Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 116 Ye Chen's Amazing Plan

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Seeing Tang Hao's somewhat unbelieving expression, Ye Chen couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

"As long as Uncle Tang can put it down, what I promised you will be done, please rest assured."

Receiving Ye Chen's affirmation again, Tang Hao couldn't help raising a glimmer of hope, but no matter what, he still had a certain degree of suspicion. After all, Ye Chen was too young, and what he said made Tang Hao unable to believe him 100%.

After careful consideration, Tang Hao reluctantly nodded and said: "Remember what you and I said, as the brother of Xiaosan, I am willing to believe you!"

Patting Ye Chen on the shoulder, Tang Hao held Tang San and Xiao Wu's body, smiled slightly: "Anyway, thank you Ye Chen today, we will go one step ahead, please wait for me to thank you Master and Dean Flender’s love for the cultivation of P3 for many years, say goodbye!"

After speaking, the three of Tang Hao disappeared in place, leaving Ye Chen alone, shaking his head and sighing: "Oh, although the conversation was not satisfactory, it finally solved a big problem, but what Xiao Wu said was nothing. So good to talk."

Standing still and touching his chin, Ye Chen was also distressed. After all, between Bibi Dong and Xiao Wu...

"Oh, don't think about it, let's talk about it then."

Shaking his head, Ye Chen took out the 80,000-year-old Earth Ice Dragon's torso bone from Na Jie and put it into Zhuqing’s Soul Guidance Device. He then planted a spiritual message in his mind, and then turned to look at the Pope’s Palace. Four people walking along the square.

With a smile, Ye Chen stepped forward to meet him.

"If you have anything, go to my house and talk about it."

After speaking, Ye Chen walked towards the VIP building group outside the square, and the four people also followed.

As soon as he entered the room, a white-haired old man in a green armor said in surprise: "For such a long time, I actually knew that you are the shadow today, but why, you have been hidden in the Heaven Dou Empire, and you are still with your Highness. .."

As he said, Xue Qinghe, who was disguised by Qian Renxue, suddenly smiled and said: "Senior Dugu, don't panic, I have known that the shadow is Ye Chen, and this is also the father..."

"Okay, stop here."

Ye Chen interrupted Qian Renxue's cover, then raised his eyes to look at Dugu Bo, then turned his gaze to the other two people, suddenly a bold plan came into his heart.

With indescribable excitement, Ye Chen bowed his hands and saluted the two: "Master, Senior Sword, I think you have a lot to ask me, but now, can you listen to me first?

Jian Douluo Chenxin stared at Ye Chen slightly, and after looking at each other with Bone Douluo, he said, "Go ahead, we also want to hear your explanation."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing, and then shook his head: "Explain, what a pale words, no matter how much it is said, it is useless, so I don't need to explain, but want to discuss with Master, Senior Sword and Senior Dugu Amazing plan!"

"how do I say this?"

Gu Rong's face was curious. He knew that Ye Chen's thoughts had always been very eclectic. At this moment, he also wanted to know what the so-called shocking plan was, and how Chenxin and Dugubo looked.

Looking at the three close to him, Ye Chen grabbed Qian Renxue and said with a smile: "My plan is to let her ascend the position of the Great Emperor within three months and become the king of the Heaven Dou Empire."

"Chen'er, this is your big plan? It's too trifling. His Royal Highness was originally the prince of Tiandou, and he was also a prince. After the death of Emperor Xueye, he would naturally inherit the position of the emperor, without planning at all. "

Gu Rong frowned slightly, and then continued: "Compared to this, I want to hear why you pretended to be a shadow and spent so long in the imperial courtyard."

"Master, what you asked and I said is basically the same thing."

Ye Chen gave a wry smile, then turned to look at Qian Renxue and said, "I have been exposed. If you believe me, you must completely believe me. If you don't believe me, then do it yourself."

