Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 118 Succession to the throne, reversal

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In Heaven Dou Imperial City, Ye Chen and Qian Renxue walked towards the Emperor’s Hall together. Eight maids in the palace followed them, speeding up their walking speed intentionally or unintentionally, and then faintly surrounded the two of Ye Chen. , And took them to walk quickly.

"What's the matter, what do you want to do?"

Qian Renxue stopped and stared at the eight maids, the expressions on their faces gradually became solemn. It was strange that these people seemed to want them to go to the Emperor's Hall quickly, for some reason.

"His Royal Highness, you better go. This is the order of the Great. Your Majesty is very happy to hear that Shadow has won the championship, so I want to see Your Highness early and celebrate."

"Is that right?"

A trace of suspicion appeared in Qian Renxue's eyes, but she still followed a few people and walked quickly toward the hall.

She had discussed with Ye Chen a long time ago, and no matter what situation she encountered today, she had to hold back, and Ye Chen also told him that she had a self-healing type spirit ability.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the three major hotels in Tiandou City, Drunken Fairy, Wangshi, and Diyue, lit up one after another. Under the dazzling brilliance, more than five thousand people of the Royal Knights held the glamorous dancers in their arms. Yan Huan the wine.

However, outside the three major hotels, a series of hidden black shadows are gradually filling all the dark places on the roof of the hotel, and immediately staring at the knights in the hotel, eyes full of chills.

In the imperial city, Ye Chen and Qian Renxue have already arrived at the emperor’s hall. The place where the two met for the first time was here, and the emperor Xueye was also firmly seated on the towering throne of the emperor. After Renxue came, he smiled and waved: "Qinghe, come and talk to me about the interesting things in the competition. I heard that this senior college competition is quite thrilling, haha!"


With a slight salute, Qian Renxue walked directly to the side of Emperor Xiang Xueye, and then slowly talked about the details of the contest he had seen in Wuhun City. The other party also listened very carefully, as if everything behaved normally.

But Ye Chen found something wrong. The hall at this moment was very quiet. There were only a few guards and maids stationed here on weekdays. From the pace of their walking, it can be seen that those maids and guards are spirit masters. And the spirit power level will never be low.

While Ye Chen was thinking about it, the figure of Prince Xue Xing suddenly walked out from the corner inside the hall, and after paying a salute to Xue Ye, he smiled strangely at Ye Chen.

Immediately, a large number of powerful spirit power poured in from the temple gate, immediately surrounding Ye Chen.

"What does the prince mean?"

Ye Chen looked at Xue Xing calmly, and an invisible smile flashed past the corner of his mouth.

"Why? Shadow, don't you understand?" Xue Xing bowed his hand to the Great Emperor Xueye, and then said loudly: "Please move your majesty to the palace. This is too dangerous and the minister is terrified."

"What does Prince Xuexing mean by this? The shadow just won the Academy Elite Competition for my Heaven Dou. That's how you treat the Imperial Elite?

Qian Renxue looked unhappy, and wanted to wave his hand to make the black armored soldiers in uniform clothes retreat, but at this moment, the Great Xueye beside her pulled her hand and said: "Qinghe, your uncle This naturally makes sense for him, let him go."

"Father, Shadow, he is the vice-president of the Imperial Court, and he is also my personal..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Emperor Xue Ye waved his hand and interrupted: "Qinghe, have you forgotten his true identity?" After all, Emperor Xue Ye raised his eyes to look at Ye Chen, and schemingly said: "I kept you for Apologize, now that you have completed your mission, it is time to leave."

As soon as these words came out, the black-armored soldiers surrounding Ye Chen immediately pulled out the long knife around their waist, and the sound of a'swish' was extremely uniform.

Under the turmoil of the soul power release, there were all the cultivation bases of the 60th-level soul emperor. There were thousands of people, and the many soul powers aroused strange harmony, obviously a group of well-trained army groups.

After Qian Renxue realized the abnormality, she suddenly said dumbly: "Where is this army? Why have I never seen it?"

Upon hearing this, Prince Xue Xing couldn't help but smiled: "His Royal Highness does not need to panic. They are all dead members of the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, and they will only contribute everything to the Xue Imperial Family throughout their lives. Moreover, your Majesty has reached an agreement with me. I also hope that your Highness will not interfere."

Qian Renxue wanted to say something, but the Great Emperor Xueye said in advance: "This is what I mean Qinghe, this son is very talented and has twin spirits. If you look at it, he will definitely become my Heaven Dou in the future. The worst enemy of Xue Ye." When he thought that Ye Chen was the apprentice of the Pope of Wuhun Hall, the killing intent in Xue Ye's eyes grew stronger.

He asked Qinghe and Ye Chen to come quickly, just to solve this trouble early, so that after his son had no hidden dangers, he could use the momentum of winning to pass the throne to Xue Qinghe.

"Do it!"

With an order, the thousands of black family army immediately summoned the martial soul "Black Sabre", the crowd of thousands of people, even the martial souls are exactly the same, such a scene is not only shocked by Ye Chen, but also by Qian Renxue. I don't know if there is such a powerful strange army hidden in the imperial capital.

Seeing the Hei family army coming in step by step, Ye Chen couldn't help but raised his head and smiled, then raised his eyes to Xue Ye and said: "I think I can die, but can you let me die in the hands of His Royal Highness Qinghe? I and him are like confidants, if only Being killed by His Highness, there is no complaint in my heart."

"Don't do it, the emperor, this child is cunning, let the Hei family army kill him."

Xue Xing wanted to stop it, but the Great Xue Ye looked at Qian Renxue and smiled slightly: "Yes, Qinghe, you go." No. 7 Novel Network

As if thinking of something, Qian Renxue silently took out a piece of white jade from her arms and walked towards Ye Chen.

