Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 175 I agree to this marriage, Xiuxiu is so hot

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the deep sea, a group of white light trembled violently. With the input of Xiao Bai's soul power, Bai Xiuxiu's figure was already fixed in a human form, and soon afterward, a dark blue hair emerged from the white light.

Immediately afterwards, the patriarch Xiaobai took out a piece of his own clothes and put it on the mountain of Bai Xiuxiu that had just turned into a human form. Then, a beautiful woman with bright blue eyes suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Seventeen or eighteen years old, she is slender and tall, with an ethereal temperament, and her pink face is slightly fatter, but this does not affect her beauty in the slightest, on the contrary, it adds a bit of cuteness, like a porcelain doll.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but blinked his eyes and said secretly: "Is this still that little white shark? How can it be so cute!"

"mom, Mom, Mom!"

There was also some slurred Bai Xiuxiu, pulling her mother nervously, her beautiful eyes full of excitement.

But perhaps because of the first change in human form, her slender, white legs swayed slightly in the sea like a fish, but they did not drive her body to march, instead sinking into the deep sea.

Seeing this, the patriarch Xiaobai did not rescue, Ye Chen couldn't help but unfolded his black wings immediately and hugged Bai Xiuxiu's delicate waist.

In an instant, her small face like a porcelain doll turned red in an instant, she looked away embarrassedly, but she let Ye Chen hold her very honestly, not knowing whether it was because she was unfamiliar with human bodies or her small head. There are other ideas.


When Ye Chen came up to the giant coral with his arms around Bai Xiuxiu, Patriarch Xiaobai suddenly coughed with an ugly expression, his whole body was full of spirit power, and his breath was extremely sluggish.

"Mom, what's wrong with you."

"It's okay, it just consumes a lot of soul power."

Faced with Bai Xiuxiu's concern, the patriarch Xiao Bai couldn't help but turn his head, not wanting him to see his embarrassed appearance.

In order to help Xiuxiu reshape her human form, she had consumed more than half of her permanent soul power, which was just enough, and it was because of the racial advantage of their Demon Soul Great White Shark that she could transform into a human form in advance.

The transfigured human form is different from being transformed into a human being and rebuilt. The former body is still a soul beast, which only reshapes the body, and can still behave like a soul beast body, but the latter is completely human, and the difference is not that big.

As for the transfiguration of human form, as for the cultivation base to reach a certain level, it can be done, just as the Star Dou Great Forest has an emperor with a cultivation base of more than 800,000 years, but although she only has a cultivation base of 120,000 years, she has a powerful ethnic strength attached to it. , But allowed the great white sharks to be able to transform into a human form.

"Take a little bit of my soul power to replenish it. Although it can't make up for the loss, it can at least be more comfortable."

Ye Chen turned on the magic state, condensed three or four transparent soul power marbles one after another, and handed them to the opponent.

Xiao Bai was not welcome, but after the result was pure and incomparable soul power, she put it in her mouth and ate it. Then, her face gradually became red and tender, not so waxy and ugly.

"I still have it, if you need it..."

"No, your soul power at level 68 can't make up for how much of my soul power, even if it is pure, it is the same. This is the difference in quantity."

Seeing the spirit power marbles that Ye Chen handed over again, the patriarch Xiaobai lightly refused, and then he raised his eyes to the distant sea and said: "Ye Chen, now my strength is damaged, but it is not short to recover. Time can do it. If you can, I want you to stay longer on Poseidon Island and help me deal with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King at any time. That guy is always paying attention to Poseidon Island and may come anytime. Crime, so my race needs your help."

"Yes, but the patriarch doesn't need to worry. The Deep Sea Demon Whale King will not bother you in a long time. He is my default spirit ring."

A gleam flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, and the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea recognized him as his master, and the opponent would stay outside the range of Seagod Island with just one word, and he could covet the spirit ring of these million years. You still have to discuss with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King some time.80 Novel Network

"It's great that you can have such ambitions, but I still hope you stay on Seagod Island. After all, Xiuxiu is here too. She is your unpassed wife. Don't you want to stay with her?"

