Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

078: President Lan Xiao: Ling Yingruo's Sworn Enemy Female Villain? [4000-Word Chapter, Ask For

The booths in the expo are all ready-made, and you only need to bring your own company's products and billboards.

Bao Lun Company has its own truck. In the business department, more than a dozen employees selected by Zhong Suxue rode the truck all the way to the Magic City Gymnasium where the exposition was held.

"Wow! There are too many people here."

"It's so fragrant, it's all the fragrances from various brands of beauty makeup."

"Hey, the handsome blond guy?"

"And the big black brothers in Africa!"

"It is indeed a world-class expo. If I hadn't known in advance, I would have thought I had traveled to Europe."

Arriving at the booth belonging to Bao Lun Company, everyone was carrying things down, but Yuan Kui was watching the grand occasion of the exposition with a look of amazement.

Lin Yi glanced at Yuan Kui: "Yuan Kui, everyone is working, you are the only one in Africa, big brother! Big brother's..."

"What, do you want to marry to Africa?"

Hearing the joke in Lin Yi's words, Yuan Kui's beautiful mood disappeared instantly, she glared at Lin Yi: "You just want to marry in Africa... You're too embarrassed to tell me, Lin Yi, what are you doing? ?"

On the opposite side of Yuan Kui, Lin Yi was sitting on the booth, looking at Erlang's legs, feeling very uncomfortable.

Dare to say this is the eldest brother talking about the second brother, let alone anyone else, Lin Yi is also lazy here.

"I'm afraid that someone will steal something, stay here and watch, you know something."

Lin Yi was talking nonsense again.

"Okay Yuan Kui, don't copy with Lin Yi, come and help."

Zhong Suxue glanced at Lin Yi helplessly, but did not blame Lin Yi.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't dare.

Even she is Lin Yi's private lover now. If she says more to him, when no one else is around, this bastard will come up with a way to bully him.

Yuan Kui was also aggrieved, but said nothing.

She felt it.

In the business department, except for Ye Chen and Lin Yi who didn't deal with it, the rest of the people didn't dare to mess with Lin Yi, including her good sister Wen Yuci.

"Why are the people from Bao Lun so embarrassed to come to the Beauty Expo? Did you forget the good things you did so quickly? Or do you want more people to disfigure their faces?"

When the booth was finally set up and everyone in the business department rolled up their cuffs, it was time for a big fight.

However, a 'piercing' sound was heard not far away.

It's just that it's harsh to speak.

On the contrary, this voice was laziness with a hint of lightness, as if it was rubbing against the heart of a person, itchy and ticklish.

Colleagues in the business department, including Lin Yi, couldn't help but look at the speaker.

This is a woman about 26 or 7 years old.

In terms of appearance, it is slightly lower than Ling Yingruo and Wen Yuci.

But for ordinary people, she is still an amazing beauty with high scores.

She wore delicate light makeup, and her hair was casually rolled up and secured with hairpins.

The delicate earlobes on both sides are adorned with two strings of dazzling crystal earrings.

Black collar blouse, in today's sunshine, it will not be cold.

The lower body is a brown pleated long skirt, and a section of white calf and instep that makes people feel dazzling are just exposed.

She didn't wear any stockings, just stepped on a pair of Valentino high heels.

In general, this beauty shows the 26-year-old woman's most attractive young woman's temperament to men.

Although Lin Yi doesn't know if she is married or not.

Anyway, Lin Yi looked left and right, the male colleagues in the company were like pig brothers, their eyes were straight.

"It's a shame, why are they all like they've never seen the world, but they're scolding our company? You won't talk back?"

Yuan Kui is a woman, no matter how bad the other party is, she has immunity.

Seeing the male colleagues in the company all look like pig brothers, I immediately became angry.

Wen Yuci also puffed out her mouth, she believed that she was no worse than this woman, and more beautiful than her.

But in the company, the male colleagues who have been around her all the time are now looking at another woman, and there must be a certain gap in their hearts.

Of course, what Wen Yuci wanted to know most was Lin Yi's performance.

So, she looked at Lin Yi.

"Concubine Ai, in my heart, you will always be the most beautiful. Don't worry, I will not be seduced by this demon girl."

I saw that this guy Lin Yi actually raised his eyebrows at her.


Inexplicably, hearing Lin Yi's words and his funny expression made Wen Yuci feel better.

Lin Yi looked at the beauties of the hostile company from the corner of his eye, and said to himself, "Compared to Concubine Wen Ai, her appearance is a little lower, but the temperament of this young woman is very itchy, I don't know what her name is, let me It would be nice for the system to sign me into a diary.17

If Wen Yuci knew, Lin Yi had just coaxed her, and then went to think about another woman, she didn't know how she would be angry.

