You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the Shrek Academy Plaza, Dai Mubai walked to Ye Chen's side from a building not far away.

"It's a pity. I thought that with Teacher Zhao's strength, I could keep you. I didn't expect you to be stronger than I thought."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but smiled: "Don't worry, I will live in the college for some time, and I can talk to me anytime."

"Remember what you said, don't be annoying then."

Being defeated by someone younger than himself is difficult for the proud Dai Mubai. He wants to defeat Ye Chen, even if he can't do it now, but it doesn't mean he won't be able to do it in the future.

I was afraid that he would become stronger, but he could not find Ye Chen, so this was the main reason why Dai Mubai kept Ye Chen in the academy.

The sky soon darkened, and Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu and others also successfully passed Zao Wou-ki's second test and entered Shrek Academy.

Following Dai Mubai into the boys' dormitory, Ye Chen was arranged to live with this guy. Although he did not join the college, after Zao Wou-ki tried Ning Rongrong and the others, he still arranged a place for Ye Chen.

In the middle of the night, in a daze, a strange sound entered Ye Chen's ears.

"Hmm, Shao Dai..."

The strange sound of Xuan Ni was unbearable. After Ye Chen was awakened, he saw two figures on the bed next to each other, entangled endlessly.

"Damn, when I don't exist?"

After waking up, Ye Chen suddenly rolled his eyes. This Dai Mubai was really a pervert and reincarnated. Is there someone here, so he directly staged the picture of the Living Chungong Palace?It's not a good person.

Ye Chen, who couldn't stand it, slipped out of bed quietly and jumped out of the room directly from the open window. The moonlight was sparse here, and the sky was already bright.

Thinking of the sign-in task issued by the system, Ye Chen took advantage of the present and started to walk around Shrek Academy.

The task this time is very simple, as long as you walk around all areas of the academy, even if it is completed, it is not difficult to think about it.

There are not many buildings in Shrek Academy. Ye Chen only spent ten minutes walking around the teacher’s quarters and the dean’s room. Flender didn’t seem to live in the academy, and other teachers found that Ye Chen didn’t have much. , Just as he was here to visit.

The sky was bright now, and he seemed to have only one place left.

Looking at the two-story building not very far from the boys' dormitory, Ye Chen whispered in his heart, it seems not good for him to enter the girls' dormitory so directly, but it is not his character to give up halfway.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen felt that it was better to go sneakily now than later.

There were very few girls in the college, and Ye Chen stood downstairs and called out Ning Rongrong.

"What, you want to enter the girls' dormitory? Why?"

Hearing Ye Chen’s strange request, Ning Rongrong expressed confusion. Then she seemed to have thought of something, and said softly, lying next to Ye Chen’s ear, “Just tell me what you want to see, I’m also a woman. I have some of them, don’t believe me..."

With that, Ning Rongrong wanted to untie his pajamas, and wanted him to see enough.

Seeing this, Ye Chen quickly grabbed Ning Rongrong's hand and said, "Where did you want to go, I'm just curious about the buildings here and want to visit it. I just saw it from the Zao Wuji courtyard, really."

After listening to Ye Chen's explanation, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but smiled and went back to discuss with Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, and he came out again after a while.

"Go in, Xiao Wu agreed."

"Well, thank you."

After touching Ning Rongrong's long hair, Ye Chen finally walked into the girls' dormitory.

The first room after entering the small building is where Ning Rongrong lives. The small building seems to be smaller than expected, and the furnishings are similar to Dai Mubai’s. In addition to the simple tables, chairs and benches, there are a lot of clothes on each side. The place is slightly messy.

Xiao Wu seemed to have just woken up, was wearing pink drowsiness and said hello to Ye Chen, and then fell asleep again.Express novel

Instead of staying in the rooms of Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu, Ye Chen was blocked by a door after passing through a short corridor.


Opening the door of the room, Ye Chen thought he was going to leave the small building, but he never expected that as soon as the door opened, a stunning scenery came into his eyes.

I saw Zhu Zhuqing sleeping on a small bed half naked in his shirt, wrapped in sexy black silk, exposing small pieces of snow-white skin like mutton jade, with a perfect rugged figure and a charming and dazzling face.

She has grown so well, as if she was carefully carved by God. It is hard to imagine that a girl who is only a teenager can have such a perfect proportion.

"Who is there?"

The walking footsteps awakened the opponent. After Zhu Zhuqing opened his beautiful eyes, he saw Ye Chen standing in the room. For a while, the atmosphere in the air became awkward.

Ye Chen swallowed, and grinned: "I said I came in with permission, do you believe it?"

Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, but her long nails and fast-moving figure were enough to show everything.


There was a cat cry, and Zhu Zhuqing directly summoned the Wuhun Ghost Cat, and rushed towards Ye Chen without saying a word.

She was very fast, even if Ye Chen's spirit power level was higher than hers, she was still not as fast as her.

At the moment, he didn't think too much. After Ye Chen jumped out of the window with a stride, he ran towards the deep forest outside the courtyard.

He didn't understand, Ming Ming Rongrong had already explained it, but why Zhu Zhuqing was so angry.

Besides, there is no less meat after a look, not to mention that he didn't mean it.

[Successful visit to Shrek Academy, congratulations to the host for completing the task of signing in to the goddess, the automatic training speed has increased by 100%, and Zhu Zhuqing’s favorability has increased by 300%!

The voice of the system was untimely in Ye Chen's mind. Although it was annoying, it seemed to be a turning point for this misunderstanding.,

Remembering the change in Ning Rongrong's attitude towards him, Ye Chen couldn't help but stop fleeing and face Zhu Zhuqing who was chasing him.

"Ahem, I really didn't mean it, listen to me to explain..."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp violent shout rang out: "Nether Spike!"

"Damn, it's real?"

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's martial arts ability, turned into an afterimage and rushed over, Ye Chen's heart suddenly became suspicious, and the increase in favorability was not very obvious, the system.

While avoiding Zhu Zhuqing's attack, Ye Chen asked the system again and again.

[Ding, the goddesses have different personalities, but what is certain is that there is indeed a 300% goodwill degree between the other party and the host, perhaps because the way the goddess expresses it is different.

"Um, are you kidding me? All of her moves are killer moves!"

As he was speaking in his heart, an extraordinary figure suddenly threw Ye Chen from mid-air on the grass, and then a pair of cat's claws directly pierced his chest.

Soon, blood leaked from Ye Chen's chest, gradually staining his clothes red.

"Why don't you avoid it? Obviously you can do it."

Zhu Zhuqing, who threw down Ye Chen, had tears in her eyes. She raised her hand to look at the blood on the cat's paw and kept asking why. Her deep self-blaming eyes made people feel distressed.

"I'm fine, you will get up first before talking."

Ye Chen stared at Gao Feng with a smile and said, the blood flowed violently from his nose. In fact, he was only scratched by Zhu Zhuqing. As for why he dyed his red shirt, it was completely because of some beautiful things that he saw that made him lose hormones. Caused by a controlled surge.

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