Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

082: White Orange Orange Crisis, Uncle Comes To Steal People [6000-Word Chapter, Please Click To Cus

"right here.

At the door of Shangde High School, five or six middle-aged people suddenly appeared.

These people were men and women, with a hint of excitement on their faces.

Without hesitation, they were ready to go to school.

"Hey hey, who are you? Do you have an entry and exit document?"

When the security saw it, they stopped them immediately.

Since the last hijacking incident, the security management of Suntech High School has become stricter, not only strengthening the manpower, but also checking suspicious persons at the school gate at any time.

Bai Jun frowned, he did not expect this school to be managed so strictly.

"I'm here to pick up the child.

Bai Jun said to the security.

"Who is your child? Are her parents here?"

Security asked directly.

Bai Jun explained: "I am Bai Chengcheng's uncle. Her parents died in a car accident a few years ago. I am now her direct guardian."

The security guard gave him a suspicious look: "White Orange Orange? Do you know which class she is studying in? Or who is her head teacher?"

Bai Jun looked embarrassed. He was here for the first time, so how could he know this.

"I didn't come to pick up the child before, please help me find it."

The security guard hesitated, and finally called the school records office.

After learning the phone number of Bai Chengcheng's head teacher, he called Bai Chengcheng's head teacher again.

At this time, it was almost time for school, and Bai Chengcheng was still in the class.

"Orange, come out."

Bai Chengcheng, the head teacher, called her from the class.

Bai Orange Orange walked out of the classroom with a puzzled look.

The head teacher Bai Chengcheng smiled and said, "Orange orange, your relatives have come to find you."

Bai Chengcheng froze for a moment: "Who is it? Is it my aunt?"

The head teacher Bai Chengcheng shook his head and smiled and said: "They said it was a relative from your father's side, and the person looking for you was your uncle.

A: "..."

When Bai Chengcheng's parents died, she was already sensible.

Back then, she also remembered what the faces of those so-called Uncle Uncles looked like.

Since the responsibility for the car accident did not lie with her parents, the responsible party paid her a large death pension.

None of those Uncle Uncles cared about her custody rights, but each of them broke their blood for the death pension.

In the end, the auntie expressed that she wanted to support herself, and in order to avoid trouble, she gave the death pension to these Uncles.

Later, my aunt was worried that she would live in a city where her parents had a car accident in 2009, and she would have a psychological shadow, so she took her to the magic city and lived until now.

It can be said that Bai Chengcheng has not seen relatives from his father's side for more than ten years, and he has never gone back even during the Chinese New Year.

And those Uncle uncles have never made a phone call to care about her situation.

"You haven't cared about me for so many years, what are you doing here suddenly?"

Bai Chengcheng pouted, a little puzzled.

But she still followed the head teacher to check the situation.

" are Orange Orange?"

Bai Chengcheng looked at the four or five middle-aged people in front of him, and his fair little face was very vigilant.

But Bai Jun recognized Bai Orange Orange at a glance.

There is no way, because Bai Chengcheng and Bai Jun's younger brother's daughter-in-law look too similar, and they are equally astonishingly beautiful.

"My parents' death pension has not been given to you long ago, what are you doing here with me?"

White Orange Orange asked unceremoniously.

Bai Jun's face turned pale: "Orange, what are you talking about?"

"As long as your surname is Bai, we are a family with broken bones and tendons attached."

"Uncle is here to take you home and recognize your ancestors."

Don't look at Bai Jun's high-sounding words, but the actual situation has other hidden meanings.

His son is also Cheng Cheng's cousin, now he has grown up and has taken a fancy to other people's girls.

But the daughter of the other family also has a big brother, who is honest, not good at talking, plus the family conditions are average, and he has not married in his thirties.

Therefore, the condition given by the other family is to change parents.

The dowry is not required, but the Bai family must let a girl of marriageable age marry the woman's big brother.

Otherwise, the marriage of Bai Jun's son will not be discussed.

This point, but it is difficult for the White Army to die.

In their Bai family generation, except for the deceased second brother who has a daughter, all other families are sons.

Besides, even if Bai Jun's remaining younger siblings had daughters, they would not marry their daughter to a person with such poor conditions for the sake of his son's marriage.

Therefore, the Japanese army was thinking about the daughter of the deceased second brother.

After all, in the early years, Bai Chengcheng's judgment was given to him, and her parents were already dead, so they could be bullied.

Bai Chengcheng lives with Zhong Suxue now, and has no feelings for these so-called Uncles, so how can he be willing to go with them.

"Who wants to leave with you? Anyway, I'm living a good life now. I don't need you to worry about it, and I don't want to go back and find something to recognize my ancestors."

Bai Chengcheng arrogantly turned his head away.

Bai Jun frowned, he found that this niece was not easy to fool.

But for the sake of his son's marriage, he will never give up taking away Bai Chengcheng.

