Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 181 Choosing a God-given Spirit Ring, Poseidon’s Special Blessing

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Xiu Xiu, is that you?"

Ye Chen smiled and turned around, and suddenly found that the person holding him was Bai Xiuxiu, who was as charming as a porcelain doll. After a long time, her tender white face was still carrying some baby fat, pink and tender and even cute.

If it weren't for her beautiful tall figure and very well-developed, I am afraid that she would be mistaken for a thirteen or fourteen-year-old young girl, ethereal like an elf.

"Chen, you haven't forgotten me, Xiuxiu is really happy. It's been three years, where did you and this sister go?"

Bai Xiuxiu wiped her beautiful eyes, her small face that was almost dripping with tenderness, and she saw the desire for protection in her heart.

Gently rubbing the other's head, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile: "I have found a good place, and by the way, I improved my cultivation base, but it's not as long as three years."

There are some doubts in my heart. These days, most of him and Gu Yuena have been working in the pink peach blossom forest space, but the three-year period is too exaggerated.

On the side, Gu Yuena looked at each other with Ye Chen in a bit of amazement, and then the cold and beautiful face was rarely blushing in front of others.

Immediately, Gu Yuena thought to herself: For three years, if they really leave for three years, it doesn’t mean that she and Ye Chen have been'getting together' for three years, but it seems that it shouldn’t be, because She doesn't think that time has passed very long, at most half a year, well, this is the limit of her guessing time.

As the three of them were talking, another figure hurriedly rushed from the entrance of the side hall, and immediately after seeing who was on the seagod platform, the body surface could not help but burst out with a majestic blue light, instantly turning the whole body The side halls were trembling.

"Ye Chen, really, is that you?"

"Master Posey, don't be unharmed!"

Scratching his head, Ye Chen smiled and looked at the coming person. He hadn't seen him in a few years, but the person didn't see the slightest aging, as if frozen in time and space, he was still so noble and graceful and beautiful.

"Three years, what are you..."

Here again?Seeing that Bo Saixi wanted to ask questions, Ye Chen couldn't help but take out the Seagod Trident with the golden god pattern all over it and said: "Just go to some place to experience it, you can't see it." After all, he also encouraged himself to be level 80 The cultivation base of the spirit ring.

Upon seeing this, Bo Saixi thought it was the special'care' of the divine tool, so she didn't ask more at the moment, after all, if it was the Poseidon's arrangement, she would not care about it.

"It's level 80. It's time for you to take the next Promise Ten Test. Three years later, the tests of your companions have almost been completed. Ye Chen, you should finish the test as soon as possible."

Bo Saixi looked deeply at the person who missed every night, as if to eat half of it. In the past three years, she hadn’t found any news about the other party. She thought Ye Chen had already... but fortunately, that man again Reappeared before his eyes.

Turning his eyes to look at his right hand, Bo Saixi secretly swore: This time, I will not let you disappear again. Even if you are leaving Seagod Island, I will not miss any chance to be alone.

After thinking about it, Bo Saixi personally took Ye Chen and others and flew all the way down the mountain.

On the familiar stairs, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Bingdi had already cultivated above the 200th floor. Under Ye Chen's slight perception, after three years of reunion, the cultivation of these girls actually followed him. about there.

Rongrong is at level 85 and Zhuqing is also at level 83. They are both strong in Contra, especially the little girl with a peculiar mind, Ice Emperor. Her cultivation level at this moment has reached level 89 Contra. The excellent figure with severely inconsistent small face has not changed at all. As it said, she will always look like that well-developed little girl.

Seeing Ye Chen's breath, the three women who were cultivating with their eyes closed suddenly opened their eyes, and immediately eagerly looked in the direction where Ye Chen was.

They looked at each other for a while, but no one spoke, as if they were silent, but the violent fluctuations of their respective emotions did not collide with each other all the time.

Soon, Rong Rong Zhuqing and Bingdi stepped into the air for a short time. After rushing into Ye Chen's arms, they also slammed his solid chest, tearful eyes expressing the heavy yearning in their hearts.