"What on earth do you want to do?" Reading Book Nest

A little annoyed, she broke free of Ye Chen's big hand, Qian Renxue stood back beside the sword and bone Douluo, looked at Ye Chen with puzzled eyes, and shook her head inadvertently.

She didn't expect Ye Chen to be so bold, and she wouldn't let her explain it clearly. It would be so reckless. After all, the shadow is Ye Chen's business. As long as she is in it, it is possible to flicker over.

Staring closely at Ye Chen's eyes, Qian Renxue suddenly found that his eyes were filled with fiercely confident eyes, making it difficult to look at him.

But even so, Qian Renxue still felt that everything should be done on the premise of being safe. More than ten years of lurking made her not want to take a wrong step, but Ye Chen's fiery gaze made her very hesitant.

"If you have anything to say, can you tell me what is going on?"

Dugu Bo asked impatiently, Ye Chen is his grandson-in-law, no matter what it is for, he wants to understand clearly.

"Let me do it."

Suddenly, Qian Renxue, who was struggling violently, stood up, walked to Ye Chen again, and fixed his gaze firmly on him, and said with relief: "I believe in you, but you can't let me down, you should be me the meaning of."

"Don't worry, I won't fight an unprepared battle."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and couldn't help seeing that the three of Chenxin were speechless, and immediately remembered some rumors he had heard before.

As if he did not hold back, he saw Dugu Bo pointing at Ye Chen and shouted: "Ye Xiaozi, you won't be crooked, the old man's granddaughter has a marriage contract with you, and you have already..."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xin and Gu Rong couldn't help but look at Ye Chen and Qian Renxue with questioning eyes. Among them, Gu Rong even said aloud: "Ahem, I don't mind that apprentice you like men, but I've suffered from our little Rongrong, she likes you so much, but she didn't expect..."

"Stop it!"

Ye Chen's complexion was a little ugly, but at this moment, Qian Renxue suddenly took his hand, and then there was a sigh of three Title Douluo in front of him.

Can be very fast.The few people looked at Qian Renxue tightly with shocked expressions again, as if all the surprises of this life were manifested today.

"How is it possible, why are you a girl?"

Looking at the disguise that Qian Renxue removed, Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and Dugu Bo couldn't help feeling that their souls were shaken. They didn't want to think that the eldest prince would be a woman.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen already understood Qian Renxue's trust in him, and he was no longer wordy at the moment, and directly told the three people Chen Xin about the amazing plan he had come up with.

And hearing the first words of Ye Chen, Chen Xin Gu Rong and Dugu Bo frowned unconsciously, and the more they listened, they became more shocked and unbelievable.

Then, Chen Xin and Gu Rong even stared at Ye Chen for a while, thinking to themselves: Is this still our serious good boy?Why did he become like this!

Finally, after listening to all the contents of Ye Chen’s plan, Dugubo took the lead and said with a laugh: "Well, no matter what the result is, I will support you. Who makes you my grandson-in-law, haha~!"

Compared with Dugu Bo’s bluntness, Chen Xin and Gu Rong were bothered and said: "We can’t do the master on this matter. We still need to go back to discuss with the suzerain, but you kid should not act rashly. We will decide this matter after we finish the discussion. Whether to proceed or not, although we think what you said makes sense, we still hope you can be more cautious for the sake of the overall situation."

After speaking, Chen Xin and Gu Rong looked at Qian Renxue one after another, then a trace of caution rose in their eyes, and then they rushed out of the house without saying anything, and flew in the direction of the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect.

And Dugu Bo didn't stay too much. After taking a deep look at Ye Chen, he also stood up and said: "I will go back to the sky to investigate the situation, and wait for you to come back!" After that, the person disappeared.

"We, are you too impatient."

Seeing the direction in which the three of them disappeared, Qian Renxue couldn't help but wonder, but Ye Chen held her little hand tightly and smiled: "Trust me, it will be successful, you will wait for me to be fair and honest in three months. Marry you!"

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