You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Are they practicing?"

In the spiritual world of Sunny Beach, under two coconut trees on the beachside, a pair of jewel-like purple eyes are staring at the scene on the beach, especially the Snow Emperor, who constantly attracts the silver-haired girl hiding behind the tree. look.

Next to him, an ice emperor whose figure was seriously inconsistent with his appearance was looking straight at the two spirit bodies that were together, and a powerful curious gaze radiated from his beautiful clear eyes.

"I really want to continue my experiment in the past."

The little girl looked at Xuedi with envy, her small hands clasped tightly together, as if there was another research plan in her little head.

On the beach, Xuedi slowly calmed down. Although she was defeated, there were still many people staring at Ye Chen on the beach.

When the Snow Emperor went down, several people also acted in two groups, and the scene suddenly became a little chaotic.

And Ye Chen, who hadn't recovered from that special spiritual response, also accepted the excessive enthusiasm that he had not seen for many years, and he was really busy.

But fortunately, Liu Erlong Huowu and Tang Yuehua didn't make him too hard, otherwise Ye Chen felt that he would be too hard.

Fortunately, the honest Huo Wu suddenly came to his side, and then those eyes, like fire, looked at each other with affection.

At the same time, Liu Erlong and Tang Yuehua were also pacing, and when they were walking on the beach, they also made creaking noises, as evil as demons.

"No, no, is it really necessary?"

Ye Chen, who was very busy, stared at the three women who were coming step by step, and his heart shook, and the secret path was not good.

How should he deal with this situation.

The mental body bears a burden that Ye Chen's level shouldn't bear, making him a big mountain.

"Wait, for such a scene!"

As if thinking of something, the corners of Ye Chen's mouth suddenly rose slightly, and he was full of admiration for his wit, secretly saying that he was really too smart...

Under the coconut tree, Bingdi looked at the women Qi Qi was walking towards Ye Chen, and suddenly whispered: "What do they want to do, don't they..."

"What do you mean, the more cultivators the better? But if Ye Chen can't handle it, is there a danger?"

Gu Yuena looked at the seven people in front, and Hong Xuan gradually rose up on the pretty face of Skin Shengxue. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she was a little embarrassed, but in her heart she wanted to try it.Reading book nest

For a long time, Gu Yuena herself has stayed in the Star Dou Great Forest, sleeping and recovering her injuries, but she didn’t know the spiritual power of human beings and developed such a wonderful method that she didn’t want to divert her attention. Up.

There is a strange feeling in my heart, inexplicably, she is both disgusting and not bored, and there is no doubt that she will be conflicted.

"Cultivation? Sister Na, shouldn't you be as innocent as I was before? That's not cultivation at all."

Realizing something, Bingdi lay beside Gu Yuena's ears, whispering something softly, and then, the more he spoke, the more vigorous he was, and even the experiments he had done in Ye Chen and his own feelings were revealed.

However, after Gu Yuena heard this, on her pretty face as white as snow, Hong Xia climbed faster and faster. In a short moment, it had spread to the back of her extremely white ears, making it transparent. With an incomparably seductive charm, Bingdi almost couldn't help but want to kiss Gu Yuena who was more beautiful than the banished immortal.

But when he thought of the opponent's extremely powerful and almost ruthless character, the Ice Emperor also resisted the impulse so as not to make excessive actions.

For the Ice Emperor, Gu Yuena at this moment was also like a red apple with highly poisonous appearance, tempting to swallow, but the poison inside made her dare not approach.

"Ye Chen and them, are they really as you said?"

Gu Yuena looked at Ye Chen and forced her eyes to look away.

She knew that spirit beasts of different identities had this kind of thing, but Gu Yuena, who had never been in contact with human society, didn't know that the tricks were so unique that people simply didn't expect it.

"It's true, now, sister Na, do you still want to try it?"

Bingdi spit out his tongue, and secretly said that fortunately, he had studied this, although it was not profound, but it was not as ignorant as Gu Yuena like a blank paper.


Suddenly, Gu Yuena swept onto the beach with a puzzled expression. The Bingdi couldn't help but raise her eyes when she saw this. But soon, she also showed a shocked look as if she had discovered a new world, and immediately spit out a small word: " What can be like this?"

Suddenly, Gu Yuena and Bingdi, who were hiding under the coconut tree, moved involuntarily with their slender jade legs, and immediately blushed on their faces, but their slightly dodging beautiful eyes peeked away from time to time.

When Tang Yuehua, Huo Wu and Liu Erlong came to their side, Ye Chen had been prepared for a long time, and his mental body and figure changed drastically, even though it was revealed that he had thought of emergency measures.

It was just that when he acted, Ning Rongrong gave a coquettish cry, even if he collapsed on Zhu Zhuqing's back in front of him.

With one more place to use, Ye Chen's emergency plan became more powerful.

At this moment, Ye Chen is no longer the original Ye Chen. Facing the complicated situation, he couldn't help but think of a conferred god figure in his mind, and his spiritual body at this moment is also transformed according to the characteristics of that conferred god figure. Transformation, so that he can satisfy everyone at the same time...

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