"President Lan, the police have already announced the truth about the toxic cosmetics. I hope you can pay attention to your sense of proportion in public and don't slander others at will."

At this time, Zhong Suxue stood up and said lightly to the woman over there.

The woman was sitting on the swivel chair, her legs were folded together, and her high heels were tapped from time to time. Anyway, Lin Yi was very pleasing to the eyes.

I saw her chuckle and said, "Manager Zhong hasn't seen each other for so long, can you still talk like that? Are you interested in coming to work with us? I can give you double your salary?"

"As for your company's cosmetics, whether you have dealt with public relations, you know it yourself."

"Anyway, if our company sells toxic cosmetics, it will definitely not have the face to participate in the beauty fair, so as not to lose the face of the country in front of foreign guests."

Although the other party kept taunting, Lin Yi didn't do anything extra, just looked at the woman.

Through the woman's few words, Lin Yi couldn't help but admire: "What a powerful woman, how can Bao Lun beauty be devalued in just a few words... But also, if she is not powerful, how can you force Bao Lun beauty to be worthless? You have to lose all the beauty market."

"By the way, Zhong Suxue seems to know this woman, so the two companies have long been feuding?"

"And the name of the other party has a lot of background, Luo Ying?"

"Isn't Ling Yingruo's name right with the word "Sakura" in it, and Luo Ying is alluding to Ling Ying Ruo's fall?"

"The name of the company is so evil, I don't believe that these two people have no personal grievances."

Zhong Suxue also didn't want to argue with the other party, she said lightly: "Right or wrong is at ease in the hearts of the people, some people do it, but they do it the same way they think, there's no way to do it.

Speaking of which, Zhong Suxue also glanced at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi shook his eyebrows: "Damn, this woman is referring to Sang and scolding Huai, you can scold others, even I have to take it with me, it seems to be really floating, I have to treat it when I look back.

The woman on the other side wanted to reply, but a group of customers came to inquire. She smiled lightly at Zhong Suxue and went to receive her own customers.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Yi pulled Zhong Suxue aside.

"What do you want to do? This is the fair site!"

Zhong Suxue was a little embarrassed and thought that Lin Yi wanted to play another trick.

Lin Yi was laughed at by Zhong Suxue: "I just wanted to ask a question when I stepped on the horse. May I ask Manager Zhong, what the hell are you doing?"

After Zhong Suxue was stunned for a moment, she also knew that she was thinking crooked, her pretty face was slightly drunk, she lost her confidence, and whispered: "What do you want to ask?"

Lin Yi asked directly, "What's that woman's name, and what kind of grievance does she have with our President Ling?"

Zhong Suxue looked at Lin Yi in surprise: "Did you see it?"

Zhong Suxue's words have already revealed some news to Lin Yi.

Sure enough, this woman and Ling Yingruo had grudges in private.

Zhong Suxue didn't want to tell Lin Yi about these things, but she accidentally missed the point just now, and now she doesn't tell Lin Yi, she still doesn't know what way he will think of to bully him

After hesitating for a while, Zhong Suxue sighed and said, "This is the president of Luoying Beauty Co., 26 years old this year, and his name is Lan Xiao."

"Blue Xiao?"

Lin Yi smiled, the name was quite nice.

Zhong Suxue continued: "The president's father and Lan Xiao's father are business friends, and the two are neighbors, so they are playmates who grew up together."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but ask: "Since they are playmates who grew up together, they should have a good relationship. Why do I feel that she hates Ling Yingruo so much?"

Zhong Suxue sighed: "It's bad because they grew up together and do everything together, so they are easily compared by those around them."

"Needless to say, our president has been outstanding in every aspect since childhood. No matter what he does, he is the first, and the people around her are naturally full of praise for her.

"The same is true of studying later, our president has always been the first in the school, and the best boys will also seek her confession first.

"You have also seen Lan Xiao's conditions, they are excellent in all aspects, but she happened to meet our president.

"Our president has always been praised, but she has been ignored all the time. She was fine at first, but you must know what psychological changes will occur over time, right?"

Speaking of which, even Zhong Suxue shook his head.

Obviously they were friends from childhood, but in the end, because one of them was too good, it led to a show of falling in love and killing each other. What is this called?

After listening to this story, Lin Yi touched his chin and couldn't help laughing in his heart: "Why does this sound more and more like a story in a bloody romance drama."

"The second female lead is also very good, but she has been suppressed by the female lead, and all the attention is on the female lead, causing the second female lead to be jealous.

"She wants to snatch the things the girl number one likes, and she also grabs the people the girl number one likes, which eventually leads to going further and further down the wrong road.

"Hello, may we know about your company's products?"

After the private chat, the two immediately returned to the booth.

After all, today's significance is of great significance, which determines whether Bao Lun Beauty can come back to life.

