Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 129 The Emerald Scorpion in the Far North

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The fleet of commercial firms is not very fast. After the winter season, a large fleet of thousands of people has slowed down the pace.

"Boom, Mr. Ye, the beef offal soup you want is here. Be careful."

"It's okay, it's really cold, wouldn't it be better to be hot."

Sitting in the accompanying cargo carriage, Ye Chen smiled slightly, and took a bowl of delicious sweet soup full of beef offal from the guy named Yang Shan.

"Then I will go back first, and you will call me if necessary."

Biting the gold coin that Yechen had thrown in the past, Yang Shan smiled and ran into another carriage. At the same time, a lot of heads appeared from the surrounding carriages, and they all looked at Yang Shan enviously, feeling deeply. .

Ye Chen suddenly joined the uninvited guest. At first they thought they were a thief, but as time went on, they discovered more and more that this guy is a really rich man, no matter what he needs to eat, drink and wear, a gold coin. It is the least checkout method.

However, apart from Yang Shan, when the other guys first met him, they were rude to Ye Chen. As a result, now, they want to hug this rich man’s thighs, and they are not uncommon for their dog legs. Use Yang Shan alone.

In just a few months, Yang Shan earned the wages he could only earn in Ye Chen for more than ten years. I am afraid that after returning to his hometown after the northbound trip, Yang Shan will not do this job. After all, Trading in the far north is very dangerous. Even if there is a powerful soul master convoy guarding the front of the convoy, but the journey is far away, coupled with the freezing of the sky, who knows if there will be an accident.

More than a dozen guys shook their heads and secretly said that after the bad luck, they got back into the car and stopped watching. The weather was so cold that everyone's faces were frozen to purple, and even the horses were wrapped up. Put on the quilt to prevent freezing, otherwise you can't walk at all.

On the snow-capped ground, there are endless white icebergs and snow veins everywhere, and almost no green vegetation can be seen. At this moment, the convoy is walking on the top of the iceberg gorge. I heard that it passed through this dangerous area. You can reach the town ahead.

On the carriage No. 55, Ye Chen took a sip of beef offal soup. He felt warm in his stomach. He admired the pure white scenery outside. He didn’t know where he was. He just heard Yang Shan said that since he stepped on Enter this snowy area, even if you have reached the far north.

But speechlessly, even if he arrived at the place, Ye Chen didn't know where the Xuedi who signed in for the task was, let alone completed the task.

With a slight sigh, Ye Chen looked at the horse walking on the edge of the ice gorge. White ice crystals were constantly exhaling from his nose. It was freezing cold and the tall horse had lost weight several times.

"Brother, can't you eat beef offal!"

Touching the horse's ass, as if responding to him, the cold, choking big white horse actually hissed a few times. Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but grabbed the reins, got up and walked to the horse, picking up a sirloin plug. Into its mouth.

Looking at the appearance of the big white horse chewing quickly, Ye Chen also laughed, and immediately gave him the big chunks of offal from the bowl.

"Well, you buddy, people don't eat well when you go out, so you still feed such precious food to the horse? Do you still have a conscience."

An angry voice came from behind. Ye Chen looked back and saw a little girl who was no more than 1.4 meters tall. She looked at him upright and annoyed. After running quickly, she wanted to take away his bowl of cattle. miscellaneous.

However, Ye Chen ducked slightly sideways, and the little Lolita rushed to the snow with too much force and took a mouthful of Baixue.

"The conscience is my own, and I bought the offal. Since they are all mine, do I have the right to deal with them." Love the book

After all, Ye Chen fed the horse again, but after the little Lolita got up, she was very angry, and immediately pushed Ye Chen violently.

At the beginning, Ye Chen didn't care, but suddenly, a huge force suddenly came from his waist, as if he was hit by some heavy object, so that he violently fell under Qianzhang Bingxia without guard.

Before the fall, Ye Chen found that beside the little girl, there was a tall man holding a clear sky hammer. At this moment, his mouth was full of sneers.

"Damn it!"

As his figure fell sharply, the Bingxia gust of wind continued to roar, and the biting cold, even Ye Chen, who had a soul protection body, felt the extreme coldness.

"Wait, this is not right."

An ominous meaning suddenly rose in his heart. When Ye Chen summoned the fallen angel's possession, the twelve long and narrow black wings suddenly flapped frantically, but what made people desperate was that no matter how they waved their wings, they couldn't reach the sky. The effect is as if there is something terrifying under this huge ice gorge, constantly controlling the howling wind that exacerbates the gorge wall, making it difficult to stabilize the figure.

Reluctantly, Ye Chen had to wrap the Black Wing around himself, and immediately called out the Demon Abyss Sword to split, and wanted to release it. However, his falling speed was getting faster and faster, and the wind became stronger and stronger, so that Demon Abyss Sword could not converge. Formation.

"Damn, if I can live, I will cut you a thousand times, even if you hide in the Clear Sky School, I will get you out."

Recalling the sneer above the ice gorge, Ye Chen was also angry, but he couldn't fly right now, so he had to wrap the black wings more tightly so that he could fall into the bottom of the ice gorge where the end is invisible. Save your life.

The violent gust of wind continued to roar, Ye Chen didn't know how long he would fall to the end, so he had to do his best to keep the fallen angel's possession state.


A loud noise stirred up ten feet of white snow. At the moment of landing, Ye Chen lost consciousness, but his fallen angel's possession state was still there, and he activated the magical ability of self-healing.

Even in a coma, he subconsciously kept the fallen angel possessed, as if he could survive in this way.

At the bottom of the faint white snow and ice gorge, the surroundings are terribly silent, and the huge cave not far away is even more like a devil's mouth, as if it might swallow Ye Chen at any time.

Suddenly, from the entrance of the huge ice and snow cave, a scorpion with a length of 1.5 meters crawled out. There were two colors on the body, one was the color of ice, and the other was green.

It has four layers of carapace superimposed on the front of its body, and its silver-white mouthparts are shining with a faint cold light. There is a long, cocked tail at the back of its body, which is different from the bony joints of ordinary scorpion tails. This long tail has only In the five quarters, every quarter is a tempting aquamarine, and the aquamarine is gleaming and full of life.

"Hey, how can a strange bird fly in in this far north? What kind of soul beast is this?"

After the emerald green scorpion crawled around the snow pit where Ye Chen fell, he didn't see a name, except that the'bird' was not dead.


It seemed that there was a sound in the belly. After blinking the orange pupils, the emerald scorpion looked at the live'birds' in the snow pit, then reluctantly crawled down, stretched out the silver-white pliers to grab his trousers, and quickly dragged it into the deep cave. Inside.

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