In the morning, Lin Yi did not come to work at the company.

In Fang Xieyang's office, at this moment, he was taking out a phone card that had been sealed for a long time.

Take out the original card, Fang Xieyang sends this card in.

Turn it on and dial a phone number.

The phone rang 13 times but no one answered.

It was not until the fourteenth time that someone connected there.

However, even if they were connected, the two sides did not speak.

Instead, he counts silently in his heart.

This was the secret code that Fang Xieyang had agreed with the other party.

The mobile phone rings 14 times and 55 seconds after the connection, it means that the communication person is in a normal situation and the mobile phone is not used by a third party.

"Didn't you say you want to live a peaceful life and let me never contact you again?"

The phone finally spoke.

The voice is cold.


But it is as clear as spring water, as crisp as wind chimes, very nice.

Fang Xieyang smiled bitterly: "I also want to live a peaceful life, but now I have lost even the person I love the most.

The people over there were silent for a while, and then said with a faint smile: "This is not like you, Fang Xieyang, when you were in Southeast Asia, you were a feared living King of Hell, and you were decisive in killing, never so indecisive and sentimental.

Fang Xieyang said helplessly: "The living King of Hell is also a human being, he also needs affection, and he will also be hurt..."

"Aren't you the same? Jian Xi, the top ten killer in the world, if I hadn't rescued you from Yue Monkey, maybe you would have been wiped from this world now."

The shameful past, no one wants to mention.

"Tell me, if you have anything to do with me, since I promised to repay you with a condition, I will keep my promise.

Jianxi said lightly.

Fang Xieyang smiled, this is what he was waiting for.

"I want you to help me kill someone."

Fang Xieyang's words were concise and to the point.

Jianxi was silent for a while, and then said: "You can kill anyone I can kill, so there's no need to change a promise for this kind of thing, right?

Fang Xieyang smiled bitterly and said, "I have returned to normal society now. If I kill someone and get caught by the police, although I can escape to a foreign country, how can I see the person I love."

Jianxi understood, and she said thoughtfully: "The person you want to kill is your rival in love?"

Fang Xieyang was silent for a while, but Jianxi understood that she guessed right.

"What is your rival's strength? Ordinary people?"

This simple stream took it.

Fang Xieyang did not dare to kill anyone, she came to kill.

Anyway, she is not less wanted by countries all over the world.

If she was just an ordinary person, she would have earned it, and she would not owe Fang Xieyang anything from now on.

Fang Xieyang had a dignified expression: "I don't know his specific skills, I only played against him once, and he has traces of military martial arts on his body, and I don't know where he learned it from an ordinary person.

Jianxi doesn't care what kind of military is good at fighting.

She is mainly proficient in assassination. As long as she is not at the level of Fang Xieyang, she will be killed in one hit and will not give the opponent a chance to react.

"The photo is ready, I'll come right over."

Jianxi said.

Fang Xieyang was a little stunned: "Are you in China?"

Jianxi said lightly: "To be exact, I am in the magic city.

Fang Xieyang asked curiously, "Have you taken the order?"

Jianxi said lightly: "vacation, but unfortunately it was ruined by you."


The two determined the location of the joint, and then Fang Xieyang took the photo to find Jianxi.

On a bench by the Huangpu River, Fang Xieyang handed Lin Yi's photo to Jianxi.

Black hat, black mask, black gown.

This is Jianxi's dress, which makes people unable to see her face at all.

But judging from that hot curve, even if she's not a beauty, she's still a girl with a great figure.

After getting the photo, Jianxi didn't speak, just got up and left silently.

At noon, Wen Yuci finally escaped her sister-in-law's constant chattering clutches and could go to work in the company.

When she came to the company, she saw Lin Yi with her legs crossed, watching a movie on the computer.

Now Lin Yi has 50 million sales in hand and is also the deputy manager.

Zhong Suxue has become his lover.

Besides Ling Yingruo, who else dares to accuse him now that the company is over?

"You don't know those two women at all, do you?"

Wen Yuci sat down, put away her bag, and asked Lin Yi with a pouting mouth.

After returning home, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became.

Although Lin Yi likes beautiful women, he is very cunning.

Except for such beautiful girls as himself, Lan Xiao, and Rebecca, he has no interest in flirting with other beautiful women.

So the wise Wen Yuci speculated that Lin Yi must have helped his big brother Wen Yulun to say that.

This is also in line with Lin Yi's character.

"It's not a good thing to pretend to be confused sometimes."

Lin Yi squeezed Wen Yuci's face and said with a smile.

Wen Yuci angrily took Lin Yi's hand away: "But I deceived my sister-in-law like this!"

"Although she doesn't look as good as me, she really loves my brother wholeheartedly and treats him well."

