Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 154 Soul Beast sacrifice, order a few

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The black-armored man with long sacred dragon horns hovered above Xiaobai's head and looked at Gu Yuena respectfully.

"Master, why is this human being here."

He glanced at Ye Chen, and the Longhorn man stopped paying attention to him. The difference between the strengths of the two was so huge, it seemed that Ye Chen had nothing to note.

"Di Tian, ​​there is one thing that needs your assistance."

Gu Yuena spoke coldly and arrogantly, and directly revealed Ye Chen's thoughts on voluntary sacrifice of spirit rings, without the slightest drag.

But when she said that, Di Tian's expression suddenly changed when she heard it: "Lord, this must never happen, human beings simply cannot believe it."

Turning to stare at Ye Chen, Di Tian’s eyes are full of killing intent. In his impression, all humans are the culprits that aggravate the decline of Star Dou Forest. He doesn’t believe anyone, because humans only know the endless killing soul. The beast, in order to improve its own cultivation, has reached a level of ugliness without a bottom line.

At this time, Ye Chen couldn't help but say: "My vision may not be perfect, but you have to admit that this is also a solution to the relationship between humans and spirit beasts. After all, it is not easy for spirit beasts to grow for more than 100,000 years. , And their fate will become uncertain once after a hundred thousand years, the catastrophe from heaven is not something that every soul beast can carry over, so why not try my method."

Ye Chen's vision is mainly aimed at those soul beasts that are about to cross the sky and do not count.

Why are there so many huge Star Dou Great Forest Soul Beasts, and after a long period of time, there are so few Soul Beasts that can survive more than 100,000 years?

On the one hand, it is because of human beings, but on the other hand, it is because of the catastrophe that occurs once every 100,000 years.

"Di Tian, ​​Ye Chen's words are not unreasonable. The probability of human beings becoming gods is far greater than that of soul beasts. Even if some humans cannot become gods, as long as they reach level 90 or above, they can be sacrificed by some method. The sacrificed soul beast is resurrected."

Gu Yuena’s words are not unreasonable, and the risk is not as big as imagined, because it can absorb more than 80,000 years of voluntary sacrifice spirit ring, humans usually have to reach 80 or above, and people with spirit power can have 80 talents. Not too weak.

And as human beings improve, the sacrificial spirit beasts will also become stronger to some extent, so that a win-win situation can be achieved.

Ditian also knows the method. If a soul beast wants to resurrect after sacrifice, it needs human beings to cut off the soul bone obtained by the sacrifice, and at the same time reverse the first 4 spirit rings and the spirit ring obtained from the sacrifice. In the body of the soul beast, at the same time, let the sacrificed soul beast subdue the inner pill of the alien beast, and it can be resurrected.

It is even simpler to become a god. With the existence of divine power, it is naturally not difficult for the sacrificed soul beast to resurrect, but the question is, can humans really be trusted?

Di Tian stared at Ye Chen for a long time. In their Star Dou Great Forest, there were many soul beasts over 100,000 years old, and those who did not want to transform people and planned to carry the catastrophe forever accounted for the majority. , But their chance of survival is very slim.

At this time, Gu Yuena lightly opened her lips and continued: "I know your concerns, but if we make a covenant with the strongest man in humans, then this idea will work."

"Lord, is this kid by your side worthy of trust?"

Di Tian still had some doubts, after all, he really didn't like human beings.

"Ye Chen!" Gu Yuena turned her eyes to look at Ye Chen and smiled slightly: "I believe him."

The words were very simple, but Ditian felt a different trust.

Seeing this, Ditian didn’t hesitate anymore, just made a suggestion: “Since the Lord is willing to believe in him, let’s start experimenting with this kid. If he succeeds or not, I will take him as an example. The soul beast, please wait for a while."

After Di Tian finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared on top of Xiao Bai's head, making no trace of it.

His cultivation was more than 800,000 years old, he belonged to the realm of Extreme Douluo, and even stepped into the realm of God with one foot. In the Star Dou Forest, he was also the number one powerhouse besides Gu Yuena.

"You said, will there be soul beasts willing to sacrifice?"

Ye Chen looked at the forest that hadn't been moving for a long time, and he was a little nervous. He was not very sure whether he would succeed. After all, sacrificing such a thing would make the soul beast feel uncomfortable to say it.


Gu Yuena stood on Xiaobai's back and closed her eyes slightly, absorbing Ye Chen's stored soul power, slowly repairing her wounds.

Time flickered for dozens of minutes, just as Ye Chen was worried, the figure of Emperor Tian with the horns of a ferocious dragon suddenly appeared in front of him.

Immediately, strange noises continued to be heard in the forest where the situation could not be seen. Then, dozens of powerful waves that exuded the titled Douluo-level atmosphere rolled in, directly impacting the surrounding forests and screaming in the fluctuating wind. .

Soon, a series of huge soul beasts appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes, each with a cultivation base of more than 100,000 years, even hundreds of thousands of years.Extraordinary Novel

What Devil Abyss Ghost Spider, Evil Eye Wolf King, Tianyan King Kong Ape, etc., each is a powerful soul beast in the forest.

"It's your kid, want us to sacrifice, to be your spirit ring?"

