Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

069: Destroy The Car-Stealing Gang, 1.2 Million Anti-Cancer Drugs Come Out [4000-Character Chapter,

After successful bargain hunting, Lin Yi closed the computer interface and did not read stock market information.

Because he knew the result was doomed, he just had to wait for the money.

But in the eyes of other colleagues, this behavior is a sign of giving up and struggling.

They all watched Lin Yi's every move, for fear that he would get lost and go to the rooftop.

Only Ye Chen sneered.

He wished that Lin Yi lost money in stocks, so he went to the rooftop to die.

In this way, no one will compete with him for Wen Yuci.

When Lin Yi walked past Wen Yuci, Wen Yuci hesitated and asked, "Where are you going?"

Of course Lin Yi knew what Wen Yuci was thinking. He smiled and said, "Why, are you worried that I will go to seek death, do you want to be a widow?"

Wen Yuci: "…………. …

"Spit! Dogs can't spit out ivory!"

Wen Yuci gritted her little white porcelain teeth angrily, ignoring him directly.

However, just as Lin Yi continued to walk forward, she heard Wen Yuci whisper: "I don't want you to pay back the two million."

Come early is worse than coincidence.

As soon as Lin Yi walked downstairs, he saw a person sneakily opening the lock of Wen Yuci's light pink motorcycle.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi did not act in a hurry, but just watched in the dark.

After a small pickup came over and the two lifted Wen Yuci's small motorcycle up, Lin Yi stopped a taxi and asked him to follow the pickup.

"Let's just say, dare to steal a car under the office building, how can there be no gang, ordinary people see it and think it is an illegally parked car that has been pulled away."

Lin Yi smiled and muttered to himself.

"Little brother, those are those who stole battery cars?"

The driver also heard Lin Yi's words and asked in surprise.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Yes, master, these people's hearts are very bad, this motorcycle is bought by my daughter-in-law with one month's salary, she is still distressed when she finds out, you must follow

If you tell the driver to catch the plane and train, he may not drive fast.

But you told him that your wife cheated and wanted to go back to catch the adulterer. Believe it or not he can drive a taxi as a spaceship?

The same goes for chasing criminals.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, the driver grinned and stepped directly on the engine!

Twenty minutes later.

Lin Yi, who got out of the car, watched thousands of motorcycles pile up together, like a motorcycle exposition, and was a little surprised.

This is a used motorcycle disposal market.

Since people dare to steal, there must be a way to deal with it.

Once it arrived late, the motorcycle was disposed of and shipped across the country.

It's really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Brother, walk slowly."

Lin Yi smiled and stopped in front of the driver who got off 677 from the pickup truck.

"You want a motorcycle?"

The driver froze for a moment, then asked with a frown.

Lin Yi pointed to the motorcycle behind the pickup, and said with a smile, "This motorcycle belongs to my girlfriend."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the expressions of the two people changed.

This is the door that was found by the righteous master!

And since the other party dared to stop them, they must have come prepared.


The two wretched men gave a wink, then split into two directions and fled immediately.

It's just that the one they met was Lin Yi who was at the SSS level of Maga.

Can you just run?



In less than ten seconds, the two were thrown to the ground by Lin Yi.

"Little bastard, do you know who we are? If you don't want to be troubled, let us go!"

One of the car thieves was still struggling and yelling.

Lin Yi clapped his hands and said lightly, "You mean, there are gangs behind you, right?"

Having said that, Lin Yi crouched down, took out the man's cell phone, and handed it over: "Call your boss and let him come over and lead him."

The car thief rolled his eyes and immediately called his boss: "Brother Chen, I'm in trouble in the second-hand car market, please bring more people."

The person over there didn't speak, just 'um'.

It didn't take long for Lin Yi to see a group of people on motorcycles approaching and surrounded Lin Yi.

"Boy, if you don't want to suffer, just let us go.

The boss came and the thief started to clamor again.


But immediately, he howled in pain, it turned out that Lin Yi stepped on his back.

The middle-aged man headed by more than a dozen motorcycles frowned: "Brother, it's my little brother who is ignorant and offended you, I will apologize to you on behalf of him, and I also promise that in the future in the magic city, your motorcycle No one will steal and sell my face, let's just forget about it."

Lin Yi looked at the middle-aged man with interest.

To be honest, this person is quite interesting, and he is quite skillful in handling things.

For ordinary people, this may be the case. After all, one more friend means one more road.

But unfortunately, he met Lin Yi.

Negotiate terms with Lin Yi, he doesn't have that qualification yet.

"What if I say no?"

