Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

054: Ye Chen Picked Up The Leak? Zhong Suxue's Birthday [Chapter 5, Ask For Flower Tickets]

Lin Yi first read Wen Yuci's diary.

"October 28, the weather is fine."

"When I had breakfast in the morning, Ye Chen invited me to visit the largest antique city in Yunzhou, but I didn't know anything about antiques and had no interest, so I rejected him."

"In the afternoon, Ye Chen excitedly told me that he had missed the teapot. The teapot he bought for 10,000 yuan was actually blue and white porcelain from the Song Dynasty, worth more than 1.8 million yuan."

"Ye Chen said that those who saw it had a share, and he wanted to give me half of it, but I didn't want it."

"There are still more than 2 million in pocket money, and he accepted Ye Chen's kindness. He must think that I like him. If he confesses to me at that time, it is not easy for me to refuse."


Wen Yuci's diary ends here.

Lin Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Here, come! The halo of the legendary protagonist is here. Just go around the antique city and you can pick up more than 1.8 million blue and white porcelain. The novels are not so ridiculous."

"Well, then again, this seems to be in a novel, and I'm still a supporting role."

"In addition, Wen Yuci is too rich, isn't she? I worked hard for several days, and every time I made various salacious operations, I only got more than 700,000 yuan, and her casual pocket money has more than 2 million yuan. , is there any reason?"

Lin Yi sighed and touched his chin again. He was thinking about how to fool the little rich woman's small vault.

After all, he is the concubine he loves, so what to do with so much money, it is better to raise her by himself.

Wen Yuci didn't know, just because she accidentally exposed her small vault in her diary, she was targeted by Lin Yi.

"Ye Chen is going to the Antique City at noon tomorrow, which means that he has to go to the Antique City to cut Hu before arriving here, so he has to find a way to skip work tomorrow morning."

Lin Yi secretly made plans.

At the same time, he opened Zhong Suxue's diary again.

"October 28, the weather is fine."

"Happy and sad."

"Today, the president informed the business department that everyone worked overtime because of their busy performance, but I learned later that this was a premeditated plan."

"At eight o'clock in the evening, when I came back from the bathroom, the business department was completely dark, just when I was wondering."

"Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you..."

"All the employees of the business department, including Fang Xieyang and President Ling, are here, pushing the car, singing birthday wishes, and looking at me with a smile."

"I was stunned for the first time, but I immediately remembered that today is my birthday!!!"

"Just because of the high-intensity work and the pressure from Orange, I forgot about it myself."

"Yuci said that this was a surprise given by Fang Xieyang, and the president also participated in the cooperation."

"While cutting the cake, I found a gift box inside."

"Fang Xieyang took out the ring from the gift box, knelt down on one knee, confessed to me, and asked me to be his girlfriend."

"I'm surprised, but he rejected him. Fang Xieyang also said that it's okay to be a gentleman."

"I know Fang Xieyang's heart for me, but I still have a debt of 4.2 million, and I don't want to drag him down with Chengcheng."

"Maybe I'm tired one day, Chengcheng has really grown up, I will promise him, after all, he has paid so much for me."


After reading Zhong Suxue's diary, Lin Yi scratched his head.

Compared with Wen Yuci, this Zhong Suxue is more difficult to deal with.

Fang Xieyang has too many routines, and is still infatuated, thinking about creating surprises all the time.

With a little carelessness, the heroine Zhong Suxue was attacked by him.

"But the more challenging it is, the more exciting it is."

Lin Yi laughed again.

Born to be a bad person, he likes to do things like ruining people's marriages.

"What's more troublesome is that there is no place in Zhong Suxue's diary where Fang Xieyang ordered cakes, so I can't do anything about it."

For this, Lin Yi has a last resort.

He can make up to look like Fang Xieyang, and then ask each cake shop until he tries out the cake he ordered.

But this method has a bug.

That is, after Fang Xieyang was trapped, he went to the cake shop to check.

As long as you investigate the surveillance video, you can find that there is actually a self in the cake shop.

Although Fang Xieyang may not be able to find out that this person is Lin Yi pretending to be, in the future, if Lin Yi wants to pretend to be Fang Xieyang again, he will not succeed.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi fell into deep thought.


Early the next morning, Lin Yi put the cosmetic case and the clothes to change into the newly purchased motorcycle storage box.

Then he rode his bike to the company.

After arriving at the company, Lin Yi did not go up directly, but went to the basement on the first floor.

The storage room responsible for the cleaning of the entire Bao Lun office building is here.

"Old man, I'm new here. The supervisor told me that I'll be in charge of cleaning the Bao Lun company's office today."

Lin Yi patted an old man with gray hair on the shoulder and said with a smile.

The old man turned around and glanced at Lin Yi, then said with a smile, "Such a young guy has to come and fight with us old guys. Has the cleaning industry also become involved?"

"Oh, this old man is quite fashionable, and he knows the word involution."

Lin Yi was amused when he heard the old man speak.

The old man did not expect that even the cleaners would be impersonated.

After telling Lin Yi a few words, I went to clean other areas.

After the old man left, Lin Yi saw that there was no one around, so he started to make up according to the old man's appearance.

With the increase in the number of makeup, he has become more and more skilled in using the Thousand Changes God Monarch.

Two or three minutes later, a person who looked exactly like the old man appeared.

When Lin Yi deliberately bent his waist, it would be even more vivid.

After getting dressed, Lin Yi went directly to the 28th floor where the company was located, and then pushed the car to Fang Xieyang's HR manager's office.

"Tuk Tuk~"

He knocked on the door.


In the office, Fang Xieyang's voice came.

Lin Yi imitated the old man's voice and said, "The cleaner."

After signing in the Thousand Changes God, the system also gave Lin Yi the stunt of imitating ventriloquism, so Lin Yi was not afraid of revealing his secrets.

"Come in."

Fang Xieyang said this.

After entering the door, Lin Yi saw that Fang Xieyang happened to put down his phone, as if he had just called someone else.

He calmly glanced at Fang Xieyang's mobile phone interface, and wrote down the 3 mobile phone numbers he dialed recently.

After ten minutes of basic cleaning, Lin Yi exited the office.

Fang Xieyang suddenly looked at Lin Yi's back and frowned, "Why does this person feel a little wrong?"

The sixth sense of the former special forces career made him feel that this old man who came every day seemed to have a problem.

But the Thousand Changes God Sovereign is too perverted, Fang Xieyang can't think of anyone who has such a great ability to pretend to be another person to approach him.

In the end, he could only think that he was thinking too much.

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