Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 121 Qian Renxue's'Unwilling'

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Are you OK?"

Seeing Qian Renxue's face showing awkwardness, Ye Chen couldn't help but straighten out the messy hair on his forehead in distress.

In fact, he didn't even start what happened, so he just touched it.

"You continue, I can hold it back."

Qian Renxue covered her blushing pretty face, and then faced Ye Chen more openly, wanting the two to blend together better.

"Well, if it doesn't work, you must tell it."

After touching his forehead with sweat, Ye Chen felt that Qian Renxue was very special, not sensitive, and it seemed that it was difficult to open.

Ye Chen kept trying, but Qian Renxue shivered with pain just at the beginning, as if she was suffering from great pain.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't bear it, and immediately touched her little face and said softly: "Why don't we talk about it next time, today we will adapt to the feeling, and then wait until we get married..."

"No, I must get you today."

Qian Renxue forcibly endured the pain, turned over to press Ye Chen under her body, and then began to try carefully.

But she was really too'special'. Even though she tried very hard, she didn't get any results. On the contrary, when she entered the first step, her face was full of pain and sweat, and she collapsed on the bed, feeling aggrieved. Huddled up there, lost.

"Am I too useless."

Looking at Ye Chen, Qian Renxue's eye-catching and agile eyes, tears would slide down, like a fairy crying, beautifully moving.

"How come, you are the best. I like it before it's too late. If you want to blame it, please blame me."

Holding Qian Renxue's delicate body, Ye Chen stroked her straight hair, feeling a little in his heart.

Suddenly, Qian Renxue in her arms raised her head and looked at Ye Chen stubbornly: "I think you are right, but you are too..." Her eyes floated under Ye Chen, Qian Renxue blushed instantly: "Anyway, it's all your fault. I will never spare you next time."

Buried her small head into Ye Chen's arms, Qian Renxue held him tightly and kept making small movements, as if she was looking for a way to make up for it.

Ye Chen was also a little dumbfounded, and said silently in his heart: I am'strong' and wrong? It's too late for others to like it.

One night, Qian Renxue continued to explore Ye Chen under the curiosity and desire, but his irritating behavior made him toss him so hard that Ye Chen looked a little gloomy after daybreak.

When the two came to the Emperor's Hall hand in hand, Ning Fengzhi, Dugu Bo and several big Douluo were waiting for them here, as well as the smiling Bi Fangcong and the few remaining ministers.

In fact, for these ministers, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, as long as they don't stand in the wrong team, they can get mixed up.

Now, once again seeing Qian Renxue walking in a golden imperial costume, these ten ministers also quickly knelt to the ground, calling out the title of Empress Qianxue, showing their loyalty.

With a casual wave, Qian Renxue sat on the towering throne of the main hall and began to announce the rewards she had discussed with Ye Chen.

"The Sovereign of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect Ning Fengzhi Tingfeng, this rebellion forced Gong Er to come to help in time. You have the merits of the society, and you have the ability to respect teachers and great sages. From today onwards, you will be designated as the Royal Academy and the courtyard of the Chenxue Imperial Academy. Long, I named Qibao Liulizong the country’s pope. I hope you can educate more talents for the country and the people."

"Thanks to the Empress!"

Ning Fengzhi folded his hand slightly, and then smiled at the corner of his mouth, but Qian Renxue's next words made him more happy.

"The Tiandou Empire has been feudal for a long time. Now, it's time to correct some mistakes." Qian Renxue looked at the ministers underneath, and immediately continued: "From now on, in my Tiandou Empire, regardless of civilians or nobles, the imperial courtyard As well as several other colleges and universities, they will unconditionally open their doors, as long as they pass the qualifications, they will accept it."

"Emperor, this is wrong."

The old man with a beard on his face knelt in front of Qian Renxue and boldly protested: "There is a huge gap between the royal family and the nobles and the common people, and the rules of the high-level academies in various places are also agreed by the nobles of the entire empire. If the female emperor insists on this. , The Heaven Dou Empire will definitely be affected by a huge amount, and there may be changes."

"Enlighten the Empress, I also agree with this view. Now that the national situation is unstable, it is really not appropriate to go to war with the noble squires. The civilians need to be done step by step."