"In order to make my brother happy, she learned to cook and take care of children from a daughter who knew nothing.

"And she's also very kind to me, I don't want my brother to hurt him."


Lin Yi sighed.

Speaking of this matter, it was indeed Wen Yulun who made a mistake.

But as a man, Lin Yi can also experience Wen Yulun's pain.

So he chooses...

"Don't worry, my sister-in-law is such a good woman, I won't let my eldest brother do something wrong to her, if he makes such a mistake again in the future, I will tie him up directly!

Lin Yi made a click.

Wen Yuci: "………………

"Nonsense, that's my sister-in-law, my big brother, who made you scream."

Wen Yuci glared at Lin Yi with a blushing face.

Then, she pouted and said, "My brother did something wrong, you want to tie him up, what about yourself? Who will tie you up?"

Lin Yi: "..."

This is the small vinegar jar attacking again.

"How are you coming?"

Lin Yi put his arms around Wen Yuci's shoulder and smiled very smugly.


Wen Yuci couldn't say anything more than the big hooligan Lin, she could only avoid Lin Yi's salty pig's hands, her pale face was red, and she was lying on the table like a tortoise.

The time when the female killer assassinated herself was at work and when she was going to the bathroom.

I have to say, the timing was right.

After all, when people go to the toilet, they are also the most relaxed time.

Lin Yi looked at the time on the computer [it's almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

I guess the female killer must have been hiding somewhere, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi stood up.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Yi was sitting next to Wen Yuci, and he could sense it when he moved Wen Yuci.

The fair little face looked at Lin Yi suspiciously.

Lin Yi smiled and asked, "Why, Concubine Ai will check the post so soon?"

Wen Yuci's pretty face was slightly drunk: "Pa, who is going to check the post, where are you going? I don't care."

Saying that, she lowered her head and prepared to work.


Suddenly, Wen Yuci felt that the corner of her mouth was kissed.


Her pretty face immediately turned red.

Don't even think about it, it must have been sneak attacked by Lin Yi.

Sure enough, when he looked back, Lin Yi had already left the business department humming a song.

Not far away, Ye Chen looked at Lin Yi with murderous eyes, his fists clenched tightly.

Leaving the business department, Lin Yi took the elevator directly to the parking lot on the second floor.

"If I were a killer, I would definitely sneak into the company dressed as a janitor."

On the ladder, Lin Yi touched his chin and thought.

Not only the killer thinks this way, Lin Yi also did the same when he peeked at Fang Xieyang's phone.

On the second floor, Lin Yi went to the top of his Porsche 718.

Then put makeup on yourself.

When he got out of the car again, it was already Fang Xieyang's appearance.

"Cough cough~"

After coughing twice into his fist and adjusting his throat, Lin Yi walked towards the place where the cleaners kept the cleaning tools.


Lin Yi's eyes were sharp, and when he was walking past a car, he saw a pair of legs out of the corner of his eye.

"It seems that the killer has already acted. It's just pity for the cleaning aunt, and she was knocked unconscious without provoking anyone."

Shaking his head, Lin Yi continued to walk towards the cleaning warehouse.

When it was time to clean the door of the warehouse, Lin Yi saw a person wearing clean skin, a hat and a mask, with his head bowed coming out.

He smiled and walked up like this, blocking in front of Miss Killer.

Jianxi was silent for a while when she saw another figure in front of her.

When she saw that this person was Fang Xieyang, she continued to be silent.

"I have something to say."

‘Fang Xieyang’ said.

Jianxi said lightly, "I'm listening."

Lin Yi smiled.

Knew it!

This woman is the female killer.

"This voice is really nice, and it is very likely that she is a big beauty."

Lin Yi smiled happily.

"I'm sorry, when I gave it in the photo, I gave it wrong. I want you to kill another person."

‘Fang Xieyang’ said solemnly.

MA: "........."

What are you kidding?

It's all about to go, you're telling me the target mission is wrong now?

At this moment, Jianxi really doubts if there is something wrong with Fang Xieyang in front of him. A top-level retired special soldier would make such a low-level mistake!

"If there is another time, the mission is cancelled, and the commitment between us is written off."

Jianxi said indifferently.

Then look at Lin Yi, waiting for him to take a picture of himself.

At this time, it was the first time that he saw the eyes of this female killer.

How to describe it?

Bright as stars, as clear as clear springs.

There is no trace of superfluous feelings, it is cold and refreshing, and it is very refreshing.

Anyway, Lin Yi is in love.

Then, he took out a photo and put it on Jianxi's jade hand.

At the end, he touched it.

"The killer's little hands are so cold and soft? Is there a mistake?"

Lin Yi shouted for excitement!

But Jianxi stared at Lin Yi instantly.

