Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

084: Sign In To Lan Xiao's Diary, Zhong Suxue's Mother Is Coming [4000-Character Chapter]

Twelve o'clock at night.

"The daily check-in time has been refreshed, please check in the host in time to receive the check-in reward.

Lin Yi was playing the mobile game of Glory of Kings when a system prompt sounded suddenly in his ear.

"I still have something to do. I'll get off first, and I'll take you to fly next time."

Lin Yi said a voice to the phone.

I haven't updated any good little movies recently, so Lin Yi just played a few games of Glory of the King.

When playing Honor of Kings, Lin Yi suddenly felt that heroes without skins were a bit ugly.

It was impossible for him to charge money for the game, so he wiped a girl on the public chat channel.

Said that as long as you buy him a set of skins, he can fly.

Because Lin Yi's voice is very nice, and it fully meets the girl's expectations for Ye Wang, the girl really bought her a full set of skins except for the limited edition.

And this one is the first one that Lin Yi brought Feifei.

However, Lin Yi went down halfway through.

As for the skill of Lin Yi, the wild king...

The girl looked at Li Bai, who was played by Lin Yi, with a 0-11 record, and she fell into a moment of contemplation.

"Sign in."

Lin Yi forgot the girl he had cheated on in a blink of an eye, and said silently in his heart.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting the sign-in reward: Lan Xiao's diary."


Regarding the sign-in reward, Lin Yi is most looking forward to the diary of a certain heroine.

After his practice time and time again, Lin Yi gradually understood that whichever heroine's diary he has, the heroine will most likely not be able to escape.

After all, the diary is everyone's privacy, and there must be her most precious secret in it.

Recently, what Lin Yi wants to sign in most is of course Ling Yingruo's diary.

She saw that this woman was upset, not for a day or two.

After all, this woman is either deducting his bonus, or promoting Ye Chen and taking advantage of the fisherman.

Not wanting to do anything to cure her, it really made her float.

It's a pity that Lin Yi has not signed in Ling Yingruo's diary until today, but signed Lan Hou's diary back.

"Lan Xiao's diary is just Lan Xiao's diary. After all, she is also a president, and she is also the second beautiful villain girl."

Lin Yi touched his chin.

He had just thought about joining forces with Lan Xiao to take care of Ling Yingruo. Now that he has Lan Xiao's diary, it should only be a matter of time if he wants to win her over.

So, Lin Yi opened Lan Xiao's diary.


However, Lin Yi was stunned immediately because the first page of the diary was empty.

"Clamping a light 720 disc?"

Although the diary was empty, Lin Yi found a CD in the mezzanine.

As long as it is given by the system, Lin Yi believes that it must have its effect.

"Fortunately, this second-hand notebook has a CD-ROM drive installed, and fortunately, the CD-ROM is a DVD."

It also saved Lin Yi from going to buy it. He started the notebook and put the DVD in it.

Like most videos, the footage was a little noisy at first, but the footage was restored immediately.

In the picture, it is in a parking lot.

There are many cars parked here, and the most conspicuous one is a silver Maserati MC20 worth more than 2 million.

In the beginning, there are only cars and no people in the picture.

But after ten seconds, Lin Yi saw two people walking to Maserati, looking left and right.

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback when he saw the face of the person walking in the front.

"Isn't that Lan Xiao himself?"

Frowning, Lin Yi continued to look down.

Lan Xiao walked to the Maserati and stopped. She first checked the license plate number on her mobile phone.

Then, he ordered to the man who followed him: "Break the brake pads of this car, and don't let people see it.

The man was stunned for a moment, then said in horror: "President Lan, this is suspected of murder!"

Lan Xiao said coldly: "Of course I know, but don't forget, I spent money to cure your son, so you can decide whether to do it or not.

The man hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth, squatted down, and began to destroy the brake pads of this Maserati according to Lan Xiao's orders.

Five minutes later, the man gave Lan Xiao ten QK gestures.

A cold light flashed in Lan Xiao's beautiful eyes, and she left here first.

And the man followed closely behind.

At this point, this video ends.


At this moment, he felt a slight chill on the back of his neck.

It is said that the most poisonous woman's heart, Lin Yi did not have the exact feeling before, but at this moment, he really got it.

"Whose car is this?"

