Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 134'Special' Absorption Transformation

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Snow Emperor took Ye Chen all the way. In just a few minutes, Ye Chen could no longer distinguish the direction, but she still flew fast. It was only half an hour later that she landed on a forest full of giant ice crystal trees. in.

The ice crystal trees here can clearly see the real trees inside, but they seem to have been hit by a huge cold, so that they were frozen to death in an instant, and a thick ice layer was formed on the outside, which is very strange.

"follow me."

After a little word, Xuedi walked towards the depths of the forest, and led Ye Chen into a mountain covered with completely snow.

Without knowing any snow traces, the Snow Emperor pulled Ye Chen into the white snow and immediately entered a sealed hole**.

This is a small cave that can only accommodate four or five people. The four corners of the cave are scattered with fragments of rock and it seems ordinary, but the pool of unbeatable spring eyes in the center of the cave is strange. White heater.

In the small cave that was supposed to be slightly warm, a large area of ​​snowflakes floated strangely. The air and water molecules were affected by the heating, and they condensed into snow, falling everywhere in the cave, forming a snow in the cave. Wonders.

Discovering Ye Chen's suspicion, Xuedi couldn't help but explain: "This is Xuequan. The white gas rising from it is actually cold. It is a unique wonder in the far north. It is also the best choice for my transformation this time. Location. This place is hidden enough so that no one will bother me, and the Xuequan helps me a lot. I can grow up faster by staying here."

"But the premise is that you have to stay in this fountain, right?"

Ye Chen looked at the small hole, except that the original hole was completely covered by snow, there was no other way out, and there were no traces left when the two entered, which is considered a natural hidden place.

However, Ye Chen seemed to remember that Emperor Xue seemed to have been taken away after he transformed into a human being, so it is not safe here at all.

"Yes, but with Xuequan and you, I don't think I can stay here for so long."

Xuedi nodded. Although her cultivation level is very strong, her personality is not so cold. Instead, she looked at Ye Chen aggressively, from top to bottom, without exception.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help coughing a few times, and then said: "Master Xue, can we change the place, the ice crystal forest outside is so eye-catching and special, it is inevitable that no one will notice here long ago."

"Don't worry, you just need to cooperate with me."

Xuedi didn't care about Ye Chen's reminder, but took his hand and stepped into the snow spring pond.

Suddenly, the cold and not warm spring water soaked the wandering body, unconsciously swaying the movement of the soul power, making Ye Chen's automatic training faster and faster.

But he still wants to leave this place because...

"Shhh! Don't talk, feel the magic of this warm spring, maybe it's a good time for you."

After all, the white silk gauze on Xue Nu's body disappeared instantly, and the beauty of the large pieces was directly exposed in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

That graceful and flawless figure, pure white like a song like snow, also exudes the temptation of red fruit all the time.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Chen was a little surprised. Shouldn't the soul beast transform into a cocoon-like object and then silently transform a person?What kind of trouble is this?

But soon, he found that Xuedi's beautiful eyes were closed tightly, and it seemed that he had entered a certain state.

With his mouth curled, Ye Chen couldn't help sneaking into the Xuequan Pool after shifting his gaze.

But this deep dive, the beautiful scenery suddenly came into view uncontrollably, under the sparkling light, the enchanting Xuedi was completely blooming with the beauty that belonged to her, and it blended beautifully with the rippling spring water, like a shock The paintings of the world are eye-opening.918 novel

Just thinking about it, Xuedi opened his eyes, and immediately looked at Ye Chen with a light smile: "Why are you still wearing, my transformation is about to begin, come and help me."

After that, a huge force suddenly tore Ye Chen's clothes to pieces, and then his body was also frozen, swiftly flying across the water, directly hitting the beauty of Xuedi.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, and somehow my body was out of control."

Xuedi didn't speak, but smiled slightly, and immediately a majestic mental power suddenly entered his mind, completely shielding all Ye Chen's perception like a mist of snow.

"what's the situation?"

Can't see, ears can't hear, Ye Chen at this moment can only perceive Xuedi's majestic spiritual power that envelops him, besides that, he can't feel anything else, even his body perception is stripped away in vitro.

This feeling made Ye Chen very upset. He didn't know what Xuedi wanted to do, but there was no doubt that it would not be a good thing.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen's mental body suddenly showed a smile.

Compared with the gap of spirit power, his mental power is not as weak as that. Even if Xuedi has the strength of almost the limit Douluo, it is difficult to block his mental power.

Without thinking about it, Ye Chen shook the fused wisdom skull. Then, his mental body instantly increased several times, and the snow and mist that blocked his sea of ​​knowledge gradually became clear.

Once his vision was restored, Ye Chen saw a scene that made him extremely speechless, only to see the blushing Xuedi clumsily hugging him and clinging to him tightly.

Intentionally or unconsciously doing some simple touches, at the same time, the soul power in Ye Chen's body overflowed beyond the body surface like a huge drag, and the majestic and pure soul power was also short. It was absorbed by Xuedi within time.

What's happening here?

Ye Chen was dumbfounded. Although the two of them were extremely ambiguous at the moment, nothing happened, just a simple friction.

However, it is precisely this that is where Ye Chen is most confused.

Obviously he might take the initiative to provide soul power, but why did Xuedi want to do this.

Soon, it seemed to be responding to Ye Chen. The pool water in Xuequan suddenly began to boil and roll when its soul power leaked out. Then a large swath of warm spring cold air poured into Xuedi's body like a whirlwind.

At the same time, Xuedi's appearance began to change, gradually becoming as immature as seventeen or eighteen years old, his body was gradually shrinking, and his whole person was becoming younger.

And her posture became more enchanting at this moment, as if she was doing a bold move, but there was something wrong, it seemed more like a mysterious ritual, attracting all the energy around her.

Perhaps it was because he didn't want Ye Chen to see such an unbearable scene, he chose to close all his perceptions, but he needed Ye Chen's spirit power supply, so he stayed close to him and placed him in the greatest ritual gravity.

As her movements changed, Ye Chen's spirit power flowed out more quickly, and the coldness in the Xuequan was quickly absorbed by it like a whale swallowing the sea.

Soon, Ye Chen unlocked the second blockade, touch.

But the random feeling almost didn't make him faint on the spot. The passion that had been accumulated for a long time was felt by him all at this moment, causing several major perceptual shocks.

Although he couldn't feel it before, there is no doubt that his body has been accepting Xuedi, but it is a little unknown.

However, this kind of impact continued. The impossibly beautiful Xuedi showed that he hadn't even seen all kinds of shame, constantly absorbing his soul power.

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