Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 161 Going to Devil Island and Encountering Shrek

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the way forward, there were two more beautiful and lovely children to accompany each other, but this did not hinder anything, even Gu Yuena's following made Ye Chen a bold idea.

A group of five people, driving the walking spirit beast summoned by Gu Yuena, the Yan Lie Pegasus, flying extremely fast.

Traveling all the way, without any delay, the five people traversed the Heaven Dou Empire, and after more than ten days on their way, they finally arrived at the Vast Sea City near the Douluo Continent!

As a seaside city, most of the people here are martial spirits who awakened marine creatures. For Ye Chen and others who came from the land, it was also a bit strange.

"Ye Chen, is that... Third Brother and them?"

Zhu Zhuqing, who was on the street again, pointed at the seven people not far away.

Since Xiao Wu's accident, after Tang San and Tiandou Wuhun Hall turned their faces, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong have never returned to Shrek. They met again at this moment, and there were some differences in identity, which made it difficult to recognize each other.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect had always been a sect that supported the Heaven Dou imperial family, so that when Xingluo declared war on the Heaven Dou, Shrek rushed to the Xingluo Empire, and it was embarrassing that Ning Rongrong was in it.

"Zhuqing, I have booked the hotel, let's go check in soon."

Ning Rongrong didn't want to negotiate. Ning Rongrong knew that as far as the current situation was concerned, it was better not to meet Shrek as much as possible to prevent embarrassment on both sides.

"Let's go, after sleeping, we will go to Devil's Island!"

Ye Chen sighed and took Gu Yuena, Bingdi and others who didn't understand the relationship, walked directly into a hotel, opened the room and rested.

The purpose of his trip is Devil Island, which can also be said to be Sea God Island. Bibi Dong gave Ye Chen’s map, and the location marked is also Devil Island, but there are still some subtle differences in the key points, just want to know where. What exactly it is can only be clear after personal inspection.

Presumably, Bibi Dong wouldn't let him come here for no reason, and since he is here, it doesn't hurt to take a good look. After all, Sea God Island is also a good sacred place for cultivation.

After a good night's sleep, Ye Chen and others bought a lot of marine supplies in Hanhai City, and then bought a big ship worth 100,000 gold coins from the shipping company, named Hanhai Gold Foil!

To cross the sea, there is no better tool than a boat. Although Tianma can fly, there are not so many places to rest and stop above the boundless sea, and the soul beasts in the ocean are also fierce. Tianma repairs However, flying across the sea for thousands of years is still too hard.

After buying the ship, Ye Chen hired a few crew members to help, and immediately set out for Devil Island.

At the beach port, Ye Chen ordered the dangers of the place to go, and then he added thousands of gold coins as a reward. Only then did they negotiate and let the crew go on the road with peace of mind.

"Captain, let's go."

The helmsman who got a lot of gold coins looked at Ye Chen with a smile on his face.

This time they went to sea, and the five crew members had a total of 30,000 gold coins in remuneration, and the money divided was also equal to their wages for several years of work.

At this moment, the chief helmsman named Zhang Man is also very excited and wants to sail quickly and serve this bully...Oh no, because it should be their captain.

"Well, let's go!"

Looking at the Xuedi and Zhuqing who had already boarded the ship, Ye Chen couldn't help but nodded. They had been delayed for a day in the vast sea city, and now they should leave quickly.

"Ye Chen, Ning Rongrong, is that you?"

Suddenly, a call came from behind him. When Ye Chen looked back, he saw Oscar constantly waving at him with two sausages. Behind him stood the unsmiling Tang San and Dai Mu, who was holding his sister. Bai, beside him, was a woman with a slightly raised belly. Now Dai Mubai's left side, her face was filled with a happy smile.Starting Point Novel Network

Soon afterwards, Dai Mubai, Oscar and others all came to Ye Chen's side. When Ma Hongjun saw the huge Hanhai Golden Foil ship behind him, he instantly smiled and said, "Ye Chen, your ship is so big. Where to go?"

"Devil's Island!"

"Ah? You want to go there too, it's a coincidence, why..."

Fatty Ma walked towards the ship without any etiquette. After that, Oscar also thanked Ye Chen and walked away.

At this time, Dai Mubai said to Yu Mei'er in her arms: "You can help her mother go first, hello to her, I will come later."

Yu Mei'er didn't say anything, but only helped her sister and sister to board the Hanhai Gold Foil.

On the shore of the ship bottom, Dai Mubai and Tang San looked at Ye Chen with piercing eyes, as if they wanted to say something.

After the three of them looked at each other for a while, Dai Mubai finally couldn't help but said, "How are you doing recently? You know, we Xing Luo has declared war on the Heaven Dou Empire."

Hearing that, Ye Chen nodded and gave a soft hmm.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai couldn't help but continue to say: "I'm sorry, my father and I were also forced, your Heaven Dou Empire and Wuhun Hall, the expansion of the area is getting bigger and bigger, the small countries on the mainland have been subdued, now , And only my Star Luo Empire is struggling to support it. Ye Chen, can you understand that this is no longer a barrier between people, but a national war, but we are still friends, right?"

After speaking, Dai Mubai couldn't help sighing, and it could be seen that after Ye Chen smiled and nodded, he also walked towards the boat without hesitation.

National warfare is already a fact, no matter how much it is said, it doesn't make much sense, but after more than ten years of understanding, this friendship will not change. After all, the beginning of the national war is not determined by them.

After Dai Mubai left, only Ye Chen and Tang San remained at the bottom of the boat.

Ye Chen didn't ask where Xiao Wu was. If he thought well, Xiao Wu should have...

Tang San watched Ye Chen closely for a long time, then he said, "Ye Chen, I want to ask you a question!"

"Ask, know everything without saying anything."

Ye Chen just answered, and Tang San said: "Wuhundian, can you leave the Wuhundian? Bibi Dong and Wuhundian, and Xiaowu and I have a bit of an enemy, as long as you leave the Wuhundian , I don’t even want to help them, that’s fine. I don’t want to have a misunderstanding with you, can you understand?"

"I understand!" Ye Chen nodded, but quickly shook his head again: "The Hall of Souls has nothing to do with me, but Bibi Dong is my master, and my fiancee is the saint and young master of the Hall of Souls. Tang San, can you understand what I said?"

"You have someone you want to protect, and I, there are many people I must protect, but despite our different positions, we are still brothers. Don't worry, I will try to make up for the mistakes my master and Wuhun Palace made. Yes, so..."

As soon as he said this, Ye Chen's meaning was already very clear. At the moment, Tang San's eyes quickly turned cold, and after taking a deep look at Ye Chen, he also said, "We are always brothers, but Wuhun Palace, Must perish."

After all, Tang San stepped onto the big ship, while Ye Chen stood still and sighed.

He can ignore the Wuhun Palace, but Bibi Dong is his.

Although Bibi Dong made a mistake, no matter what, no one of his Ye Chen's women wanted to move a bit, so Ye Chen felt that he should improve his cultivation quickly and inherit the position of Sword Demon early.

In this way, he has the capital to make up for Bibi Dong's big mistake.

Once he successfully made up for it, he would be able to make Xiao San and Xiao Wu feel the hatred in their hearts, but he just didn't know how long this process of becoming a god would take.

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