At this moment, Lin Yi had a question in his mind.

He first glanced at the date on the DVD.

August 24, 2019.

"A video from two (ajab) years ago?"

Lin Yi touched his chin.

"According to the information I know so far, what Lan Xiao hates most is Ling Yingruo, so could this car belong to Ling Yingruo?"

"But I remember he was driving a Bentley Continental, and I didn't see her driving a Maserati."

Lin Yi couldn't figure it out.

Turning off the DVD, Lin Yi simply opened the web and searched for news from two years ago.

The key word is a car accident, and whether it happened on August 24, 2019, or a car accident in the magic city.

With so much information, the webpage soon gave Lin Yi feedback.

"On August 24, 2019, a tragic car accident occurred on the Third Ring Road. The car of the president of Bao Lun Beauty Cosmetics Co., Ltd., a silver Maserati car lost control of the brakes, unfortunately hit the fence and ran down the 8-meter-high viaduct. ."

"Because when the incident happened, the president of Bao Lun Beauty asked his secretary to drive for maintenance, and luckily escaped, but the secretary was seriously injured and paraplegic due to a car accident and was sent to the intensive care unit."

The news was very detailed, and it made Lin Yi suddenly realize.

"It turns out that Lan Xiao wanted Ling Yingruo to have a car accident, but by accident, she killed Ling Yingruo's little secretary.

"And the silver Maserati was scrapped, so Ling Yingruo didn't drive it and replaced it with the current Bentley Mulsanne."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi searched for the follow-up of this news.

Ling Yingruo paid all the medical expenses and personal compensation for the employee, which amounted to nearly B million.

Since the Maserati was severely damaged, the police could not investigate anything, so it was classified as an accident.

Lan Xiao naturally escaped.

"Ha ha.

At this time, Lin Yi, who knew the whole incident, finally smiled, and he smiled happily.

He still remembered that at the fair yesterday, the blue queen looked at him like an ant.

And he sneered and said to Lin Yi, "You deserve it?"

If Lin Yi takes this VCD, go to Lan Xiao's company and show her.

When the time comes, I will talk to Lan Xiao and let her be my lover. I don't know what kind of expression she will have.

Lin Yi is really looking forward to it.

After copying the DVD and storing it in the mobile phone, Lin Yi put the DVD back into the diary, and then returned the diary to the system.

In this way, no one in the world would want to take the CD.

Then, Lin Yi took out Wen Yuci's diary again.

"November 3, the weather will be fine."

"Mood, unhappy."

"Lan Xiao wants to poach Lin Yi, he is so bad, why bother him? If Lin Yi really goes to Lan Xiao's company, the tenth unlucky person must be herself.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "The one who knows me the most is Concubine Ai, but why do I feel a lot of jealousy between the lines?"

"Lin Yi didn't blink when he looked at Princess Shia."

"He doesn't understand at all, he is a princess, he is just an ordinary person, and it is impossible for him to come together in his life.

"He just can't see it, and the person who suits him best is by his side?"

After reading Wen Yuci's diary, Lin Yi was basically sure that Wen Yuci was emotional about herself.

It's not that Wen Yuci had a good impression of Ye Chen at the beginning, it was that Wen Yuci felt that Ye Chen had a good character, just like when you saw a person helping an old grandma cross the road on the street and thought he was a good person.

Wen Yuci's affection for Lin Yi already belongs to the love between men and women.

Of course, Lin Yi could also see that Wen Yuci was waiting for his confession.

But the moment Lin Yi signed in Wen Yuci's diary, he announced that he would not be Tian Gou again.

If you want to be his girlfriend, you can come up and confess, come up and move... act.

Yes, today's Lin Yi is so arrogant.

Putting away Wen Yuci's diary, Lin Yi opened Zhong Suxue's diary again.

"November 3, the weather was fine.

"feeling good."

"Ten years ago, because of the adoption of Chengcheng, my family and I had a very unpleasant quarrel."

"My parents think that Chengcheng's surname is Bai, and the Bai family can take care of her. I don't need to delay my life because of Chengcheng."

"But I've already seen through the faces of those Uncle Uncles."

"Chengcheng followed them, like a babbling child who was thrown into the abyss, and the days that followed would be extremely miserable.

