Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 171 When the Poseidon Test is in Progress

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Gradually, Posey's mood calmed down, and then he raised the crystal in his hand to explain.

"Actually, the name of this object is the crystal lamp, which is used to illuminate at night to help sleep. The light it emits can make people feel at ease. I will carry it with me on weekdays. Don't think about it."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but nodded hurriedly: "Well, sleep aid, I know." After saying that, his eyes showed a bewitching look, and he looked straight at Bo Saixi's breath and his chest was unstable. The clothes fluctuate.

At the moment, she also knew that if she explained this kind of thing, she would only describe it more and more darkly, so she didn't continue to say anything, just a handprint on Ye Chen's chest, and she began to examine her injuries.

But as soon as the two of them touched their skins, there was a somewhat inexplicable atmosphere that suddenly became ambiguous.

As for Bo Saixi, who had never been in such close contact with a man, her pretty face also picked up Hongxia again, and her mind always consciously or unconsciously remembered what she had seen in Ye Chen’s dream. At the moment, the jade hand printed on her solid chest It also looks a little hot.

"Master Posey, what's wrong with you, are you sick?"

Feeling the change in that jade hand, Ye Chen couldn't help but care.

However, when Bo Saixi heard this, he rarely showed a hint of panic. After hurriedly sending a huge soul power into Ye Chen's body, he withdrew the white jade hand that made him feel moved, and immediately stopped. Walked back to the room.

"Wait, Lord Posey."

Ye Chen's call came from behind. After Posey stopped, his thoughts flew in a wild, without looking back, just trying to calm down and say: "What's wrong?"

Although seemingly calm on the surface, Posey's mind imagined the scene of Ye Chen confessing to him. After all, this little man likes himself. He only knew him for two days, so he couldn't help but say that. Kind of idea?

Suddenly, Bo Saixi was in a mess, and she still had her own persistence. When the following confession to the upcoming confession, she also wondered whether to reject the other party, but such a good man like Ye Chen is rare in the world, if Rejected, do you really want to die alone?

Bo Saixi didn't know how to answer Ye Chen. Even if the other party hadn't even spoken out, she had already thought of hundreds of answers in her heart, but each of them made her very unsatisfied.

As a result, Bo Saixi raised his hand to interrupt some of the words that Ye Chen was about to say, and immediately said to himself: "You can take a good rest here. It will be fine for a day or two to delay the exam. I will go and talk to Seahorse Douluo and the others."

After that, Bo Saixi walked out and slammed the door shut, leaving Ye Chen alone on the edge of the bed, muttering, "I just want to go back to my room."

Scratching his head, Ye Chen looked at the pink bedding beside him. Although Bo Saixi looked so elegant and noble, he still had a girlish heart in private.

Shrugging, Ye Chen lay directly on the pink quilt. After a while, the elegance and tranquility of the ocean immediately filled his mind, and immediately brought Ye Chen, who had been heavily consumed by the war, into his sleep.

It’s just that Posey’s figure appeared in the house before she slept. She seemed to realize that this was her room now, so she came here to let Ye Chen leave. But when she saw Ye Chen sleeping so peacefully, she couldn’t help The short column crystal in his arms was placed beside him, making him sleep more soundly.

At this moment, the Seagod Island was full of cracked deep trenches. After the escaped islanders were retrieved by Seahorse and others, the restoration work on the Seagod Island began.

I don’t know why time has passed. When Ye Chen woke up from his sleep, he immediately found the short column crystal next to his pillow. Only seeing this thing, he couldn’t help but secretly wonder what Bo Saixi meant...

After coming down from the Seagod Temple, it was already the early morning of the next day. Ye Chen came to the foot of the Seagod Mountain again, only to find that the broken and destroyed ground had been repaired seven or eight, which was very magical.

"Ye Chen, come here, the test will begin."

Seahorse Douluo flew from the side, looked at Ye Chen with a smile on his face, and led him to Ning Rongrong and other women, and immediately he explained the rules of the first test.

Among the Shrek crowd, Dai Mubai, who had recovered well from the bandage, also came, but Tang San's figure was nowhere to be seen, and only six people gathered together.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing walked to Ye Chen and whispered: "After the third brother's spirit power was dissipated, he found a vacant room on the island to live in. He said that he could not participate in the Poseidon test, so he didn't force it. ."

"Is it."

Ye Chen nodded, and then stopped paying attention to those.

One test is universal. The reason why they gather at the foot of Poseidon Mountain is just to go up the mountain. On the way up the mountain stairs, the tide of Poseidon’s Light will impact from top to bottom, which can withstand and climb to the 100th floor. , It is considered a successful test.

It was just that the difficulty of this test was unparalleled. Ning Rongrong summoned the Nine Treasure Glazed Glass Tower and tried it, but before reaching the 30th floor, he was forced to fly down by the powerful divine light.

After catching her, Ye Chen saw that she was a little bit disappointed, so he softly comforted him: "Don't worry, find a position that you can bear first, and then slowly cultivate and improve yourself."

After all, Ye Chen unfolded his palm, and for a while, a group of incomparable pure soul power emerged. Immediately, the group of soul power was getting bigger and bigger, until it expanded to the size of a villa, and then quickly condensed into one. A white transparent sphere.

"Take it slowly and it will help you."

Ye Chen felt that since his soul power was so pure and incomparable that even a soul beast could absorb it without any scruples, it would definitely help others.

