Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 131 Transformation into a human, night wonder

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After careful questioning, Ye Chen knew what the other party wanted to do, and that entered the body, it also really entered the body.

Looking at the Bing Emperor who was expecting, Ye Chen couldn't help frowning and thinking. After a long time, he nodded slowly and said, "Okay, come on."

"Are you really willing?"

"I lied to you!"

Faced with doubts, Ye Chen took off the clothes on his chest directly, and after exposing a large piece of pectoral muscles, the Bingdi also stood up, raised his scorpion tail high, and pierced him in an instant with a fierce swing. Chest.

The sharp tail needle went straight into the heart, and immediately a touch of emerald cold and poisonous pouring out of the small hole at the tip of the needle, only for a moment, Ye Chen's heart was frozen into ice, and then the bright red surface also changed. It became emerald green, exuding a strange breath, and the ice was beating.

The heart was directly contaminated, and Ye Chen's face turned pale in an instant. The bright red blood circulated through the emerald green heart and turned into highly toxic blood mixed with icy debris, flowing through the blood vessels everywhere in his body.

Seeing this, Bingdi's worries were also dispelled. Her Bingbi Emperor's scorpion poison was unparalleled in the world, and even a super Douluo-level auxiliary spirit master could not unlock her poison.

In this way, the life of the man in front of him was completely controlled by her. As long as he did not help Ye Chen suppress the scorpion venom, he could die at any time.

However, if the ice emperor knew that Ye Chen had self-healing magical skills, he would not know what his expression would be. After all, under the magical self-healing skills, don't talk about the poisonousness. Yeah.

"Unexpectedly, there are human beings like you, so you entrust your life to me, don't you be afraid..."

The Bingdi said something, but Ye Chen interrupted with a smile: "What are you afraid of? The male man has his promises. I said to protect you. Then I will protect you at all costs. Being controlled by you is also protecting. One of your ways, isn't it?"

Hearing this, a touch of joy suddenly appeared in Bingdi's scorpion eyes, and the corners of his mouth with double pliers also showed a humane smile.

"Thank you for your protection. I will begin to transform immediately. Then, I will rely on you to protect me."

After that, the Ice Emperor Scorpion tail entered Ye Chen's body again, and immediately a large amount of extremely strong soul power instantly enveloped his heart, forming a special layer of ice, so that the blood flowing from the heart was renewed. Changed back to normal blood.

"My spirit power will protect your heart for the next few years. After I transform into a human form and grow up a little bit, I will help you relieve the scorpion poison."

"That's great."

Seeing Ye Chen nodded in agreement, the Bingdi didn't hesitate anymore. The other party was willing to entrust her life to her. If anything happened to her, this man could not survive, so how could she still have doubts.

Thinking about it, the one-meter-long Bingbi Emperor's scorpion body began to curl into a ball, and immediately a large swath of brilliance rushed out of his body, instantly freezing himself into a huge ice ball.

Then, as if turning a cocoon into a butterfly, the ice emperor's body curled up inside the sphere gradually cracked. From the crack in the spiderweb version, Ye Chen clearly saw traces of flesh and blood slowly appearing in it.

But this change stopped abruptly after this step, and then after the grinding of time, it began to slowly change, and Ye Chen also abide by the agreement to protect the other party’s transformation, his words of protection have always been Not empty talk.

After half a month, Ye Chen watched as the scorpion cracks became much larger, and the tender flesh and blood was beating slightly inside as if an embryo was condensing, but that was all, he shook his head depressedly and said: "Look. It looks like it takes a long time for the soul beast to transform into a human being."

Putting his hand on the hockey puck, Ye Chen leaned close to the ice to observe the internal transformation, and muttered: "You have changed me, I want to see how you turn into a human!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a clicking sound in the hockey puck. I saw that the surface cracks of the Bingbi Emperor's scorpion broke open in an instant, and the internal flesh and blood was throbbing with excitement, as if hearing his call.

"Isn't it, this is all right?" Wushen e-book

Ye Chen touched his chin, and then said, "I changed it for you, but you changed it for me."


As expected, it really has nothing to do with him.

Suddenly, Ye Chen seemed to realize something, and immediately after putting his hand on the hockey puck, he felt an extremely weak suction emanating from the ball, consuming his spirit power a little bit, although it was very subtle. , But Ye Chen really felt it.

"Could it be that my spirit power helps her transform? Otherwise, it won't happen."

After thinking a little bit, Ye Chen continued to put his hands on the surface of the ice hockey puck, input a little soul power, and did interesting experiments.

At the stage of investigation, he was not too presumptuous either. Ye Chen started to slowly increase the input of soul power after discovering that he was really absorbed.

Sure enough, as Ye Chen's soul power was absorbed, the Bingbi Emperor Scorpion in the ice ball was also evolving at a speed that was dozens of times faster than before.

In just one day, after absorbing all of Ye Chen's spirit power, the surface of the Bingbi Emperor Scorpion had all fallen off, and then an oval embryo appeared in front of his eyes.

The next day, after Ye Chen recovered his spirit power, he once again input his own spirit power into the hockey puck, and the flesh and blood embryo inside it was also rapidly changing.

After just one week of continuous input, the embryo has been fully formed and transformed into a human baby girl, but the newly transformed Ice Emperor is still a little small and seems to be malnourished.

But Ye Chen was almost sucked up, so many days of soul power transmission, if it were not for his good physique, pure soul power and no time to recover quickly, I am afraid that he would have died of exhaustion.

"Huh? Why does her change continue?"

It was another day's transmission of soul power, Ye Chen was surprised to find that the Ice Emperor, who had turned into a baby girl, was still growing after absorbing his soul power.

The original small body began to plump, becoming chubby and very cute, and that kind of change seemed to have room for improvement, but the growth rate seemed to slow down.

Seeing this, Ye Chen did not give up, but continued to input soul power to help him grow as soon as possible, not for anything else, just to leave here after fulfilling his promise and continue to search for the Snow Emperor.

Several months later, Ye Chen, who was staying in the ice cave, was already a little vague about the specific time. His daily job was to fill his stomach and convey his soul power to the ice emperor. This was repeated day and night. Like.

It’s just annoying that in the recent time, the inside of the hockey puck was suddenly covered with a thick layer of ice fog, so that Ye Chen could no longer see the situation inside. At the last sight, the ice emperor was already directly Transformed to the appearance of a girl around three or four years old, the progress is pretty good.

One day, after Ye Chen put the last trace of soul power in his body into the ice hockey, he couldn't help but look inside the ice mist again, but the results were the same, completely invisible.

The light at the entrance of the cave gradually dimmed, which also meant that the outside sun was about to go down. After Ye Chen sighed, he lay on the ice and fell asleep at will. At the same time, the automatic training system was quickly recovering his spirit power.

Not knowing how long he slept, Ye Chen vaguely felt a strange sensation of coldness and gentleness coming through his body. After making him shiver, he also increased the release of his soul power to resist the cold.

But somehow, the weather tonight seems to be much colder than before. Even if the soul power is released to the extreme, Ye Chen still feels cold and cold, and something seems to be moving on his chest.

"What the hell!"

In the dimness, Ye Chen raised his hand to push the thing away, but after he started, it was a soft jump. Such a weird feeling suddenly made Ye Chen awake suddenly, and after looking down, he also watched Here comes the exaggerated picture that makes his nose bleed.

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