And Ye Chen looked at her with a smile, without any fear in his eyes, and even nodded towards her.

Seeing this, Qian Renxue suddenly remembered what Ye Chen said in the hall: No matter what happens, you have to hold back and deal with everything calmly.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue couldn't help but squeezed the white jade Xue Ye had handed her early.

Soon, the corners of Ye Chen's mouth shed black blood, and the smelly blood oozes from his eyes and ears. Then he fell directly into a pool of blood in the soft space under his feet.

However, seeing this scene, the foresighted Emperor Xue Ye was still not at ease. After throwing a short sword to Qian Renxue, he asked him to make a sword towards Ye Chen's heart so that he could feel at ease.

Without refusal, the matter has reached this point, Qian Renxue can only believe in Ye Chen's self-healing ability, so that he can gain the last trust of Xueye Great Emperor.

Puff, he personally poured the dagger into Ye Chen's heart. Even if he was prepared, Qian Renxue couldn't help his heart tremble, and then a colic came from the bottom of his heart, like a knife cut.

"Okay! I am worthy of being my son. He is decisive and ambitious in case of trouble. He can find that the child is the foundation of my heavenly fight. I will vigorously develop the awakening seedlings and strengthen the foundation of our empire. We must have this son. a ha ha ha."

Xue Ye laughed loudly, then waved, and several maids in the hall ran out, and then all the princes and ministers of the Tiandou Empire walked into the hall. They didn't show any surprise when they saw Ye Chen's'corpse'. I knew everything a long time ago, and the Hei Family Army didn't leave but just stayed on the edge of the hall.

Seeing the empires gathered here, Xue Ye the Great couldn’t help pulling Qian Renxue and happily announced: “Presumably everyone knows that in this Advanced Academy Elite Competition, Wu’er led the team to win the championship, and not only did it fiercely. The face of the Wuhun Palace has revitalized my Heaven Dou's might."

"For many years, my Tiandou Empire has never had a good result in the competition, and now it is Qinghe, who has taken back our long-lost honor. What do you think the emperor should reward him."

Hearing this, many ministers looked at each other and discussed, but soon they fell into a quarrel, as if there was some disagreement.

Emperor Xueye's complexion changed slightly, and after raising his hand slightly to keep everyone from arguing, he praised Qian Renxue again: "Over the past few years, Qinghe has helped me deal with more than 10,000 government affairs, large and small, and even proposed to benefit the people. The government’s national strategy has now won the championship of the Academy Elite Competition. So I decided to pass on the throne of Tiandou to Prince Qinghe. If you have no objections, I will prepare for the emperor’s throne soon."

As if he didn't want to hear any arguments, Emperor Xue Ye directly announced a direct decision. He was old, and the Heaven Dou Empire desperately needed a Mingjun.

"Congratulations to the Great, Heaven Dou has His Royal Highness Qinghe, and I will certainly embark on the great road of making the country stronger and the people prosperous!"

A minister walked out of the crowd and called out loudly. Soon, many ministers walked out and expressed their approval of Qian Renxue's succession to the throne, and they were also praising the sage of Xueye.

However, the few ministers who stayed in place did not express their opinions. Instead, a strange smile appeared at the corners of their mouths and looked at the ministers in front of them, as if they were mocking.

At this time, a voice from a different public suddenly sounded, and outside the palace gate, Xue Ke, dressed in the golden armor of the Supreme Emperor, walked in.

At the same time, Prince Xue Xing, who was standing by, raised his arm, and then waved down. The Hei family army stationed in the temple was like a wolf into a flock. With one sword, a minister would succeed Qian Renxue to the throne in minutes. All the people were killed clean.

Looking at the corpses and blood all over the ground, the Great Xueye couldn't help but looked at his brother and daughter in shock, his eyes were full of anger and said, "Xue Xing, Xue Ke, what are you doing?"

After all, he couldn't help but patted the armrest of the throne vigorously, but he did not attract any reinforcements.

Seeing this, Xue Ke, dressed in the clothes of the emperor, could not help but speak the most brutal words: "Father, your Golden Armored Army has all been killed. At this moment, there are less than 100 guards in the palace. Struggling."

After that, Xue Ke turned to look at Qian Renxue and said: "Big brother, can you tell Ke'er how my other brothers died?"

Qian Renxue did not answer, but the Great Xueye couldn't help yelling: "Niezi, your daughter wants to be the emperor too? Ke'er, you must not do stupid things to make outsiders cheaper."

Xue Ke naturally understood what was meant by the words, but at this moment, Prince Xue Xing stood up and pointed to Xueye and complained: "My stupid brother, this is all you forced me. I said Qinghe could not but When the throne is the emperor, this son is sinister and vicious, and he does not hesitate to mutilate his brothers for this position. But I clearly told you my suspicions, but you, brother, don’t listen at all."

"Nonsense, Qinghe is my son. As an emperor, how about killing a few useless boys? In the imperial family, how can you command this huge Heaven Dou Empire if you are not cruel!"

Xue Ye looked at Xue Xing angrily. He was not a fool. He naturally knew that the deaths of other sons were related to Qinghe, but what about that?

The battle for the throne over the years has been full of blood. Even he used many methods to get where he is today. The reason why the snow star in front of him can live so long is that it does not have the slightest ability to threaten his position. That's it.

"Get out Xue Ke, and you, my brother."

The almost commanding tone made Prince Xue Xing and Xue Ke look at each other, but how can they give up halfway now?

Right now, between Xue Xing's clapping hands, several powerful figures rushed into the hall, pushing towards Qian Renxue step by step.

At this moment, the'dead' black-robed Ye Chen suddenly got up from the pool of blood, and immediately smiled and looked at Prince Xue Xing and Princess Xue Ke who were in shock.

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