

The white orange orange is a devil, and Zhong Suxue can't bear it any longer.

"Shut up, your Uncle was so badly injured because of you, is that how you slandered him?"

"You're not allowed to call him a devil again, do you hear me?"

Zhong Suxue said sadly.

Bai Chengcheng was in a period of rebellion, and she hated Fang Xieyang, she immediately said: "Devil! Devil! Devil! He is obviously a devil, why don't you let me say..."


Zhong Suxue lost her mind in a rage, and slapped Bai Chengcheng on the face.

No one expected this scene.

Including Lin Yi.

"You actually beat me for a bad guy?"

Bai Chengcheng covered her reddish white tender face, and her beautiful big eyes also concealed tears.

After Zhong Suxue beat the white orange orange, she also regretted it.

You know, she regards Cheng Cheng as her own daughter, and has never hit her since she was a child. This is the first time she has done anything to her.

"Orange Orange~"

Zhong Suxue stretched out her hand, a little distressed and a little guilty.

"I hate you!"

Ye Chengcheng pushed Zhong Suxue's hand away and ran out of the box crying.

"I'll go see her."

Lin Yi shrugged and followed.

Fools all know that now is the most vulnerable time for the little girl. When will it be better to not comfort her at this time?

"Would you like to lie to a little girl and play with a little daughter-in-law?"

Lin Yi thought with a smile.

After Lin Yi left, Zhong Suxue looked at Fang Xieyang apologetically.

"Chengcheng is just a child. She must have listened to other people's slander, so she misunderstood you. I hope you don't mind."

Fang Xieyang's smile was a little ugly. He had done so much, and he was called a devil. It would be uncomfortable for everyone.

More importantly, he knew that Bai Chengcheng was the most important person in Zhong Suxue's life.

If she doesn't accept herself, I'm afraid Zhong Suxue won't accept him even if she likes her.

So in conclusion, it was Lin Yi's game of 6, which basically cut off most of Fang Xieyang's chances with Zhong Suxue.

"I won't take it to heart, it's not too early, since Chengcheng is also safe, you should go back and rest early."

Fang Xieyang felt a little dizzy, which was a sign of excessive blood loss.

Zhong Suxue said with concern: "But your injuries... how about I take you to the hospital?"

Fang Xieyang waved his hand: "It's just a small injury."

After speaking, he walked out of the box alone.

No matter how you look at it, the back is a little desolate.

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