Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 111 Besieging Ye Chen

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Dai Mubai's body jumped into the air, and the strong spirit power on the surface of the body continued to condense out, forming a gleaming light spot in the whole body. Before it started, the audience was exclaimed.

This was not inferior to the power fluctuations of the golden generation Yan of Wuhundian Academy. It was enough to attract most people's attention, and it also encouraged Shrek Academy who had come out of nowhere.

"Defeat Qianxue, catch the shadow alive, Shrek, come on!!"

Compared with the shadow of Team Qianxue, these residents of Wuhun City hoped that Shrek Academy would win and avenge their saints.

However, after the life-threatening Heichang’s level of improvement, the double amplitude of Ning Rongrong and Oscar, coupled with the doubling of all aspects of the Baihu King Kong change, the white tiger meteor shower that Dai Mubai has condensed is simply far from the performance in the qualifiers. do not.

The shining bright spots of light caused even the air to tremble violently, like a stone entering the water, shaking the calm water surface into layers of ripples, and the aura continued to grow stronger in Dai Mubai's soul power accumulation.

Looking at Ye Chen's black robe, whose complexion was so calm as usual, Dai Mubai couldn't help concentrating his soul power on his fists crazily. Although the life-threatening black sausage he and Tang San and the others were taking was against the sky, this kind of food is a spirit ability. The effect of, however, can only help people become stronger by level 5 across ranks, and if the user's realm exceeds the Soul King realm, it will be invalid.

What's more deadly is that every second after taking it for more than three minutes, the life-threatening black sausage will counteract the soul and mental power of the user at a terrifying speed.

With their current state of full victory, they can only last for less than 5 minutes at most, and once they can’t bear the backlash and cause the cross-level state to disappear, the soul power that is swallowed will disappear directly. It may lower the true spirit power level, and the excessive mental power of the backlash can also cause people to fall into madness or direct brain death, just as deadly as their name.

Time is very tight, and Dai Mubai can't help but be a little distracted. They must defeat Shadow as quickly as possible.

After the height of the jump reached the highest point that could be reached, Dai Mubai's whole body shone with light spots, completely blooming in his roar.

"White Tiger, meteor shower!"

He kept roaring in his mouth, and Dai Mubai shook his fists with all his strength. In an instant, dozens of hundreds of tiny star-like light spots burst out with dazzling bursts of light, and then turned into multiple meteor beams that burst toward Ye Chen. Away.

At this moment, Tang San and Ma Hongjun had already resisted the thousands of daggers. They were very clever, knowing that the Demon Abyss dagger was so sharp that they did not carry them hard, but after Ma Hongjun’s phoenix rays offset a little of the impact of the thousands of daggers. Then Tang San's tree trunk-like blue silver grass scattered countless blue silver grass'branches', swept over the blood-colored dagger to control it, making Ye Chen unable to recall the Demon Abyss in a short time.

In mid-air, Ye Chen's figure was quickly overwhelmed by the attacks of hundreds of white tiger meteors, and then, dense explosions continued to sound in the mid-air, and the flashing burst of light shining on the final stage like the noon sun. Makes the audience feel a sense of enthusiasm.

"team leader!"

Watching Ye Chen's figure disappear into the white tiger meteor shower, Zhang Ming and Li Jing suddenly became impatient, and the attacking spirit skills in their hands were also frequently released, wanting to take Zhu Zhuqing as fast as possible.

However, what made them helpless was that the young girl who fought with them was not only extremely fast and avoided most of their spirit attacks, but the pair of cat claws they wielded was even more defensive, even if they attacked effectively. But they were all easily resolved.

It is the first time that Zhang Ming and Li Jing have met such a difficult opponent. No matter in terms of soul power, speed, defense, attack, etc., the opponent has obvious suppressing power, so that they can't ask for it together. It was a bit cheap, and the battle was stuck in a stalemate for a while, and it was impossible to use a helping hand to help the opponent.

As for Chen Shaoyin and the other three in four-on-two, although they have gained some advantages, the girl with scorpion braids has full combat experience. Even if suppressed, her grandmother can fight the three of them, making them useless.

In the finals, Team Qianxue has fallen into a huge disadvantage, and Qianxue’s strongest shadow captain was also double-teamed by the three. Once he is defeated, the top three Shrek can be cloned, it will be Team Qianxue’s At the time of the big defeat.

"Team Qianxue, that's it?"

"Haha, I thought how powerful the shadow is. I didn't expect to encounter a control system spirit master and it seemed flawed, so it's not a concern at all."

"Yes, if there is a soul master under the control of our Soul Palace team and is not eliminated, then this champion will definitely belong to our Soul Palace."

"Haha, no matter who the champion is, I just want to see that shadow lose now, it's better to be beaten into a pig!"

Thinking of the "unknown" experience of the saint three days ago, for five or six hours, a group of people couldn't help but echo the words that the shadow must be defeated.

However, on the square in front of the Pope’s Palace, Dai Mubai, who had just landed, suddenly shouted at Tang San and Ma Hongjun: "Hurry up, attack with all your strength."