Patriarch Xiaobai’s words of persuasion, Ye Chen’s eyebrows were raised, and he wanted to understand immediately, he smiled helplessly in his heart: My mother-in-law, really has a black belly, use his own damage to keep him there. Here, I can help him deal with the Devil Whale King, and secondly, I want him and Bai Xiuxiu to have more opportunities to get along with each other and increase their relationship. This way, I can also make him feel that Ye Chen will cherish him in the future. My daughter, she was worried.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but slightly arched his hands: "Please don't worry, mother-in-law, I promised this marriage. From now on, Xiuxiu will be my Ye Chen's wife. I will treat her well in this life."

He tightly embraced the beautiful woman with a pretty face full of red clouds, Ye Chen cautiously raised his hand to swear to the sky, he has always said something, since he agreed, he will definitely do it.

"Okay, so, I'm relieved, you go and go back to Seagod Island."

Patriarch Xiaobai glanced at Ye Chen deeply, and with a big hand, he and Bai Xiuxiu floated up from the deep sea like cannonballs, and flew out of the sea a dozen seconds later.

At this moment, Sea Dragon Douluo, who had been waiting here, could not help but stepped in the air. After seeing Ye Chen, he asked casually: "How about it, Evil Eye Orca King is not easy to deal with, even if I have a super Douluo’s strength, and his martial spirit is also of the sea spirit beast type, but it’s extremely difficult to kill the killer whale king after cooperating with the patriarch Xiaobai. The guy is too cunning and will run away if he fails to win. Colluding with the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea from time to time to make trouble together, so don't worry about the fourth test. There will be plenty of time in the future. By the way, who is this girl?"

"Hippocampus Douluo, what are you talking about? Orca King? It seems to be dead, but if I didn't kill it, would it still count as I passed the fourth test?"

Ye Chen said helplessly, he wanted to do it, but the Guardian of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was eager and ate his allies in one bite, which was really speechless.

"You say it again? What happened to the Evil Orca King?"

"Dead... he's dead."

Suddenly, Bai Xiuxiu said intermittently, and then timidly hid in Ye Chen's arms, gasping for breath, and a little unsuitable for the air outside the sea.

"Dead? Really? Just get rid of the Demon Whale King, but this matter must not be false. I have to ask the Demon Soul Great White Shark King to confirm."

With unbelievable gazes in his eyes, Hailong Douluo looked at Ye Chen with a strange look on his face, and immediately jumped into the sea.

You must know that the killer whale king has been in chaos near Sea God Island for many years, and telling him that the scourge has been solved at this time, and it was useless for a day, this is too unbelievable.

After Sea Dragon Douluo left, Ye Chen found that the sky had dimmed, and he didn't wait any longer. Anyway, the Orca King was dead, and his fourth test was passed.

"Let's go, I'll take you to rest. It's hard to become a human being."

Ye Chen touched the hot sweat on Bai Xiuxiu's smooth and clean forehead. From a white shark to being a human, and from the sea to the land, this process has to be adapted, and it will not take a short time.

Not staying for long, Ye Chen hugged Bai Xiuxiu and flew directly to the Sea God Temple. When passing the open space at the foot of the mountain, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and other women were still practicing cross-legged on the test ladder, very hard.

Without disturbing them, after Ye Chen flew into the Sea God Temple, he walked directly into his room.

Looking at the small bed in the house, Ye Chen also put the white and tender Xiuxiu on the bed. Then he found a chair casually, and planned to close his eyes for a while, and think about it. It takes a few tests to get close to the place marked on his map.

"Morning... hot, Xiuxiu is hot."

Suddenly a soft cry came from the bed, and immediately Bai Xiuxiu took off her coat subconsciously. In a short time, a large swath of Bai Xiuxiu was exposed without reservation. Although the key positions were covered, it was difficult to hide Xiuxiu. Cute and sultry.

However, before Ye Chen had time to stop, a sound of pushing the door came from outside the house, and immediately Bo Saixi's figure strode into the unclosed door. At the same time, Bai Xiuxiu lay down because of the hot air. Looking straight at Ye Chen from the bed, she wanted him to help her cool down.

It's just that the atmosphere in the three-person room with this situation and scene becomes weird in an instant. Bo Saixi, who has just walked, saw the sultry scene of Bai Xiuxiu. In an instant, even the air in a small room changed. Very embarrassing.

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