Since it is an international exhibition, many companies come from abroad.

And they are all inquiries in the form of a company group.

Seeing that the big customer finally came, the people from Bao Lun Company were extremely excited.

Now these employees, who have not graduated for a few years, still have the ability to speak English at the school, and they are introducing them to these foreigners in English.

Ling Yingruo's motto is to keep improving, so Bao Lun Beauty's products can make a breakthrough in the market.

Perhaps because of the good quality of the products, this group of English-speaking customers brushed their thumbs and said: "Very good perfume, we have decided to sign a batch of 6 million orders with your company.


Hearing that the foreigner finally agreed, Wen Yuci and Yuan Kui, whose saliva was almost dry, couldn't help hugging each other excitedly, but they were very cute.

But Lin Yi knew that today's matter could not be so simple.

There is a rival company next door.

Sure enough, Lin Yi just thought so, that

The president of Luoying Beauty, stepped on high heels and walked over.

She has a charming smile and is fluent in English, but her words are not very pleasant.

"`|| Hello sir, please don't buy their products, Bao Lun Beauty's reputation in China is not very good, and they disfigured the face of a beautiful lady some time ago."

It's not enough to say, what's more excessive is that Lan Xiao actually took out his mobile phone and showed those foreigners the news and the disfigured photos of the girl.

"Oh! My God, the quality of this company's production is so bad, I'm sorry, I think we should go to other brands to see."

With apologetic expressions, those foreigners who were about to sign contracts with Bao Lun Beauty actually left.

At this moment, all the employees of Bao Lun Beauty Cosmetics were dumbfounded.

"What are you doing? Why are you spreading rumors about our company? Do you know that you are breaking the law?"

The first thing she couldn't help was Yuan Kui's impatience, she rushed in front of Lan Xiao and asked angrily.

"I don't know how bad the quality is. Do you have the ability to admit that these troublemakers have never been to your company?"

Lan Xiao said with a light smile.


Yuan Kui was so angry that she wanted to slap the woman.

But Zhong Suxue quickly grabbed her.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield. If people are really beaten today, the leaders of the exposition venue will definitely drive them out, because this has already affected the image of the magic city.

Once kicked out, Bao Lun Beauty really has no chance to make a comeback.

"It's alright, anyway, there is quite a lot of traffic here today, let's continue to wait for the next batch of customers.

"You just stare at the side, and if someone from their company comes over again, just block her directly."

Zhong Suxue persuaded Yuan Kui.

Under the persuasion of the supervisor, Yuan Kui finally calmed down.

And that Lan Xiao didn't mind, and after making trouble, he returned to his company's premises.

However, what she did in the next second made Bao Lun Beauty's employees angry.

I see.

Under Lan Xiao's order, the employees of their company raised a huge signboard.

There is an arrow on the sign pointing to the Bao Lun company.

There is a line after the arrow: "Don't buy products from Bao Lun Beauty Co., Ltd. (Qian Li Zhao) products produced by their company have caused the customer's face to be disfigured, and it has been on the news.

Not only in Chinese, but because there are many foreign guests at the expo, it is written again in English.

"Too deceiving!"

When Yuan Kui saw this line of words, he couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed to the theory.

And the male colleague in the business department couldn't watch Yuan Kui, a girl rushing in front, so he followed behind.

"Security, someone is going to smash our exhibition stand, you don't care."

Lan Xiao gave the employee a wink, put away the sign, and started calling for security.

When the patrolling security saw the excited people, he frowned and walked over: "If you destroy other people's finances at the fair, we have the right to confiscate your money.

Exhibition Eligibility. "

Zhong Suxue saw a wry smile, and persuaded her employees to come back.

After the security was gone, Lan Xiao asked the staff to take out the sign again.

Bao Lun's employees went to the theory, and the other party put down the sign and called for security.

After several rounds, the time passed every second, but no customer came to inquire at all.

This was already a plan for Lan Xiao. After all, the other party's company had deep pockets and was operating normally, so it didn't matter if they got nothing today.

However, Bao Lun Company needs to rely on today's harvest to restore a wave of vitality.

It's already noon, and the ordered box lunch has been delivered.

But the people from Bao Lun Beauty Cosmetics Co., Ltd. were all listless and had no appetite.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen finally smiled.

Because he waited and the opportunity finally came.

This time, the person who can bring Bao Lun back to life is the hero of the entire company, and this hero is destined to be Ye Chen.

"You can come in, but remember, you must pretend to be a little bit like, and don't make eye contact with me. If you do well this time, you will be given a bonus of 50,000 yuan when you go back."

Ye Chen secretly sent text messages to the subordinates of his own group.

PS: 5 automatic subscriptions plus one more chapter!!! Two-in-one chapter, the fourth chapter today!!!


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