With that, Dai Mubai's five spirit rings rose up under his feet, and then the fifth spirit ability'White Tiger Breaking Claw' that was comprehended by the life-threatening black intestine was suddenly used, and then he saw his right hand, pound The stubborn spirit power was gathering frantically, and the hand that transformed into a tiger's claw also exuded heart-palpitating spirit power fluctuations.

"what happened..."

"Boom!" Electronic Chinese website

Ma Hongjun just wanted to inquire about the situation, but before he could finish speaking, a terrifying and terrifying aura exploded in midair.

Immediately, a huge blood-red aperture appeared in the sky among the spirit power rays burst by the White Tiger Meteor Shower, and the frightened aura that everyone felt before was emitted from this.

"Ten... one hundred thousand year spirit ring?"

Ma Hongjun was shocked and his speech was uneven, and Tang San's eyes wrinkled tightly, and a Clear Sky Hammer that had been hidden for several years appeared on his left hand. The subtle thunder light spread all over the hammer body. Under the injection of his soul power, the thunder light also transformed. The enlightened Razer keeps jumping on the surface of the beating body, exuding strong pressure.

In the midair, when the red spirit ring bloomed, Ye Chen also stepped out of the white tiger meteor shower unscathed, and the broken black wings afterwards also revealed an extremely unknown black gas. The ordinary audience just took a look. I felt cold all over, and pushed a few steps in horror.

At this time, Dai Mubai, who had already had a hunch, shouted at Ye Chen, "Bai Hu smashed the claws!"

After all, the crystal-clear tiger claws with flowing radiant soul power were also swiped with full force by Dai Mubai, violently cut out five huge claw blades several meters wide, and slashed several light marks in the air. Go straight to Ye Chen.

And Ma Hongjun used the third spirit ability one after another to fly into the sky, and immediately shouted the fourth spirit ability and said: "Phoenix Howling Sky Strike!"

Ma Hongjun, who fled into the sky, accelerated his fall. After hitting the ground, a giant pillar of fire within 5 meters of the emperor Ye Chen rose into the sky. The burning sensation mixed with magma stones is no better than Yan's. How bad is the attack.

In the field, only Tang San didn't change. He stared at the black robe Ye Chen and waited for the opponent to have a defensive loophole. He wanted to seize the best time to make the most effective and strongest attack.

Five huge claw blades whizzed towards Ye Chen, and the sound of breaking through the air was also extremely resounding. Before he got close, the violent wind blowing from the claw blade slapped Ye Chen, causing the black robe on the surface to hurl. Straight.

At the same time, the huge flame column under him also burst from the Jedi, and it reached the soles of Ye Chen's feet in the blink of an eye. The extremely hot temperature caused Ye Chen's soles to appear scorched.

Two powerful attacks pounced on Ye Chen one after another. In such a crisis scene, Zhang Ming and the others were suddenly irritated, while the corners of the audience in the audience were excited and smiled, and everyone secretly thought, This time the shadow can't escape.

It was too late to say, and when the huge claw blade and the huge flame pillar were about to hit the target, I saw the black wings behind Ye Chen flap slightly, and then he saw his figure showing a strange arc, relaxed Dodged the powerful tricks of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

"I am not wrong, right?"

The audience in the audience rubbed their eyes in disbelief. They didn't believe that someone could easily escape under the fierce attack of lightning-fast claw blades and huge flame pillars.

If you read it right, that shadow just walked three steps in the air tightly, just evading the opponent's offensive trick?

It's not just that they didn't believe it, but even Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun on the stage had encountered this situation for the first time, and both showed unbelievable gazes, staring closely at Heipao Ye Chen.

"It must be luck, I don't believe I can't hit you."

Ma Hongjun was a little unconvinced, and the flames in his mouth surged, bursting towards Ye Chen, which were three crazy rays.

However, in the face of this attack, Ye Chen in midair just smiled indifferently, and after leaning sideways three times, he avoided his attack with great ease.

"How could this be."

This time, Tang San was a little uncomfortable, he thought, even if his combination of spirit abilities is strong, if he can't hit someone, isn't it all in vain?

"Let's attack together!"

The frowning Dai Mubai said in a deep voice, immediately on top of both claws, he began to gather his spirit power crazily again, and displayed the Baihu Breaking Claw twice in succession.

Upon seeing this, Ma Hongjun immediately flew into the sky, and also launched the strongest soul ability, Phoenix Howl.

And Tang San followed closely, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand burst into a bright thunder light, and it quickly became dozens of times larger in his hand, and was also firmly held by Tang San, and after leaping up violently, He used the Haotian Chaos Cloak Hammer method towards Ye Chen.

Suddenly, the claw blade flew again, and the pillar of fire under him rose to the sky.

And the Clear Sky Hammer, known as the head of the spirit of the Power Attack System, carried a powerful and unmatched aura, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer shadows spread all over Ye Chen's head.

The three people's full siege and cooperation with each other almost blocked all Ye Chen's escape routes, but at such a critical moment, Ye Chen still did not make any movements, but the red spirit ring under his feet burst into violent red light.

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