Among the crowd in the hall, another minister objected, and seemed to say something reasonable.

But Qian Renxue said indifferently: "It's just some bullying and hardworking, what's the fear!" Between the words, full of high and supreme majesty, she is very similar to Bibi Dong as an emperor at this moment.

"But what about the nobles all over the empire? Can't..."

Before the beard-faced old man had finished speaking, Ning Fengzhi folded his hands and said, "Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, I would like to serve the empress."

"Very well, the matter of the nobility will be handled by the master."


With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Ning Fengzhi hurriedly left the hall with his sword, Bone Douluo and Dugu Bo.

Afterwards, outside the hall, the four Super Douluo, the chrysanthemum, the ghost, the porcupine, and the Jianglong, had been waiting here for a long time. After seeing a few people came out, they all left the Heaven Dou Imperial City together.

If you want to rule out, you must first settle in. Ye Chen knows that the nobles entrenched in the deep roots of the empire will be the biggest obstacle to the imperial power, so he and Qian Renxue discussed to let the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect go out, and the Wuhun Palace secretly assisted and completely surrendered those Hard bones.

With the stability of the Heaven Dou Empire, Ye Chen's final plan can also be implemented as desired.

"The Royal Knights Bi Fangcong stepped forward and listened to the seal. Commander Bi led the crowd to completely defeat the rebels and defend the orthodox imperial power. Today, he has named you the Knight Commander of the Protector of the Country. The Royal Knights has millions of gold and silver. Army A, guarding the imperial city."

The sound of Qian Renxue's words fell off, and Bi Fangcong suddenly bowed and bowed his head, and kept talking about the Empress Mingying and Imperial Yongchang.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue handed him the responsibility of recruiting talented ministers. In this way, Bi Fangcong was also grateful and kept knocking his head.

After waving everyone back, Qian Renxue couldn't help turning her head to look at Ye Chen at the foot of the emperor, and whispered: "Grandpa asked us to go back quickly. He is very satisfied with you and said that he will hold a wedding for us soon. "

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but smiled and said, "Yes, my Majesty."

Having said that, the two returned to the bedroom to pack up, and found a reason to cooperate sincerely and win the world that day, so they took a few people and hurried to the Wuhun Hall.

Qiandaoliu's letter was very urgent, and the words and sentences were a little impatient, but they had only left for less than a month.

A few people moved forward very fast, and it only took more than ten days for them to return to Wuhun City, and then under the leadership of several red-robed elders, they came to the Pope Hall.

At this moment, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong were waiting for the two of them. When they saw Ye Chen and Qian Renxue holding hands, Qian Daoliu laughed even more.

"Well, I didn't expect your kid to succeed so soon, you deserve to be the talent that the old man looks after."

With that said, Qian Daoliu found the two holding hands, and then raised his eyebrows slightly towards Qian Renxue, but Qian Renxue shook his head with a wry smile, instantly frustrating his wish to hold a great-grandson.

At the moment, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but anxiously said, "Today is a good day. Why don't we just hold the wedding here, and the old man will make arrangements. It will be soon."

"No today, nor for some time in the future." Bibi Dong walked to Ye Chen and sang a counterpoint to Qian Daoliu: "Xiao Na has gone to practice outside during this time, so their marriage must wait until Xiao Na meets. Come again."

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu also knew that this was not a matter of two people, but after a long time, his heart became more disturbed, and he stared at Ye Chen and Qian Renxue and said seriously: "We can talk about marriage later, but today , You must give me a bridal chamber, the old man does not want to be rejected again."

I found out that Bibi Dong wanted to say something. Qian Daoliu's last sentence was also extremely heavy, which made people unable to refute.

Qian Renxue just wanted to persuade her grandfather, but Qian Daoliu ignored her. Instead, she kept pressing on Ye Chen. The terrifying breath of Limit Douluo made Ye Chen who hadn't evoked a martial soul looked so beautiful. change.

But there were unresolved problems between him and Qian Renxue, so he wanted to bite the bullet and refuse, but at this moment Bibi Dong said, "I'll answer for him."

Upon hearing this, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but laughed and left the Papal Palace.

However, Ye Chen looked at Bibi Dong with some embarrassment, then leaned against her ear and whispered...

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