Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 149 The third black star, imitation of Osumi hammer

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Above the Clear Sky School, the battle between the two sides continued. Fighting against the Nine Great Douluos alone, even Ye Chen, who displayed the Sword God Realm and the enchanted state, felt a little strenuous.

Every time a sword is cut, most of the spirit power in his body will be poured out, and only in this way can the nine major Douluo be injured, especially when facing Tang Xiao, a super Douluo, Ye Chen's spirit power is also Dries up with every attack.

However, after entering the demon, Ye Chen’s exhausted soul power will be filled and recovered at an extremely fast speed, thus ensuring that he will not lose combat power due to the loss of soul power, and has the magical ability of fallen angels to heal himself. It is recovering quickly.

At this moment, Ye Chen is like an inexhaustible God of War, every move is the peak, but it is very difficult to achieve a clever balance between enchantment and self-healing.


With another collision, the Demon Abyss sword that once again plundered Tang Xiao's soul power has reached a peak. The blood on the sword is dazzling and the first two stars of the seven-star groove are also exuding extremely dark black light, just like real Demon Abyss came to the world.

And the spirit power that it feeds back to Ye Chen also allows him to get a buffer in the recovery of spirit power, so that it will not break that wonderful balance because of rapid consumption.

"Good boy, I admit that I despise you, but the majesty of the Clear Sky School cannot be trampled on. If you kill someone, don't even think about taking a step out of the Clear Sky School."

Tang Xiao didn't step back, and Ye Chen also said tit-for-tat: "I want to go, who can stop me."

With blood in his eyebrows thickening, Ye Chen unfolded the wings of the twelve fallen angels. In an instant, a black light gushed out of his body again, filling the airspace above Haotianzong.

The seemingly impermanent black light hit him, but Tang Xiao and the others didn't feel any pressure, but they didn't know why, as soon as the black light appeared, all the nine great Douluos felt a sense of evil.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen said loudly: "Magic Skill: Resistance!"

Having said that, the huge Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Xiao's hand instantly shrank to the appearance of the first ambassador, and immediately, an incomprehensible black backlash immediately submerged it from the inside out.

The other eight titled Douluo also showed the same state, and they were backlashed even more powerfully. Directly there were two gray-robed elders vomiting blood, hovering high in the sky and faltering.

"Is this, the domain?"

Looking at Ye Chen ahead, Tang Xiao touched the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his face was shocked.

In the airspace at this moment, Ye Chen burst out of three domains, and all of them were strong domains. The sword intent of a single wheel had exceeded the realm of Title Douluo. If it were not for Ye Chen's weak cultivation base, With that sword domain, it was enough to easily kill nine of them.

Because facing this unimaginable realm of sword intent, their titled Douluo basically did not imitate the imperial, and with the same spirit power cultivation base, the opponent had a strong attacking spirit no less than Clear Sky Hammer. Imitation power is zero?Doesn't that mean to die?

Thinking that Ye Chen had two other powerful and incomparable domains superimposed, Tang Xiao felt that if he was against Ye Chen, even if his cultivation level was 35 levels short, he would have no chance of winning.

But the people of Haotianzong couldn't die in vain. At the moment, no matter what, he wanted to do everything to take Ye Chen down.

"Elders, use that trick. Under this newly emerging field, we can only use that trick." You Reading Book

Tang Xiao's gaze was solemn, and now in that black light domain, any of their boosting spirit abilities or others would be backlashed once they were used. In such a state, how else to fight?

In fact, it doesn’t need to be said that the Elder Thin and the others have long wanted to use his Absolute Sky School’s unparalleled knowledge, but using this trick to deal with a hairy boy is embarrassing, but now it is very likely to lose. , Isn't it even more embarrassing?

A determination rose in his heart. The thin elder took the lead in holding up the Clear Sky Hammer, which did not have the slightest increase in soul ability, and immediately said loudly: "With my strength, build the hammer of Osume."

When the words fell, the other elders also raised the Clear Sky Hammer high, and the whole body's soul power was surging, and they were all urged to pour into the Clear Sky Hammer, and at this moment, Tang Xiao was also flying high. The hammer also started to get bigger and bigger.

In the blink of an eye, it was the size of a house, and the volume that swelled and became larger was also showing a tendency of skyrocketing.

"Martial Soul Same Origin Fusion Technique!"

Feeling the huge Clear Sky Hammer connected in one vein, Ye Chen’s bloody eyes are full of vigilance. Such a blending of skills can actually avoid the fallen angel's magical skills and resist all beautiful rejections. That also means that this blending skill , It's just pure homology assimilation.

But in this way, can you defeat me?

Ye Chen didn't say a word, but the 7-star Demon Abyss Sword in his hand burst out with astonishing blood. At the same time, the surrounding Sword God Realm shrank instantly, and then most of the sword intent poured into the Demon Abyss Sword.

Soon, the blood-colored long sword in Ye Chen's hand burst into a tremor that even he could hardly control, the pain of the tiger's mouth was shaken and cracked, and on the body of the Demon Abyss sword, the extremely fierce sword intent grew. The stronger, so that Ye Chen's entire right arm appeared small bloodstains like a spider web.

At the same time, the blood on the center of his eyebrows kept flashing, and the blood in his eyes was dripping out.

The enchantment situation was about to reach the extreme that Ye Chen could control, and the condensed God's sword intent made his whole body tremble uncontrollably.

On the square, Tang San looked at the two parties about to fight, and his heart suddenly became shocked.

He recognized what Uncle Tang Xiao and the eight elders had used, which was very similar to his Vast Sky School's unique knowledge: Big Xu Mi hammer!

But such a unique knowledge, except for him and his father, Tang Xiao and others would not be able to use a similar attack, presumably only a fake version of Osumi hammer.

But even so, Tang San felt that Uncle Tang Xiao and others were determined to win, because Osumi Hammer is the secret legend of the Clear Sky School, and even the Sect Master Tang Xiao is not qualified to learn. It is commonplace, even if it is the imitation version, it is the imitation Osumi hammer that the Nine Great Douluo has explored for many years, and it is not something Ye Chen with only 60 spirit power can block.

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't help but want to shout at Ye Chen, but before he could say anything, a pretty young girl ran out of the Haotianzong fortress, and then shouted into the air: "Tang Lian attacked. He, he knocked it off the cliff, don't hit it, everything is Tang Lian's fault."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Chen used the right arm that cracked with countless bloodstains to burst out into the sky holding the Demon Abyss Sword. At the same time, the bloody devil energy permeating the sky also merged into Ye Chen's body, making his body surface appear. The imaginary shadow of about three meters high makes people afraid to look directly.

At the moment when Demon Shadow appeared, Ye Chen's cultivation had directly broken through level 60, and then it skyrocketed to level 62...65...68... until after level 71, it was considered to stop.

After temporarily breaking through to the Soul Emperor cultivation base, the third black star in the groove of the Demon Abyss Sword in Ye Chen's hand suddenly lit up. In an instant, a bright white cold light filled the Demon Abyss sword blade. Go up, and then simply hit the sky, and a deep void sword mark was drawn in the high sky, long and dark.

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