"I don't want my sister to blame me for being under Jiuquan, so even though I didn't get married at the age of 32, I don't regret it at all."

"After so many years, my mother also figured it out, she actually took the initiative to call and say that she wants to come to the magic city to meet me and Orange."

"I told Cheng Cheng the news, and Cheng Cheng was also very happy to see my grandma, and took the initiative to apply for the task of picking up my grandma at the airport."

"I was heard by Fang Xieyang about my phone call. Although I declined his kindness repeatedly, Fang Xieyang insisted on visiting with a gift."

"My mother seems to like Fang Xieyang, and thinks that he is mature and stable, treats me well, and is a suitable life partner.

"But...but I can't help myself now. I'm already Lin Yi's lover, and it's impossible to be with Fang Xieyang again."

"It's irresponsible for him, and it's irresponsible for himself.

"Worry, how should I explain all this to my mother."

At this point, Zhong Suxue's diary has also ended.

After reading it, Lin Yi sneered: "I really don't cry without seeing the coffin. Without my intervention, Fang Xieyang actually made Zhong Suxue's mother happy first. Even if I get Zhong Suxue, I won't be able to survive. Fuck her."

Of course, Zhong Suxue's diary is based on Lin Ai's absence tomorrow.

But don't forget, Lin Yi has Zhong Suxue's diary, as long as Fang Xieyang gets close to Zhong Suxue, Lin Yi can control his every move.

"Aren't you coming to visit? Then I'll do the opposite first."

Lin Yi touched his chin.

If you can brainwash Zhong Suxue's mother like Bai Chengcheng, and make Fang Xieyang a wicked villain, then Fang Xieyang will come to visit again...

Thinking of this, Lin Yi was looking forward to seeing Fang Xieyang's expression.

A high-end office building.

29 floors.

Lan Xiao was sitting in the president's office, looking at the distant scenery.

Ling Yingruo's Bao Lun beauty makeup is on the 28th floor.

In order to suppress Ling Yingruo's head, Lan Xiao has become so obsessed that she is one level higher than her in the company.

Today's Lan Xiao is wearing a crescent white Chinese-style short skirt.

At the white neck, a rope button closed the collars together.

In the middle of the collarbone, there is a piece of heart-shaped skin that is not covered by cloth.

This dress simply understands a man's heart too much. It's not particularly explicit, but it makes people feel itchy.

On the legs are wearing a white bare leg artifact and a pair of delicate embroidered shoes.

At a glance, you can tell there is no 37 yards.

This Lan Xiao is a proper national style fan.

"Ding Ding Ding~"

On the luxurious desk, the blue and pink Apple 13 suddenly vibrated.

It turns out that she has a WeChat message to receive.

Lan Xiao retracted her flying thoughts, her white jade hand picked up the phone and gently slid it.

"Lan Xiao, I have already returned to China, and the plane is at 8 o'clock this morning."

"Remember the promise I made to you when I was a kid?"

This WeChat owner's remark, the blue call is withdraw'.

Seeing this, Lan Xiao's fair face had a faint smile.

Su Che is Lan Xiao and Ling Yingruo's playmate when they were young.

And she has always been infatuated with Lan Xiao.

He also made an oath when he was a child: "Lan Xiao, when I grow up, I will definitely marry you as my bride.

For Lan Xiao, Su Che is a good friend and her winning product.

Because at least the person Su Che likes is not Ling Yingruo.

However, because of this, Lan Xiao never agreed to Su Che's pursuit.

Su Che swore an oath, and Lan Xiao swore an oath too.

As long as it is someone Ling Yingruo likes, she will grab it.

If she agrees to Su Che's pursuit and becomes his girlfriend, how can she grab Ling Yingruo's boyfriend in the future?

Does this plot look familiar?

If Lin Yi was here, he would definitely slap his mouth and say, "The female villain has an infatuation with Tian Gou, but the female villain is dedicated to dealing with the female lead. Even though the male lead Tian Gou knows this, he endured the pain to help Zhou for abuse and help her. Grab the male number one, and finally fell in a pool of blood in order to help the female villain block the fatal shot, and the female villain only knew who she liked at this time, but unfortunately it was too late."

PS: 5 automatic subscriptions plus one more chapter!!! Chapter 21, Chapter 11 today!!!


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