Lin Yi smiled lightly.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly: "Then use your strength to make you agree."

After speaking, he put down the helmet hood with one hand and gripped the baseball bat with the other.

The younger brother who followed behind him was neat and unified, as well.

"Haha! You don't eat and drink for a toast, kid! You're dead this time!"

The car thief who was trampled to death by Lin Yi showed an excited expression.

just five minutes later


Lin Yi stepped on the car thief with his left foot and the middle-aged man with his right foot, that is, the head of these car thieves.

A dozen people lay neatly on the ground around them.

"Have you watched too many Hong Kong movies? Are you still using your strength to get me to agree? This is too bad to pretend."

Lin Yi shook his head, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Yao Yaoling.

"Hey, I caught a car thief gang with 18 people in total. You can send more people."

The police officer: "You arrested 18 people? How many of you?"

Lin Yi: "Just one, and a few more."

Receptionist: "???"

At first, the people on the police side didn't believe it, but Lin Yi was very detailed, and they could only send four police cars over.

"Damn! It's really only one person."

The police who got out of the car were stunned when they saw Lin Yi sitting on a poor middle-aged man smoking a cigarette while a dozen people were lying around him.

Seeing the police coming, Lin Yi got up and took the motorcycle off the pickup: "These people stole my girlfriend's motorcycle. Since you are here, I will give them to you."

Lin Yi said hello and left on a motorcycle.

The police looked at Lin Yi's leaving back and looked at each other.

Killed 18 people just for his girlfriend's motorcycle!

Brother! Movies don't dare to shoot like this!

Back at the company, Lin Yi pushed the cart to a hidden place and hid it.

After get off work, isn't Ye Chen going to do some lottery?

And let Wen Yuci get a Porsche 718.

At that time, this little motorcycle is the best time to play.

"Lin Yi hasn't come back for so long, so he won't really go to the rooftop, will he?"

Lin Yi didn't return to the business department for a long time, and some people started to worry about him.

A colleague who came back from the toilet said: "When I went to the toilet, I saw Lin Yi getting off the elevator, he didn't go to the rooftop.

"If you don't go to the rooftop, you can go to the overpass, or you can go to the reservoir. In short, if I lose millions, I will definitely seek death."

"Which of you has Lin Yi's cell phone, give him a call quickly."

When it was time to get off work, my colleagues were saying that Lin was playing a lot.

Wen Yuci bit her moist lower lip, and she was hesitant to hold the phone in her tender white hand.

However, at this moment, a lazy and somewhat flat voice sounded.

"Excessive! Why is it that when I'm not here, you start to speak ill of me one by one?"

Seeing Lin Yi's familiar figure, Wen Yuci actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Lin Yi's relaxed expression, the others were also relieved.

But he said in his heart: "Just hold on. When the market closes in the afternoon, I hope you can stand it and don't go to the rooftop."

"Get off work!"

At twelve o'clock noon, three or four employees made an appointment to go downstairs for lunch.

"Ye Chen, we haven't seen your Ferrari 488, please let us open our eyes."

Some colleagues said with a smile before seeing Ye Chen's Ferrari.

Ye Chen glanced at Wen Yuci inadvertently, then smiled: "Small idea, it's fine for you to sit.

As a result, more than a dozen employees, including colleagues who had not seen the addiction in the morning, went downstairs to the office.

"You wait, I'll go to the garage and drive the car (ajdj)."

No matter how awesome the Ferrari 488 is, it can't park indiscriminately. Ye Chen parked the car in the garage.

"Come on, go, we'll be waiting here."

Those colleagues waved their hands impatiently.

Wen Yuci is not interested in Ferrari 488, after all, she also has several sports cars at home.

She silently went to the place where she parked her scooter.

Wen Yuci: "???"

Looking at the empty parking space, Wen Yuci's fair face was stunned.

Then she started looking around.

three minutes later.

When Ye Chen drove the sports car over, he saw a group of colleagues from the company surrounding him, seemingly comforting someone.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, then got off the sports car and went over to take a look.

"Yuci, why are you crying?"

When she saw Wen Yuci squatting on the ground and crying in a low voice, she instantly began to feel distressed.

Yuan Kui patted Wen Yuci's back and sighed, "Yuci's motorcycle was stolen."

Ye Chen was also taken aback. He didn't expect that people would dare to steal motorcycles in the downtown area.

However, for Ye Chen, it's just a motorcycle, what's the matter, he can buy one for Wen Yuci at any time.

And he also said this: "Yuci, if you lose your car, you will lose it, don't be sad, I will take you to buy a new one now.