Don't forget, he is the first guardian of Baichengcheng.

"Nonsense! Recognizing your ancestors and returning to the ancestral hall means you can't go if you don't want to go? You will soon be 18 years old, and you are the only daughter in your father's class. Could it be that when you worship your ancestors, you don't even have your father's The grave is not up?"

Bai Jun said with a serious face.

His strategy is correct.

Hearing that he was going to sacrifice his ancestors to his father, Bai Chengcheng hesitated.

At least in her childhood memory, her father was very kind to her, and she also wanted to go back to see her father and tell him that she had found the person who entrusted her for the rest of her life.

"Orange, you come out first, we can find a place to eat and talk slowly if there is anything.

Bai Jun continued in a bewitching tone.

"Just talk, I don't believe they can force me to fail."

Bai Chengcheng murmured in his heart and walked out of the school gate.

When Bai Jun saw that Bai Chengcheng was willing to come out, his face was overjoyed.

He immediately winked at his two sisters.

"Ah! What do you want?"

As soon as Bai Chengcheng came out, he was caught by his two aunts, one of whom was holding one of Bai Chengcheng's arms and wanted to stuff it into a van.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jun also showed a smile of successful trickery.

"Hurry up and save me! They want to kidnap me!"

Bai Chengcheng is not stupid, she just panicked. She looked at the security guards and cried out to them for help.

The few security guards who looked at each other just woke up at this time.

"What do you want? Let go of her now!"

These security guards recognized it, isn't this little girl the niece of Lin Yi's security consultant?

The security guard holding the electric baton was no joke, the two middle-aged women shivered with fright and quickly let go.

Bai Chengcheng, who was freed, shoved them away, and quickly ran back to the school gate to hide.

"Orange, what the hell is going on?"

The head teacher Bai Chengcheng didn't understand what was going on until now, and asked anxiously.

Bai Chengcheng said angrily: "Don't you understand? They want to kidnap me, teacher, lend me your cell phone quickly, I want to call my aunt."

During the class, the mobile phone will be confiscated, so the current white orange orange does not have a mobile phone.

"oh oh!"

The head teacher also saw that something was wrong, but those people were indeed relatives of Bai Chengcheng.

It is difficult for an honest official to cut off housework, so she can only leave it to Bai Chengcheng to handle it herself.

"Orange, you still have to come with us. If you don't come out anyway, we'll be waiting at the door."

Bai Jun and the others did not dare to conflict with the security guards, so they simply sat at the gate of the school.

Looking at these so-called relatives, Bai Orange Orange felt a little headache.

If they really don't leave, they can't go out for dinner, what if they don't go home after school at night?

Fortunately, Zhong Suxue's phone got through as soon as she called.

"This time, Lin Yi deserves the top sales in the business department.

"I also kept my promise, gave him the position of deputy manager of the business department, and increased his business commission from the original 16% to 20%."

I don't have to work overtime tonight, but there will be a summary meeting.

At the meeting, Ling Yingruo announced the winner of the expo, as well as the rewards for him.


"Brother Yi Niu Bu!"

*For a large order of 50 million, the business commission is 20%, which is 10 million! You can buy a house in the magic city!"

"Starting from scratch, at the age of 24, you can buy your own house in the magic capital. Brother Yi has become the legend of our Bao Lun!"

Colleagues applauded and congratulated Lin Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

no way.

If Lin Yi only sold 600,000, those colleagues might be jealous and sour.

But with his fluent Spanish, he won a big list of 50 million, which is no longer a matter of luck.

It is the gap between man and God, they are not qualified to be sour.

This is reality.

Wen Yuci also smiled and applauded Lin Yi, but she was thinking about a question: "Lin Yi seems to be getting more and more powerful, but he is still a long way from the golden tortoise brother-in-law in the big brother's heart... …”

"Papapapa! Wen Yuci, what are you thinking about?"

Coincidentally, Lin Yi was also looking at Wen Yuci with a smile.

She glanced at Lin Yi, her beautiful face actually avoided Lin Yi's eyes slightly drunk.

This kind of reaction made Lin Yi stunned for a moment. After all, it was the first time he had seen him.

Only Ye Chen clenched his fists and stared at Lin Yi.

If eyes can kill a person, Ye Chen estimates that he has killed Lin Yi 10,000 times.

It's all to blame for this dog, who once again stole his pin crown.

What Ye Chen didn't know was that Lin Yi took away not only his top sales, but also the luck of the protagonist.

If Ling Ying has insight into people's hearts, of course she can perceive the undercurrent between Lin Yi and Ye Chen.

In addition, Ling Yingruo is also the first person in the company to know Ye Chen's identity.

Just like Lan Xiao, she belongs to the wealthy circle, so how could she not know Ye family son.

When the members of the business department came back, Ling Yingruo couldn't help laughing when she heard the interesting thing Zhong Suxue reported to her.