Especially Bingdi, the little girl, used the most force, and every time he hits, he almost broke Ye Chen's breastbone, and she didn't know it hurt.

But even so, Ye Chen knew that the other party was caring about him, and immediately he just tightened his arms, letting her and Rong Rong Zhuqing make a mess.

For a while, until everyone from Shrek on the other side walked, the three girls reluctantly left Ye Chen's tender embrace.

"You are really fine, Ye Chen."

As soon as Dai Mubai reached the open space in front of the stairs, he wanted to slap Ye Chen on the shoulder, but the raised hand paused in the air for a long time, but after all, it did not fall.

Now the battle between the Star Luo Empire and Tiandou and Wuhundian has entered a white-hot stage, and the relationship between him and Ye Chen is special, so it is better to keep a distance as much as possible.

"Ye Chen, why are you at level 80, and your aura seems to only stay in the realm of Soul Sage, what have you been doing for the past three years? Why have your soul power increased so slowly?"

Oscar looked at Ye Chen today and couldn't help but speak out.

The relationship between him and Ye Chen was not so bad, and his girlfriend who was far away in the Star Luo Empire was only for Ye Chen to help him, but only because of Shrek’s relationship, he had to stand between Dai Mubai and Dai Mubai. On Tang San's side, but even so, he still felt good about Ye Chen, but the situation was compelling.

"Ahaha, there is no way, just did some cool things, but I am also working hard to cultivate."

Seeing Oscar Dai Mubai's eyes full of disbelief, Ye Chen had no choice but to shrug his shoulders. He did work very hard, alas!Baidu Novel

"Don't say useless words, complete the Ten Promise Test as soon as possible, now you just happen to be missing the eighth spirit ring."

Bo Saixi reminded him, and the Sea Dragon and Sea Horse Douluo who had been waiting a long time ago flew to Ye Chen's side, and the corners of their mouths moved slightly, as if they had a lot of words to say to him.

But the Poseidon test was the most important. After the seven people such as Hailong Haima forbeared the words in their hearts, only then did the eighth, ninth, and tenth test clearly speak out.

The Eighth Test of Promise: Cultivating the martial arts spirit to the level of the Nine Rings, beheading the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea, the time limit, five years!

Promise Ninth Test: Obtain the Poseidon Inheritance, pass the test of seven emotions, reshape the broken Poseidon’s heart, and obtain the Poseidon Godship!

Promise Tenth Test: Accept the personal blessing from the previous Seagod, and directly increase the original level by 3-7!

The tenth test is said to be a test, but when it comes to it, it is just a monstrous welfare. You must know that practicing to the Ninth Ring means reaching the Title Douluo level above 90. To reach this level, it is no longer necessary to upgrade to one level. Years and months can be done, unless the talent is excellent and the comprehension is outstanding, otherwise the ordinary Title Douluo can only improve by one or two levels at most.

As for the subsequent hierarchical roads, it is difficult to compare.

However, the Seagod’s personal blessing can be raised 3-7 levels above the title. If such a terrifying welfare is said, everyone on the Douluo Continent will be envious of Ye Chen.

But for this, Ye Chen himself couldn't help but frown. He didn't want to be a sea god, but this Promise Ten Test had to be completed, because the system sign-in task said he had to make Bo Saixi the Shanghai god. All this god Ye Chen had to come first.

Just thinking about it, a blue divine light suddenly emerged from the seven sacred pillars all over the Seagod Island, and immediately after shining on the surface of Ye Chen's body, the stocks exuded a huge red spirit ring with violent fluctuations, and suddenly appeared. The top of his head.

Upon seeing this, Hailong Douluo couldn't help but laugh with joy: "Ye Chen, quickly choose one to absorb. It is a spirit ring bestowed by gods for more than 100,000 years, and one of the crimson spirit rings has reached 300,000. This is the first time I have seen such a shocking scene at the age level.