"Tsk tusk, who do I think, but the little guy at level 60, judging from his appearance, he is not 20 years old."

"Master Ditian, are you kidding me, this kid is worthy of our voluntary sacrifice? Can he absorb it?"

Each of the soul beasts uttered words, but the style of painting was neat, and they were full of disdain, because Ye Chen was too weak and young.

Di Tian didn't reply, he just watched quietly, and Ye Chen smiled and shrugged. Immediately after the spirit power in his body was agitated, five spirit rings of purple, black, black and red appeared at his feet.

When the one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring appeared, all the surrounding spirit beasts showed shocked expressions, and even the Ditian stared slightly.

A mere 60th level has a 100,000-year spirit ring, and the first four spirit rings have a thousand-year-old level, which is very different from the hundreds and hundreds of years of ordinary humans. The absorption limit is so high that he survives. I haven't seen any human being with such qualifications in more than 800,000 years.

Moreover, he was only about 20 years old, and he already had a soul power of level 60. With such an enchanting talent, looking at the human world, I am afraid that I would not find a few.

Di Tian was surprised, and the eight eyes of the Devil Abyss Ghost Spider in two rows suddenly turned around a few times, and then put their narrow and sharp claws and said: "Well, it's not bad, it's barely qualified." With that, he was about to approach Ye Chen.

His cultivation base is 190,000 years old, and the level and potential shown by Ye Chen are also in line with his standards.

"Wait for Ghost Spider, people's fifth spirit ring is 100,000 years old, and you only have a cultivation base of 190,000 years, so it doesn't seem to match him."

At this time, the 300,000-year-old Tianyan King Kong Ape closest to Ye Chen stood in front of the Demon Abyss Ghost Spider, seemingly not allowing it to move on.

"Brother King Kong, what do you mean, don't you look down on that kid?"

The Moyuan Spider's tone was a little unpleasant, and the spider hairs all over his body were standing upright, as if they were facing an enemy.

The Tianyan King Kong Ape didn’t reply yet, the Evil Eye Wolf King with 400,000 years of cultivation on the other side suddenly said: “Brothers don’t fight, aren’t they just human boys? Everyone shouldn’t fight for him. Why, The Wolf King will accept it, and in the future, you will find some humans with a strong cultivation base."

"Fart, why should we give it to you? This kid has such an enchanting talent, and the quality of the spirit ring he absorbs is even better among human beings. His body belongs to me."

The Tianyan King Kong Ape looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, and no one could see that Ye Chen's potential was extremely huge. Such a good host candidate, not a fool, knew how to choose.

All of a sudden, Ye Chen became a sweet potato, and all the soul beasts with hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation wanted to take him as their own.

They can be so unscrupulous because Ditian boss has said that even if humans cannot become gods, then he will help and resurrect the spirit beasts that voluntarily sacrificed. With this guarantee, these spirit beasts will compete like this. .

The scene was a bit messy for a while, and it was even about to fight. These dozen soul beasts didn't want to face the tribulation of nine deaths again. Now they have another choice, and they will not let it go.

"Stop it all!"

Di Tian, ​​who was suspended in the air, really couldn't stand it. After squeezing all the spirit beasts, he also looked at Ye Chen and said, "Since you are the host of the spirit ring, it's up to you to choose."

"The kid chooses me. I only have a cultivation base of 190,000. Once it turns into a spirit ring, it is extremely easy to absorb from it, and there is absolutely no risk."

The pitch-black Demon Abyss Spider fights for itself, but the Tianyan King Kong Ape on the side is full of disdain and said: "The stronger the spirit ring, the stronger your combat power will be. You will not be talented for 300,000 years. It should be you. The absorption of the kid is at its limit."

The words of the Tianyan King Kong Ape are wonderful, not only attacking the weakness of the Demon Abyss spider, but also excluding the overpowering and grandiose of the Evil Eye Wolf King. After all, humans have a limit to absorbing spirit rings, and the higher the age, the greater the risk.

"It's all nonsense. If the deity doesn't resist and works hard to cooperate, it will be a mere 400,000 years. I believe Ye Chen can absorb it."

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Abyss Spider and the Tianyan King Kong Ape suddenly heard eyebrows, and they secretly said in their hearts that the old wolf king was treacherous and cunning, and it was really shameless to play the emotional card.

"Choose me, it's very stable." "I am your best limit, Ye Chen, don't be aggressive." "Choose me, don't you humans have a good saying, don't you go up the mountain? Rainbow, besides, I am still a mountain that works extremely well."

"Choose me, choose me, choose me..."

Except for King Wolverine and the others, the soul beasts with an age of close to one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand are also opening their mouths to fight for their own rare opportunities.

Although this method is risky, there is Emperor Tian, ​​and after a big deal of failure, he directly let him cut this kid to resurrect the sacrificer. There is no such worry, and there is a human host like Ye Chen at the evil level, and they all want to be bold. Give it a try.

Seeing the noisy and powerful soul beasts being so attentive to him, Ye Chen couldn't help but stand on Xiaobai and scratched his head in embarrassment. After designating one of the soul beasts, he raised his hand and said: "Well, can I order a few more..."

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