A dignified young master of the Ye family, because he was jealous, he had to rely on his own family's resources to increase sales.

The most important thing is that he faked a big list of 10 million, and finally lost to the ordinary employee Lin Lao.

If this matter spreads to the wealthy circle, I am afraid that Ye Chen will immediately become a laughing stock in the younger brother.

Of course, Ling Yingruo appreciated Ye Chen's behavior.

No matter how the 13 million business came from, in the end, Bao Lun made a profit.

She felt that making Ye Chen and

Fighting between Lin Yi is also quite good.

There was a gleam in her beautiful eyes, and Ling Yingruo suddenly said again with a smile: "In view of Ye Chen's excellent performance at the expo, I made an exception and promoted him to the deputy manager of the business department.

, but the commission amount remains the same.


As soon as these words came out, the entire business department was in an uproar.

Especially Ye Chen.

He had a stunned expression at first, and then smiled extremely happily.

If he is also the deputy manager, then there is no need to be afraid of Lin Yi punishing him, after all, they are all at the same level now.

Lin Yi frowned at first, then looked at Ye Chen with a foolish expression.

"Stupid pigs, they don't even know they were used as guns."

"This Ling Yingruo obviously wants me and Ye Chen to fight, to create profits for Bao Lun Company, and finally the snipe and clam fight, she, the fisherman, will benefit.

Thinking to himself, he squinted his eyes and looked at Ling Yingruo: "The appetite is too big, be careful to burst your belly, President Ling, I haven't thought of making trouble with you [you are using me as a gun.

"I didn't think about it at first, but the enemy of the enemy is a friend. That woman Lan Xiao spent a lot of money to dig me, but I didn't go."

"It now seems that I am looking for an opportunity to talk to her about cooperation."

Of course Lin Yi wanted to deal with Ling Yingruo by threatening Zhong Suxue or Wen Yuci in the first place.

But 570 is a pity, Ling Yingruo is far stronger than Wen Yuci and Zhong Suxue.

Moreover, her ice and snow are smart, and her black-bellied methods are very sharp, and his current strength alone is not enough to handle it.

Borrowing Lan Xiao's strength to deal with Ling Yingruo is the best way at present.

"bell bell"

During the meeting, Zhong Suxue's cell phone suddenly rang.

She didn't want to take it.

However, when she saw that it was the number of the head teacher Bai Chengcheng calling, she frowned slightly.

When the head teacher called, 100% of the reason was that the child had caused trouble at school, or had an accident, so don't even think about it.

"Excuse me, I'll take a call."

Zhong Suxue glanced at Ling Yingruo apologetically, then walked out of the conference room.

Looking at Zhong Suxue's graceful back, Lin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It seems that those Uncles of Orange Baby have already started to act.

In the hallway outside the conference room.

"Auntie, my uncle is here at school, and other aunts Uncle are here too."

As soon as it was connected, it was the anxious voice of Orange, and Zhong Suxue's expression changed.

"They have to take me away now, if it wasn't for the help of the security guard at the door, they would have almost forced me into the van just now.

"I'm at the gate of the school right now, and they're still blocking it outside, saying that if I don't go with them, they're blocking it ten times."

Orange Orange finished the cause and effect in one breath.

"Orange, don't run around, just wait at the gate of the school, my aunt will come to you right away."

Zhong Suxue said as calmly as possible, she wanted to appease Bai Chengcheng.

But how anxious she was in her heart, only she knew.

After all, those uncles of Chengcheng, how ugly their faces were back then [She has experienced it.

This time, I suddenly came to find Cheng Cheng and forced her to take her away, which was definitely not a good thing.

After hanging up the phone, Zhong Suxue was about to go to Shangde High School.

However, before leaving, she glanced at Lin Yi hesitantly.

She was thinking about whether to call Lin Yi with her.

But in the end she gave up, Lin Yi's impression in her heart was too bad, and there was still a long way to go to make Zhong Suxue trust Lin Yi.

Of course, she didn't call Lin Yi, nor did she call Fang Xieyang.

Now she is Lin Yi's lover, if the time comes, let Lin Yi know about it.

She asked Fang Xieyang for help, but she didn't find him, so she didn't know what else would happen.

However, what Zhong Suxue didn't know was that Fang Xieyang had listened to the whole process of her answering the phone.

When Zhong Suxue got on the elevator, Fang Xieyang also walked out from the corner.

After thinking for a while, he threw the coffee cup in his hand into the trash can, and got on another elevator without hesitation.

Not long after Fang Xieyang left, the meeting of the business department also came to an end.

Lin Yi stretched his back, got off the elevator, and went directly to the garage where the Porsche 718 was parked.

Then drive in the direction of Shand High School.

PS: 5 automatic subscriptions plus one more chapter!!! The three-in-one chapter opens the sixth chapter!!!


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