If you simply absorb it, it will definitely be much faster than your own cultivation, and this will greatly increase the cultivation speed of Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.14 Novel Network

Thinking of this, Ye Chen didn't hesitate anymore, and went straight into the state of enchantment to recover his soul power, and then condensed more than ten translucent and pure soul power marbles, which he gave to Rong Rong and Zhu Qing respectively.

"I want too, I want too."

Bingdi looked at so many alluring pure spirit powers, and when he put Ye Chen's arm in his arms, he kept coquettishly.

There was no way, Ye Chen had to hold on to the demon state, and condensed several spirit power marbles and gave them to her, but when she just slackened, Gu Yuena's fiery gaze also passed.

"Can you slow me down, you guys, I will be drained."

Even if he was enchanted, he couldn't recover his soul power infinitely. He was not from a perpetual motion machine.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't need it for now."

Gu Yuena faintly smiled at Ye Chen, seemingly nonchalant, but her smile seemed to hide a bigger conspiracy.

At the right time, Seahorse Douluo came over and reminded softly: "Go and try. With your strength, you will definitely be able to climb many steps. Brother Hailong and I are very optimistic about you. If you hadn't been booked by Your Highness early , Hailong and I will definitely fight for the opportunity to teach you. Of course, we are just passing on some cultivation experience."

What Seahorse Douluo said, there was no higher voice at all, but facing Ye Chen, he also felt the invisible pressure, even if the opponent was only a 68 soul emperor.

"Thank you, I recovered and passed the exam."

Ye Chen’s words, he heard Seahorse Douluo nod his head immediately, he said it after a test. Since ancient times, I am afraid that only this son can say this remark, but it does not make people feel exaggerated, because the other party Have the strength to speak such big words.

"Boss Dai, come on, you can."

Cheers from Ma Hongjun and others came from the side. Ye Chen looked sideways and saw that the injured Dai Mubai had already climbed the 90th steps. His body surfaced with supernatural light and was constantly resisting the pressure of the Seagod's Light.

After that, Dai Mubai walked up to the third floor, and immediately the whole person flew down uncontrollably, but the amazing performance of the 93rd floor was also amazed by Oscar Ma Hongjun and the others.

"The boss is a cow. He suffered such a serious injury. If he recovers, he will definitely pass the test in one fell swoop."

"There is no such exaggeration. The higher the ladder, the stronger the oppression passed. Even if it is restored to the original state, if you want to pass, you can only barely force it."

Facing the Oscar's compliment, Dai Mubai pretended to be a little modest, but soon the smile on the corner of his mouth froze, and immediately before his eyes, he saw that someone had already stepped into the position where he stood before. 93 Floor.

Suddenly, Dai Mubai thought to himself: "The 99th floor at most. Although I lost the battle yesterday, you must have been injured, Ye Chen."

Next to them, Oscar and Ma Hongjun both noticed Ye Chen’s performance, and immediately watched closely in silence, looking at the mountain that had become stubbornly crushed on top of their Shrek since they met. Its enchanting talented combat power completely crushed their seven Shrek monsters, so that the atmosphere of several people was not so smooth.

Moreover, from the familiar spirit skill sword formation in the battle yesterday, Ma Hongjun and others thought that Ye Chen might be the shadow of the imperial academy. In this case, everyone in their Shrek Academy was completely alone. It has been suppressed for more than ten years, and I feel scared to think about it.

"96 floors, 98 floors!"

Seahorse Douluo looked at Ye Chen who was relaxed and said with a smile, and immediately a weird thought came up in his heart, that is what the other party said after a test, is it only 100 steps?Still said he wants to reach the top!

The emotions in my heart were a little excited, and the Hailong, Haixing Douluo and others who came to watch also stared at Ye Chen for a long time. This kid shocked them too much. Now, the other party passed seven tests in one fell swoop. No one will feel too surprised.


After another two steps, I saw that Ye Chen had already stood on the 100th step and completed a test, and the opponent's forehead was also sweaty, as if under great pressure.

"It's the end. If you don't enter the blood demon state like yesterday, the 100th floor should be almost the same." Dai Mubai murmured while looking at Ye Chen, "But it's not easy to get into that powerful state. For example, I can only use the Saint King Possession once a week. Ye Chen, your stunts should be similar to mine. Even if you are better than me, you can only go up one level at most."

The estimation of Ye Chen in his heart has improved a lot. Dai Mubai admitted that he had accepted the inheritance of the Evil Eye Saint King and was destined to have a relaxed path to becoming a god. Even Ye Chen, who has been pressing on top of his head, must be no better than now. He is too strong.

Just thinking about it, Dai Mubai suddenly saw Ye Chen move again, and the upward step seemed not as difficult as he imagined.

101 floors...105 floors...112 floors...

With blood in his eyes, Ye Chen stepped straight for more than a dozen steps, and the corners of Dai Mubai's mouth twitched in an instant. However, when Ye Chen continued to move upward, Dai Mubai fell into deep despair. in.

I saw that Ye Chen jumped up immediately after being enchanted, and ascended to the 200-story ladder, and then three areas of his body surface appeared, and there was a posture of diving upward.

"Could it be that with my aptitude to become a god, I still can't match you at all, Ye Chen, what kind of monster are you?"

Seeing Ye Chen’s astonishing behavior, Dai Mubai had fallen into a deep self-mockery. He originally thought that the gap between himself and the other party was negligible, but the current situation told him that the gap was still growing. , So how can we not let him despair.

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