Under those piercing eyes, it seemed that the surrounding temperature had dropped to freezing point.

'Fang Xieyang' said innocently: "I didn't do it on purpose, the garage is too dark, I'm afraid the photo will be lost."

Jianxi couldn't judge whether what 'Fang Xieyang' said was the truth.

But thinking about Fang Xieyang's strength is no less than hers, because of this trivial matter, the two of them are fighting each other, which is not good for anyone.

"If you still want your hand, watch him closely."

Jianxi coldly dropped this sentence, and then looked at the photo in her hand.



The person on the photo is obviously another rival of Lin Yi.

Ye Chen!

This photo was taken by Lin Yi in the photo studio early in the morning, and it is very clear.

"`|| Are you sure it's him? Can't be wrong this time?"

Jianxi looked for 'Fang Xieyang' again to confirm.

Lin Yi nodded again and again and said with a smile: "That's right! That's right! I've been looking at him for a long time, and I've been paying attention to my concubine Ai every day. This time you've got him right and killed him!"

Jianxi looked at Fang Xieyang strangely, she always felt that something was wrong with this person.

But the appearance that was not bad at all made Jianxi unable to think about it.

Not wanting to stay with Lin Yi any longer, Jianxi turned around and pushed the tool cart and got on the elevator.

Lin Yi took another elevator to the company.

After returning to the company, Lin Yi crossed Erlang's legs and started watching movies again.

From time to time, he glanced at Ye Chen, wanting to see when he went to the toilet.

But today, Ye Chen is like a monk, just sitting on the job without moving.

Lin Yi took a look.

This doesn't work.

What if Miss Killer gets impatient waiting and leaves?

So, Lin Yi glanced at Wen Yuci.


Wen Yuci is typing on the computer.

Seeing that Lin Yi was staring at her the whole time, her fair little face looked at him with some doubts.

"Concubine Ai, do you drink this bottle of Assam?"

On the warm and rainy porcelain table, there is a bottle of Assam, the lid has not been removed.

Wen Yuci laughed and said: "If you want to drink it, just say it, I haven't opened this bottle of water yet.

Lin Yi shook his head, then leaned into Wen Yuci's ear and said softly, "I want you to give this bottle of water to Ye Chen.

Wen Yuci's pretty face is cute and cute: "Clam?"

Afterwards, her fair face looked at Lin Yi with a quirk: "You asked me to bring water to Ye Chen?"

"Didn't you always regard me as your concubine? Let me bring water to Ye Chen, are you not jealous?"

Lin Yi squeezed Wen Yuci's tender face with a smile: "I think Ye Chen is too pitiful, so I want you to give him some hope, you know?"

Wen Yuci: "………………

She is not stupid, Lin Yi is obviously adjusting the time.

Let yourself deliver water, but you already like Lin Yi, what can happen to Ye Chen?

This gave Ye Chen hope and made him despair (Nuo Li Hao)!

However, Wen Yuci still guessed wrong.

How could Lin Yi let Wen Yuci send water to Ye Chen just for a little bit of fun.

He clearly wanted Ye Chen's life.

This is how a woman is. Once she has identified a man, she will not hesitate to let her hurt a man who once loved her wholeheartedly.

I silently said 'I'm sorry' to Ye Chen, but I couldn't help myself, so I picked up the bottle of Assam and walked towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen observes Wen Yuci while working every day.

When he saw Wen Yuci walking towards him, he couldn't help being stunned.

It's been a long time since Lin Yi's bastard tricked Yuci into finding herself.

"Ye Chen, I bought an extra bottle of water for you to drink."

Wen Yuci said with a light smile.

However, in the depths of her beautiful peach blossom eyes, there was a trace of pity.

Ye Chen didn't know yet that his goddess was cooperating with his rival and wanted his life.

He only felt that at the moment, he was hit by a pie that fell from the sky.

"My God! Yuci gave me water! Yuci actually gave me water!"

"The Yuci who used to drink the milk tea I bought is back."

Wen Yuci didn't want to stay with Ye Chen for too long, she was afraid that the bastard Lin Yi would be really angry.

She is not the kind of childish girl who likes to play games that deliberately anger each other.

If Lin Yi was really angry, the consequences would be serious, Wen Yuci knew very well.

"Remember to drink it up."

Wen Yuci smiled and waved her hand, and told Ye Chen what Lin Yi asked her to say.

Ye Chen smiled stupidly and nodded fiercely.

Then, he opened the bottle of Assam and poured it into his mouth until there was not a drop left.

Ten minutes later, Ye Chen went to the toilet.

And Lin Yi, who was playing with Wen Yuci's white and tender hands under the table, showed a strange smile.

PS: 5 automatic subscriptions plus one more chapter!!! Three chapters in one, chapter 3 today!!!


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