Wen Yuci, who was already in a state of sadness, raised her crying face with rainy pear flowers and said, "Who wants your car!"

Lin Yi looked at Ye Chen like an idiot: "Is there something wrong with you? This motorcycle was bought by Yuci with her first month's salary, you know it's very meaningful? You can't speak, but go.

Ye Chen: "………………

At this time, Ye Chen also knew that he had said something wrong.

"Yuci, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I don't even know about this, it's all my stupidity.

"Now that your car is gone, why don't I take you home first."

Ye Chen asked carefully.

Just as Ye Chen was talking, Lin Yi pushed his little motorcycle out of nowhere, and then patted the back seat: "We ordinary people don't deserve to ride in Master Ye's luxury car, motorcycles are just us. The means of transportation."

warm rain

Ci raised her face and glanced at Lin Yi.

At this moment, this guy was blinking at him.

I don't know why, but Wen Yuci's mood was inexplicably much better.

"Thank you for your kindness, I'll just take Lin Yi's car.

Wen Yuci sat down on the back seat of Lin Yi's motorcycle, pulling the corner of Lin Yi's clothes just like the previous two times.

Ye Chen: "…………"

Lin Yi rode away leisurely on the motorcycle. Halfway through the ride, he squeezed the brakes on purpose.

Wen Yuci pounced on Lin Yi's back without incident.

"Lin Yi! You bastard! How many times do you want me to tell you? No when you took me! Xu! Pinch! Brake! Car!"

Then, it was Wen Yuci's angry voice.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen's heart was bleeding, and he wanted to cry without tears!


what is this?

I used to pretend to be poor but Lin Yi was fine.

Now I drive a Ferrari 488, but I can't do a motorcycle!

Is this because he is too useless? Or is Lin Yi too perverted?

In the afternoon, the stock market is open from 1:00 to 3:00.

After the opening, the stock price of Litian Group is still at the limit price of 53 yuan, and there is no change at all.

Colleagues in the company all had no intention of working, so they went to see Lin Yi.

They were afraid that Lin Yi would go to the rooftop when they weren't paying attention.

Although Wen Yuci was in a bad mood because her motorcycle was stolen, she still glanced at Lin Yi from time to time.

Only Ye Chen has been holding his mobile phone and posting something on WeChat.

"Have you got the pale pink Porsche 718 yet?"

"Ye Shao, there is no stock in the magic city!"

"I don't care. If you don't have any stock, you can put the car clothes on me. In short, I want you to send the car to the bottom of our company before 4 o'clock."

"By the way, remember to send it in a big truck, in that kind of transparent plastic cover, dressed as a gift box, and put balloons and ribbons inside."

"As long as Yuci likes it, I will give you a bonus of 100,000 yuan."

Hearing the extra bonus, the other party's tone changed immediately: "Young Master Ye, just wait for my good news. y

At 2:30 in the afternoon, with half an hour left, the stock market is about to close.

Lin Yi stretched his back and stood up.

"Brother Yi, where are you going!"

In the company, several colleagues asked at the same time.

Lin Yi looked at them with a funny face: "I'm stepping on the next toilet, do you have to worry about it?"

Chen Shi got up awkwardly: "I just want to go to the toilet too. Brother Yi, let's go together."

Lin Yi also knows that these colleagues are not bad at heart, because they are afraid that they can't figure it out.

In the toilet, he looked at Lin Yi who was wearing the belt, and then looked at himself. Chen Shi was envious and inferior.

"Nima, if I knew this earlier, the labor and capital wouldn't follow me. It's too much to hit people."

After returning to the office, Lin Yi continued to watch the Penguin live broadcast.

He is waiting for the Litian Group to hold a press conference.

Of course, there is no need for him to wait. Yuan Kui suddenly stood up, and her computer started popping up again. This time, the news was: Litian Group will hold a press conference and will be held accountable for spreading rumors.

The company manufactures and sells toxic cosmetics...

However, this title is not strong enough.

When Yuan Kui saw: Big news! Cancer is saved, only 1.2 million injections are needed to completely cure it. At present, the drug has passed all clinical trials and has been approved by the National Medical Center.

The bureau approved the listing, and the drug was developed by Litian Group Biopharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.!!!

"Lin Yi seems to be getting rich..."

After reading this news, Yuan Kui's face was blank.

Even someone who doesn't know much about the stock market knows that under the impact of such a big positive news, let alone rumors of toxic cosmetics, even if the chairman of Litian Group kills people,

Litian Group's stock will soar.

PS: 5 automatic subscriptions plus one more chapter!!! Two-in-one chapter, the second chapter today!!!


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