The opposite of Hailong and Ye Chen has lost the arrogance of seniors, just like friends, let them quickly absorb the highest age god bestowed spirit ring.

On the side, Dai Mubai, Oscar and others looked at the three or four red spirit rings, and they all looked at each other. As soon as Ye Chen came back, he attracted the spirit ring from the Seagod to him for such a period of time. They couldn’t compare with such a privilege. .

Suddenly, Dai Mubai looked at Ye Chen's gaze again cautiously. Originally, he thought he had reached the powerful strength of the 91st Title Douluo, which was obviously far stronger than Ye Chen.

But now it seems that Seagod has high hopes for Ye Chen, even if he is only 80, the god bestowed spirit ring he can get is not less than one hundred thousand years.

Thinking of his own 80,000-year-old god bestowed spirit ring, even a 90-level spirit ring, it was only a few hundred thousand years old, Dai Mubai couldn't help being silent for a while, but remembering that he still has the inheritance of the Evil Eye Saint King. Once fully accepted, the level of each spirit ring will automatically increase for tens of thousands of years, so that's not bad.

After thinking about it, Dai Mubai's heart calmed down a lot under self-comfort.

"Ahem, the strongest is only 300,000 years, that, can I refuse to absorb it?"

Ye Chen said with some embarrassment, but when he heard this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Among them, Dai Mubai couldn't help but said in a strange voice: "Ye Chen, the eighth spirit ring is 300,000 years old. You should be content. Too old is not good for you. Be careful not to absorb it."

"Yeah, Ye Chen, 300,000-year-old spirit ring, I can't even think about it, my eighth spirit ring is only 60,000 years old."

Oscar persuaded, but what he said was sincere, all for Ye Chen's good.

But even so, Ye Chen shook his head and said, "Forget it, I won't absorb it, but it's okay to accept it as a spare."

After speaking, Ye Chen asked Bo Saixi, "Is there any way to store spirit rings? Maybe I want to open them someday and I will absorb them."

As soon as the voice fell, the 300,000-year-old crimson spirit ring suspended above his head suddenly shrank to the size of a ring, and automatically floated in front of Ye Chen's body.

Seeing this, everyone in Hailong Douluo and Dai Mubai on the side saw their mouths twitching, and immediately asked inwardly: Is this a different treatment?Could it be that God also does this kind of special?It's incredible.

"Well, I still have a second Wuhun without a spirit ring, look."

Ye Chen looked at Gao Tian and scratched his head, and said without shame.

"Excessive, Ye Chen, you can earn a 300,000-year backup spirit ring. How can you be so rude to ask Poseidon to bless you so much, give it up, there has never been this on Poseidon Island. Waiting for precedents, I also believe that His Royal Highness Seagod will not..."

Seahorse Douluo kept talking, but before he could finish his words, the remaining three ten thousand years, hundreds of thousands of years old spirit ring, but all shrunk, automatically entered Ye Chen's ring, obedient It makes people feel dazzled, but the facts are in front of them, there is nothing false.

Suddenly, Seahorse Douluo twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "No, isn't it, Seagod is your brother? Or is your relative, why is he so easy to talk?"

Ye Chen laughed helplessly for his question. He didn't know why Poseidon would treat him so well. It was really puzzling.

After putting away the spirit ring, Ye Chen planned to live with Rong Rong Zhuqing and the others on Seagod Island for more than a day or two. After that, he was leaving to find his eighth spirit ring. Their trial and practice had not yet ended, so this Once, I can't take them to act together, but for the time I haven't seen in three years, Ye Chen feels that it is better to stay a few more days to'account'.

Just thinking about it, a terrifying bloody breath suddenly spread from the sky. When Ye Chen, Gu Yuena and Bo Saixi looked up at the same time, they suddenly saw an embarrassed figure flying towards Seagod Island.

After seeing her landing steadily, Gu Yuena suddenly frowned Liu's eyebrows and said: "Di Tian, ​​why are you here?"

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